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3) Choose the correct response:

1. He gave ________ the money.

a) him b) to him

2. She went ________ on Friday.

a) him b) to him

3. I will lend ________ my book.

a) him b) to him

4. You should give that shirt ________ .

a) her b) to her

5. You should give ________ that shirt.

a) her b) to her

6. I phoned ________ three times.

a) him b) to him

7. Are you talking ________?

a) me b) to me

8. I spoke ________ about the trip.

a) you b) to you

9. I didn't see ________ at the supermarket.

a) them b) to them

10. She did not tell ________ her name.

a) me b) to me

"there+ to be" (Present and Past Simple)

1) Fill There is or There are in the gaps below.

1. _______________ five pens in the box.

2. _______________ a car in the garage.

3. _______________ some books on the table.

4. _______________ a telephone in the bedroom.

5. _______________ two tables in the kitchen.

6. _______________ many birds in that tree.

7. _______________ a magazine on the floor.

8. _______________ four chairs in the room.

9. _______________ seven days in a week.

10. _______________ a drink in the fridge.

2) Add there is or there are to the following sentences.

Example: There are many stars in the sky.

1. ________________ a fly in my soup. (There is, There are)

2. ________________ many parks in New York. (There is, There are)

3. ________________ any tigers in Africa. (There isn't, There aren't)

4. ________________ lots of hotels in big cities. (There is, There are)

5. ________________ a bank near here? (Is there, Are there)

6. ________________ life on Mars? (Is there, Are there)

7. ________________ a telephone I can use? (Is there, Are there)

8. ________________ a football game tomorrow. (There is, There are)

9. ________________ 8 students in my class. (There is, There are)

10. ________________ many people my town. (There isn't, There aren't)

3) Fill in all the gaps

1.______________ a lot of traffic in Valencia.

2.______________ anywhere to park around here?

3.______________ much sugar.

4.______________ enough time to finish?

5.______________ a few bananas and a few apples.

6.______________ only one way to solve this problem.

7.______________ anyone here who wants to volunteer?

8.______________ many tigers left in the world.

9.______________ a lot of information available on this issue.

10.______________ any public buses in Los Angeles?

Many, much, few, little

1) Fill in the blanks with much/many or a few/a little.

Example: My mother has got ____ bracelets not many. (key = a few)

1. Not a lot, only _________ .

2. No, I prefer to wear tank tops. I only have _________ dress shirts.

3. May I borrow _________ books about economics from you?

4. I wash all my clothes, but I only iron _________ of them.

5. I tried on _________ pairs of high heels, but I bought a pair of sneakers.

6. I only carry money and my glasses in my handbag.

7. I love swimming very _________ .

8. I have _________ scarves. I like to wear them when it's cold outside.

9. I have got _________ friends abroad, not many.

10. I don't like to wear a lot of jewelry, but I put on _________ make-up every day.

11. I don't have _________ pairs of pants.

12. I bring _________ water when I go shopping.

13. How _________ money do you have?

14. How _________ jewelry do you have?

15. How _________ does that cost?

16. How _________ do you swim in a training session?

17. Do you wear _________ blouses?

18. Do you have _________ denim in your closet?

19. Do you carry _________ things in your purse?

20. Are all your undershirts dirty? No, there are _________ left in my closet.

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