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Time linkers

Use while, as and when to show that two actions happen at the same time.

A black cat crossed my path while / as / when I was walking down the street.

Use the moment, as soon as and when to show that one action happens immediately after another action.

I crossed the road the moment / as soon as / when I saw the black cat.

Use by the time to show that one action has happened before another.

I'd had three different accidents by the time I got home.

Ex.75 Look at these extracts from the bad luck stories. One of the three time linkers in italics in each sentence is wrong. Underline it. Then explain why it is wrong.

1. Thomas Milnik found out that he'd lost his job while / as_/ after doctors at the hospital were deciding whether to cut off six of his toes.

2. The 41-year-old hiker was climbing in the Alps as soon as / when / as it suddenly started to


3. He was eventually rescued five days later the moment / after / when workers at a research station heard his cries for help.

4. A woman had to be rescued by police yesterday when / after / as soon as her son locked her out on the balcony.

5. The mother could only watch as/while/ after her son walked to the sofa, climbed up on to it and then fell asleep.

6. The egg continued to cook until the owner of the car discovered it two hours later. By the time/ When / the moment he found it, the fried egg had burned into the paint.

Ex.76 Complete the article using appropriate time linkers from the language box.

Police arrested two burglars last night (1) ____________ they jumped into a police car thinking it was their getaway car.

Police say that the two men had planned to break into two houses on the same street that night. They had arranged to meet a third man on the corner of the street (2) ______ they had finished in the second house.

The policeman who was driving the car, said: 'They only realized it was the wrong car (3)________they were actually sitting in the back of it. But (4)_________they realized it was a police car, it was too late. I'd locked the doors, and they couldn't get out.'

EX.77 Choose the best time linker to complete the sentences.

1 Kate phoned the moment / while you were having a bath.

2 The moment / While I found the bag, I phoned the police.

3 I'd had three different job offers while / by the time I left my old job.

4 While / As soon as they met, they fell in love.

5 As / By the time I was driving to Cornwall, the countryside became more beautiful and green.

EX.78 Read the two articles. Find and correct six mistakes with time linkers. More than one answer is possible.


A couple decided to go away for the weekend in their motor home. By the time they were taking a walk, a thief paid them a visit. While they got back, they noticed that something was wrong, so they took a look around. They found a man in the bushes being violently sick. It appeared that the thief had tried to steal petrol from the motor home using suction and a plastic tube. Unfortunately, he'd connected the tube to the toilet tank instead of the petrol tank. As soon as the police arrived, the ambulance had already taken the thief away.


Two ten-year-old girls were seriously reprimanded by the police yesterday for playing tricks on customers of the Garden Cafe in Swansea. The girls would wait while customers ate their sandwiches. While they threw away the plastic boxes the sandwiches came in, the girls would secretly refill them with 'new' sandwiches made of grass, leaves and flowers. The two would then go into the cafe and by the time the staff was not looking, they would put the 'new' sandwiches back on the cool shelves. The girls would then go back outside and watch as customers ate their sandwiches. Kate Waters and Pia Fine said they were sorry and hadn't wanted to hurt anybody. They confessed, 'It was so funny to watch the faces of people as they tried the sandwiches. One man had eaten half a sandwich the moment he noticed he was eating grass.

Ex. 79 Choose the correct answer.

1 Не went to bed ... ß ... he had brushed his teeth.

А before В after С while

2 I was watching television………the doorbell rang

А when В as soon as С while

3 She ……… hadn't finished the washing-up when the guests arrived.

А yet В just С still

4 We had bееn walking for hours……… we reached the campsite.

А since B for C before

5 John was repairing the саr …… .... Steve was tidying the garage.

A while B before C after

6 We went to Spain оn holiday

А tomorrow В next уеаr C last уеаr

7 I fell asleep ……… I closed mу eyes.

А just В as soon as С already

8 ………. did Jane and Ted get married?

А How long В How long ago С While

9 She hasn't seen Jim………she left school.

А for В just С since

10 Не won't go home ……… he has finished his work.

А how long В until С yet

11 I have lived in Kent ……… ten years now.

А since В fоr С before

12 We haven't finished work ………. .

А yet В until С just

13 ……… did Tina mееt Steve?

А How long В How long ago С While


Ex.80 Work as a class. Look at the pictures. They show the start of another bad luck story. Take turns to continue the story one sentence at a time.

A: Jane was getting ready for an important date.

B: She was putting on her make-up when suddenly a black cat jumped ontothe table.

C: Unfortunately, when the cat jumped on to the table, it smashed the mirror.

D: As Jane bent down to pick up the mirror, she banged her head on the table.


Ex. 81 Read the information about superstitions and answer these questions.

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