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Students are given fundamental theoretical training and practical skills in working with lasers, fibreoptics, and holographic methods of processing, transmission, storing, and displaying information.

The areas of specialization are as follows:

- laser measuring systems;

- optotechnology;

- laser and optical technology in medicine;

- optical information technologies;

- physics and optical communication technology.

Training is provided at the research institutes of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Science, and Siberian Research Institute of Optical Systems.

The major departments of the Faculty are the Department of Radioreceiving and Radio transmitting Devices; the Department of Theoretic Fundamentals of Radio Engineering; The Department of Design and Technology of Radioelectronic Aids; The Department of Semi conductor Devices and Microelectronics; The Department of Industrial Electronics; The Department of Electronic Devices; The Department of Optical Information Technologies.

The staff of the Faculty are more than 150 teachers and professors who conduct active research in the field of radio engineering, electronics and physics. 17 staff members hold D.Sc.degrees and more than 100 of them are Candidates of Science.

The Faculty offers graduate and postdoctoral programs leading to M.Sc., Cand.Sc., and D.Sc. in Engineering.

The graduates are given fundamental training in physics, mathematies, radio engineering, and electronics. They master the skills to work with up-to-date research and technological equipment.

Training is provided on the basis on the newest information and computer techologies.

Basic Vocabulary

radio engineering - радиотехника

radio equipment - радиоаппаратура

receiving devices and - приёмопередающие устройства

transmitting equipment

image and signal processing - обработка сигналов и изображений

antenna-feeder devices - антенно-фидерные устройства

emitting systems - излучающие системы

computer-aided design of - автоматизированное проектирование

electronic facilities электронных средств

radio engineering and devices - устройства радиотехники и

telecommunication телекоммуникаций

household and medical - бытовые и медицинские электронные

electronic facilities средства

microelectronics n - микроэлектроника

microwave microelectronics - СВЧ микроэлектроника и техника

and engineering

semiconductor devices - полупроводниковые приборы

microprocessor - микропроцессор

computer technology - вычислительная техника, средства;

pl. вычислительные технологии

sensor electronics - сенсорная электроника

guarding systems - системы охраны

measuring systems - измерительные приборы

space and fibre-optical - космическая и оптоволоконная связь


digital electronics circuits - схемы цифровой электроники

power devices - силовые устройства

electrotechnology - электротехнология

electric power engineering - электроэнергетика

electric drive - электропривод

transducer technology - преобразовательная техника

power electronics - силовая электроника

business electronics - бизнес-электроника

microwave furnaces - СВЧ печи

laser diagnostics - лазерная диагностика

engineering physics - техническая физика

nanoelectronics technology - технология наноэлектроники

element size - размер элемента

magnitude - величина

by an order of magnitude - на порядок величины

superconducting - полупроводниковый

optoelectronics - оптоэлектроника

ecological monitoring - экологический мониторинг

optotechnology n - оптотехника

fibreoptics - волоконная оптика

holographic methods - голографические методы

process v - обрабатывать (данные, информацию)

transmit v - передавать

store v - хранить (информацию)

optical information technology - техника оптической связи

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