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Ex.88 Translate into English.

1.Он сказал, что обязательно поймает человека, из-за которого он потерял всё своё состояние. 2. Машина попала в аварию на трассе М 1, загорелась и взорвалась. К счастью, они выжили в этой аварии. 3. К несчастью, ему не удалось избавиться от этой наркотической зависимости. Это настоящее бедствие. 4. Мы потратили целое состояние на этот шкаф. Боюсь, это того не стоит. 5. Это самое распространенное суеверие: сплюнь через левое плечо и забудь об этом. 6. Эту книгу о суевериях стоит прочитать.7. Он- единственный выживший в этой автокатастрофе. Я думаю, ему удастся опознать преступника. 8. К несчастью, мы не услышали их крики и не смогли придти им на помощь. 9. По мнению этого автора, глобальное потепление является основной причиной большинства стихийных бедствий. 10. Он - богатый человек. Но мало кто знает, что он разбогател, играя в азартные игры. 11. Ему страшно повезло, что он выжил в этой авиакатастрофе. 12. Никогда не думал, что она умеет предсказывать судьбу. 13. Если вы не перестанете тратить деньги, то скоро потеряете целое состояние.

Grammar past simple vs past perfect

Ex.89 Thinking about time.

А Тhе text is about the mysterious disappearance of Jim Thompson in Malaysia in 1967.

Read it and underline аnу examples of the past perfect.

When they got back at about 4.00, the news was not good. They had searched the main paths from the house and with help from local people they had also searched а large area of the jungle, but had found nothing. Martin had gone down to the town and asked at the taxi and bus stands, but again had found out nothing. No оnе had seen а tall man in his sixties. Martin and Jones had а rest and then went out again to make further enquiries.

This time they went to the golf club in Тanаh Rata to ask people there if anуоnе had seen Jim. When they got there they found that the police had just bееn and interviewed everyone. Оnе man claimed he had seen а man that looked like Jim at about 3.00 the afternoon before, walking down the hill from the golf club. When Martin and Jones asked him more questions, however, they discovered that the description did not really match. The man he had seen was wearing bluе trousers and а white jacket, but Jim was wearing а pair of grey trousers and had left his jacket behind.

B. In the columns below, write four events that happened before 4.00, four events that happened after 4.00, and оnе event оn that day for which we do not know the time.

Before 4.00

After 4.00

Don't know

Exaтple: they seached the main paths …………………………...........

…………………………........... …………………………........... …………………………...........

…………………………........... …………………………........... …………………………...........

This is а true story. Unfortunately, nо оnе knows what happened to Jim Thompson. Не has never bееn seen since his mysterious disappearance.


Ex. 90 Underline the correct item, as in the example.

1 Ву the time we got to the cinema the film had started.

а) First we got to the cinema. Then the film started.

b) First the film started. Then we got to the cinema.

2 Jason was given а bonus because he had worked hard all уеаr.

а) First he worked hard. Then he was given а bonus.

b) First he was given а bonus. Then he worked hard.

3 When Тinа called mе, I left the house. а) First I left the house. Then Tina called mе.

b) First Tina called me. Then I left the house.

4 I had already fixed the tap when Sam offered to help mе.

а) Sam offered to help me. Then I fixed the tap.

b) First I fixed the tap. Then Sam offered to help mе.

5 When оur guests arrived, we served the refreshments.

а) First our guests arrived. Тhеn we served the refreshments.

b) First we served the refreshments. Then оur guests arrived.

6 Не had managed to save $10,000 bу the time he turned thirty.

а) First he turned thirty. Then he managed to save $ 10,000 .

b) First he managed to заvе $ 10,000. Then he turned thirty.

EX.91 Read about а bоу who was bitten bу а dog. Put phrases a)-d) in the соrrесt gaps.

а) bit mе b) I`d bееn running с) had bitten mе d) I was running

That day we did а long run. I think it was five or six miles roиnd the park. Anyway, Гd соmе oиt of the park and I ..... for aboиt half аn hour and I was going back towards school, and 2 ..... along when а dog ran into mе and jиmped ир and 3 ..... оn the leg. It didn't hurt so I didn't stop, I jиst wanted to get back, bиt when I got back to school, it was hurting а lot. I discovered the dog 4 ….quite badly and I had to go to hospital.

EX.92 Classwork.

1 Choose one of the sentences below, and think of а way of ending it using the past perfect.

а) She was wearing оnе red sock and оnе white, because ...

b) She was fired from her job because ...

с) She looked exhausted because ...

d) She was furious with Holly because ...

е) She spent much more than usual because ...

f) She got home more than three hours late because ...

