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English Composition (Английская композиция).doc
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2.5. Writing the first draft

Now on to the first draft of your essay. The writing should go rather quickly. After all, you have a topic you're qualified to write about, a thesis statement that indicates your purpose, enough information to develop it, and a written plan to follow.

But sometimes when you sit down to write, the words won't come; and all you can do is doodle or stare at the blank page. Perhaps the introduction is the problem. Many writers are terrified by the thought of the opening paragraph. They want to get off to a good start but can't figure out how to begin. If this happens to you, additional brainstorming or freewriting can make you more comfortable and may suggest an opening. Keep in mind that any lead-in you write now can be changed later. If these suggestions don't solve your problem, skip the introduction for the time being. Once you have drafted the body of the paper, an effective opening should come more easily.

Here are some general suggestions for writing a first draft:

  1. Stack your thesis statement, flexible notes, and written plan in front of you. They will start you thinking.

  1. Skip every other line (double-space) and leave wide margins. Then you'll have room to revise later.

  1. Write quickly; capture the drift of your thoughts. Concentrate on content and organization. Get your main points and supporting details on paper in the right sequence. Don't spend time correcting grammatical or punctuation errors, improving your language, or making the writing flow smoothly. You might lose your train of thought and end up doodling or staring again.

  2. Take breaks at logical dividing points, for example, when you finish discussing a key point. Before you start to write again, scan what you've written.

Now for some specific suggestions that will help you with the actual writing:

  1. Rewrite your thesis statement at the top of your first page to break the ice and build momentum.

  1. Write your first paragraph, introducing your essay and stating your thesis. If you get stuck here, move on to the rest of the paper.

  1. Follow your plan as you write. Begin with your first main point and work on each section in turn.

  2. Look over the supporting details listed under the first heading in your flexible notes. Write a topic sentence stating the central idea of the paragraph.

  1. Turn the details into sentences; use one or more sentences to explain each one. Add other related details, facts, or examples if they occur to you.

  1. When you move from one paragraph to the next, try to provide a transitional word or sentence that connects the two.

  2. Write your last paragraph, ending your essay in an appropriate fashion. If you get stuck, set your conclusion aside and return to it later.

Writing a draft isn't always so systematic. If you are inspired, you may want to abandon your plans and simply use your first draft to explore ideas. You can always revise, so don't be overly concerned if you get off track. You might uncover some of your best material during this type of search.

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