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Ex. 8 Fill in the gaps

according to(3); solution(2); regular; cause(2); income; locals; mate; addiction; addicted; popular; gamble; solve; won;

1. The improved atmosphere persuaded some foreign investors to……on the recovery. 2……George she`s a really good teacher. 3. There is a growing problem of drug …….. in our country. 4. Ice on the road was the …….. of the accident. 5. He finally came up with …….. 6. We should try to play the game …….. the rules. 7. Don‘t complain without ……..8. It doesn‘t take long to become …….. to these drugs. 9. I asked one of the …….. which way to go 10. We bought a second car. It was the …….. to all our problems. 11. Half of our ……. goes on rent 12. He …….. $4000 in the lottery last week. 13. Do you tell your …….. everything? 14. Her face was beautiful with …….. features. 15. He is hugely …….. with fans. 16. Can you …….. the riddle? 17. We will be paid …….. to the amount of work we do.

EX.9 Replace the words in italics using Active vocabulary

locals; regular; income; hit the jackpot; mates; according to; cause of; gambled away; solve; caused; addicted; causing; wins; addicted;

1. He risked and lost the fortune his parents left him. 2. He wrote an essay on the events that lead to the First World War. 3. I asked some people who lived in that area which way to go. 4. Her friends are waiting for her by the gate. 5. Do you want the ordinary size or this big one? 6. Can you find an explanation to this mystery? 7. These families have no source of money when the harvest is over. 8. At the age of 10, he`s already unable to free himself from television. 9. As George says, she is a very good teacher. 10. His illness lead him to miss the game. 11. Quite unexpectedly he won a lot of money in the lottery. 12. He was arrested for making a disturbance. 13. I play tennis against her every week, but she always defeats me. 14. She says she is unable to give up smoking.

EX.10 Study the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

According to; to spend on; tax on; to end up; to invest in; in the end; to be struck by; to recover from; for instance; to find out; just in case; to be popular with; to pay for; to come in; to have a drink with smb; people on low incomes; to come up on the TV; to win in/on the lottery; chance of;

EX.11 Fill in the gaps with prepositions

  1. They eventually came round to our way (…) thinking. 2. This washing machine should pay (…) itself (…) a year. 3. We didn`t like it (…) first, but we ended (…) cheering. 4. We set (…) (…) Newcastle but ended (…) (…) Scotland. 5. He tried several times to pass the exam, and (…) the end he succeeded. 6. The country had not yet recovered (…) the effects (…) the war. 7. According (…) Tom, she is a very good doctor. 8. He spent all his winnings (…) a slap-up meal. 9. He spent a pleasant hour or two having drinks (…) his mates (…) the local. 10. I never miss a chance (…) playing football. 11. What are the chances (…) getting an interview (…) her? 12. This singer is hugely popular (…) his fans. 13. I`ll cook plenty (…) potatoes just (…) case they decide to stay (…) dinner. 14. We are spending a lot more (…) food than we used to. 15. You can`t rely (…) her: for instance, she arrived an hour late (…) an important meeting yesterday. 16. I won`t tell you – you`ll have to find (…) (…) yourself. 17. There are exemptions and benefits (…) people (…) low incomes. 18. They are planning to impose a tax (…) betting. 19. I`ve decided to invest (…) a new car. 20. There is very little money coming (…) (…) present. 21. He won 400 (…) the lottery yesterday. 22. The winning numbers came (…) (…) the TV and he found (…) he`d won. 23. He was struck (…) her air (…) confidence.

EX.12 Translate into Russian

1. At the age of 13, he`s already a confirmed television addict. 2. We will be paid according to the amount of work we do. 3. According to these figures, the company is doing well. 4. The patient`s condition is giving cause to concern. 5. Do not complain without good cause. 6. This car has caused me a lot of trouble. 7. The police regularly raid these gambling places. 8. People on fixed incomes are hurt by inflation. 9. Plant the seeds at regular intervals. 10. They keep regular hours. 11. He saw a group of regulars drinking in the bar. 12. They meet regularly to discuss business. 13. I asked one of the locals where the post office was. 14. I can`t win his friendship, though I`ve tried. 15. I never win at tennis. 16. The winning team was given a silver cup. 17. She won third place. 18. Her workmates waited for her by the door. 19. There are no simple solutions to the unemployment problem. 20. Can you solve this problem? 21. You don`t stand a chance of winning the case.

EX.13 Translate into English

1.Водитель автобуса ездит очень неосторожно. Он рискует жизнями своих пассажиров. 2. Операция - это всегда риск. 3. Согласно нашим записям, все книги, которые Вы взяли в библиотеке, должны быть возвращены завтра. 4. Не волнуйтесь: эта игра хоть и азартная, но она разрешена в этом штате. 5. Наша благотворительная организация всегда собирает деньги на правое дело. Сейчас они помогают голодающим в Африке. 6. Он – причина всех моих несчастий. Ещё в детстве он пристрастился к азартным играм и тратит на них огромные деньги. 7. Их сыну всего одиннадцать, а он не может ни дня провести без телевизора. 8. После работы они часто заходят в паб рядом с домом. 9. По статистике, бедные люди чаще играют в лотерею, чем обеспеченные. 10. Он постоянно получает письма от людей, которые читали его книги. 11. В конечном итоге его лошадь пришла первой и он выиграл много денег. 12. Его будущее поставлено на карту. Если он выиграет, это будет решением всех его проблем. 13. Если не знаешь дорогу, спроси у местных жителей. 14. Игра в азартные игрыосновной источник его дохода. 15. Этот парк пользуется большой популярностью у местных жителей. 16. Он живёт не по средствам. Мне кажется, что это - причина всех его проблем. 17. Он никогда не был ябедником и снискал любовь и уважение своих товарищей по работе. 18. Том - низкооплачиваемый работник, и я не думаю, что он найдёт быстрое решение своих денежных проблем. 19. Мы поможем тебе решить твои финансовые проблемы и надеемся, что в конце концов, ты оправишься от шока. 20. Майкл говорит, что у неё правильные черты лица, но красавицей её нельзя назвать.

EX.14 Complete the conversation with words or phrases from the box.

scratchcards jackpot raise money charities

a lot at stake against the odds win the lottery

Alf: This is serious. The club now owes the bank £250,000. There's (1)………here. No money means no football club!

Brian: £250,000! How on earth can we (2)………of that sort?

Charlie: Easy! Rob a bank or (3)………

Alf: Our chances of winning the lottery are one in three million - totally (4)………

Charlie: How about (5)………? I Like them because you know straight away if you've won or not.

Brian: I've got an idea .......... maybe there are some(6)……….that help sports clubs.

Alf: We're hardly a priority, are we? But maybe we could find a local business to sponsor.

Brian: Wait a second! Jason ... Jason Sewell.

Alf &

Charlie: From school?

Brian: Yeah. He won a lottery (7)……….worth £7 million ten years ago. He's a billionaire now and a big football fan.

Charlie: Terrific! He's our man.

EX.15 Web research task

Surf the Net and find stories of people who won a lottery somewhere in the world. Make notes about four or five people`s lives after winning – did their lives change?

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