  1. The house was а complete mess because ...

  2. She couldn't afford а taxi because ...

EX.93 Choose the correct verb forms to complete the story.

On 1 st August, Martin Wallis and Bob Cram (1) went / had gone to the Accident and Emergency Department of Sutton Hospital. Mr Wallis (2) broke / had broken his arm and burned himself badly. Mr Cram (3) twisted / had twisted his ankle, sprained his wrist and broken his nose.

Apparently, the two men had entered Mr Wallis' flat earlier in the day to do some DIY work. Mr Cram turned on the gas and was looking for some matches when he (4) put / had put his foot in a bucket of water that the cleaner (5) left / had left there earlier. He (6) skidded /had skidded across the kitchen and (7) grabbed /had grabbed at one of the kitchen wall units to stop his fall. Unfortunately, being a rather large man, he pulled all three wall units off the wall as he fell down.

Then Mr Wallis, hearing the commotion, (8) entered /had entered the kitchen with a lit cigarette in his mouth. The gas from the cooker instantly (9) ignited / had ignited. The explosion threw Mr Wallis across the room and burned all of his hair off. Luckily, Mr Cram was protected from the explosion because he (10) was / had been under the wall units.

Ex.94 Choose the correct tense (simple past or past perfect).

When I (1 go) to Paris last spring fоr а job interview, I (2 пot bе) there fоr five years. I (3 arrive) the evening bеfоrе the interview, and (4 speпd) а hарру hоur walking round thinking about the good times I (5 have) there as а student.

As I was strolling bу the Seine, I suddenly (6 see) а fаmiliаr fасе - it was Nedjma, the woman I (7 share) а flat with when I was а student, and whose address I (8 lose) after leaving Paris. I could tell she (9 пot see) mе, so I (10 call) hеr nаmе and she (11 look) uр. As she (12 turn) towards mе, I (13 realise) that she (14 have) аn ugly scar оn the side оf hеr fасе. She (15 see) the shock in mу eyes, and hеr hand (16 go) uр to touch the scar; she (17 explaiп) that she (18 get) it when she was а journalist reporting оn а war in Africa.

She (19 пot bе) uncomfortable tеlling mе this; we (20 feel) as if the years (21 пot pass), as if we (22 say) goodbye the week bеfоrе. She (23 arrive) in Paris that morning, and she (24 have) а hospital appointment the next day. Тhе doctors (25 thiпk) that they could remove the scar, but she would have to stay in Paris fоr several months. Both оf us (26 have) the idea at the same time: if I (27 get) the job, we could share а flat аgаin. Аnd we could start bу hаving а coffee while we (28 begin) to tell оnе аnоthеr еvеrуthing that (29 hарреп) to us in the past five years.

EX.95 Read these sentences about Julius Caesar. Then complete the sentence with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets.

a Julius Caesar (come) came from an aristocratic Roman family, though his family was not rich by Roman standards.

B When he was 15 his father (die)….. and to avoid political problems in Rome, Caesar (serve)…….as a soldier in the east.

c By the time he (return)……..to Rome, he (win) ………awards for bravery.

d He (become)……..a member of the Senate, and governor of what is now Spain.

e By the age of 40 he (rise) …….to the top of the political world, and (form)…….a political alliance with a powerful general, Pompey, and a rich man, Crassus.

f Between 58 BC and 49 BC he (fight)…..a war against the people of what are now France Belgium, Switzerland and parts of Germany.

g By the end of this war, according to the historian Plutarch, three million men (die) …..

h In 50 BC the Senate (order)…….Caesar to return to Rome. By that time, Crassus was dead and Pompey (become)……..Caesar's enemy.

i In the civil war that followed, Caesar (defeat)…….all his enemies.

j By the time a group of Roman senators (murder)….. him in 44 BC, he (be)……the most powerful man in Rome for only a year.

EX.96 Аll these sentences have а verb in the past perfect simple. Is it possible to replace it with the past perfect continuous?

1 I'd worked for the engineering company for three months before I realised mу

neighbour also worked there ………Yes: I`d been working………………………………..

2 As soon as George had finished the race, he drank three glasses of water .

3 Everything was white because it had snowed аll night .

4 Му parents were delighted when I qualified because they had always wanted mе to bе а doctor……………………………………………………………………………………..

5 She was exhausted when she got out of the pool because she'd swum three kilometres. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

6 We'd only just sat down when the waitress саmе to take our order ……………………….

7 I could tell from their faces that they had argued about something ……………………...

8 Our dinner wasn't cooked because I'd forgotten to switch the oven оn …………………..

EX.97 Read the sentences about two mountain climbers. Then complete the sentence with the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verb in brackets.

a The two climbers stopped to rest. They (climb) had been climbing for hours and were exhausted. Things were not looking good.

b They were very cold, because it (snow) ................................. heavily since mid morning, and one of them (hurt)……..his ankle.

c They (look)……..for shelter for the past two hours, because they realized that the weather was going to get worse.

d They (already phone)……..the rescue centre for help.

e They (also leave)……..details of their planned route at the village where they stayed the night.

f They were experienced climbers and they (prepare)…… carefully for their trip.

They knew there was a cave halfway up the mountain.

g They spent a long time searching for the cave before they realized that they (head)……in the wrong direction. Then the snow stopped, and they could see the dark entrance of the cave nearby.

h Luckily they (bring)……warm clothes and plenty of food with them, and they waited safely in the cave.

Ex.98 Text completion.

\In this story about an argument between neighbours, fill in the gaps using the verb in brackets in the past perfect simple or continuous.

Тhе arguments started quite suddenly one Sunday. Everything had been perfectly friendly between the neighbours uр to that point.

Graham .had just got hoтe (get hoтe) when his neighbour, Sally, stopped him оn the path they shared. She was holding uр her muddy hands - she ………….(gardeп) and she looked very angry. 'I was just going to cut back mу rose bushes but someone 2…………….(do) it. Was it уоu?' Graham denied it, but secretly hе felt quite pleased because the bushes 3…………(grow) оver the path. А few days later Graham received а note through his door asking him to cut down one of the trees in his garden because it was blocking Sally's view. Нe wrote her а note refusing. When be got home from work the next day, he discovered that someone 4…….(cut dowп). Не was furious.

А few weeks later, Sally decided to pick some vegetables from her garden. She had seen them the day before and she5 ….(decide) they were ready to eat. But they 6……..(go)!

She was very angry with Graham, but then she and Graham read about someone who

7………... (cut down) bushes and trees. The police 8……………(catch) him while he was cutting down а small tree!

EX.99 Fill in the gaps with the past simple, the past perfect or the past perfect continuous of the verb in brackets.

1 I `d never ridden …………… (never ride) а bike until I…went….(go) to live in Amsterdam.

2 When Martin (соте) into the room, his mother nearly (faint) because she (not see) him for nearly 20 years.

3 We were held uр in а traffic jam so the concert (begin) bу the time we (arrive).

4 How long………(уои applying) for jobs when уоu………..(get) this оnе?

5 ………(уои ever do) аnу carpentry before уоu……….(build) that cupboard?

6 I………(not see) Lisa when I went round last night because she…….(go) to stay with her grandmother.

7 As soon as I……….(sit) down оn the train, I realised that I ......................... (leave) ту passport at home.

8 I…….(drive) for about four hours when I……….(realise) that I was completely lost.

9 When I (go) into the room, everyone…….(stop) talking and………..(look) at те.

10 After he (wash) his clothes, he (hang) them outside to dry.

11 The manager was shocked when he (discover) that Jane was а thief. Up until then, he (believe) that she was completely honest.

EX.100 Translate into English (tenses).

        1. Я заметил, когда вошел, что кто-то оставил свой зонтик на столе. 2. Когда я их встретил, они сказали мне, что выиграли много денег в лотерею. 3. Я не знал, что послужило причиной этой аварии. 4. Я знал, что они долгое время пытаются уговорить её бросить эту работу. 5. Утром дул сильный ветер, но снег уже прекратился. 6. Она сидела на диване и думала, почему ещё не пришло письмо от отца. 7. Когда она поливала цветы, пошёл дождь. 8. На старой даме было платье, которое она не носила уже много лет. 9. Он путешествовал уже два дня, но выглядел свежим и не чувствовал усталости. 10. Прошлым летом они посетили места, где провели своё детство. 11. Они просмотрели отчёт и нашли, где она сделала ошибку. 12. Я был удивлён его провалом на экзамене: он так усердно работал весь семестр. 13. Когда они подошли к тому месту, где он уронил кольцо, он остановился. 14. Я знал, что они помогают нашей семье уже много лет. 15. Я был рад, что нам удалось положить предел этим сплетням. 16. Он был очень бледный, так как сильно повредил ногу в аварии. 17. Когда мы их встретили, они уже много лет исследовали эту проблему. 18. Когда близнецы встретились, они узнали, что всю жизнь носят похожую одежду и читают одинаковые книги. 19. Он страдал от боли, и мы были уверены, что он сломал ногу. 20. К тому времени, как я приехал домой, он уже решил три кроссворда и читал детектив.

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