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His story coincides with the facts. Его рассказ соответствует фактам. Coincidence (n) 1)совпадение 2) случайное стечение обстоятельств; strange coincidence - странное стечение обстоятельств;

by coincidence

common (a) - 1) общий, совместный (language, efforts, interests, cause); 2) общеизвестный, общепринятый (error, use); 3) простой, грубый, вульгарный (manners, expression, look).

to have sth in common – иметь что-либо общее

Listening 4b

mind (v) - 1) (в вопросительных или отрицательных предложениях, в утвердительном ответе) возражать, быть против;

Do you mind if I open the window? Do you mind my opening the window?

2) обращать внимание, считаться;

Don`t mind me – Не обращай на меня внимания.

Never mind – Не волнуйся, не беда.

Mind your own business. – Не вмешивайся в чужие дела.

mind - разум, ум;

Her mind is filled with dreams of becoming a great actress.

have sth on your mindиметь что-то на уме, быть в мыслях.

to come to (to cross) one`s mind – прийти в голову

It crossed my mind that she was right.

to make up one`s mind – решиться, принять решение.

to change one`s mind – передумать

absent-minded – рассеянный

light – minded – легкомысленный

open – minded / broad – minded – с широким кругозором

narrowmindedс узким кругозором

He made up his mind to be a dentist.

to be in two minds – не могу решить, не знаю, что делать

4) worth (n) - 1) ценность, значение;

discoveries of great worth;

to be of no worth – не иметь никакой ценности;

worth (a) - стоящий, имеющий ценность, заслуживающий внимания

Be worth doing – стоит сделать

It‘s worth mentioning, remembering, seeing.

The film was definitely worth seeing.

This gallery is worth a visit. / worth visiting

They worked hard but it was worth it.

The painting is worth thousands of pounds.

5) separate (v)– отделять, различать (from), разделять

The child may be separated from his mother until she receives treatment.

separate – отдельный, изолированный;

My brother and I always had separate rooms.

EX.48 Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right.

  1. Mind

  2. Common

  3. to coincide

  4. To be worth doing

  5. To separate

1 to happen at the same time as sth else

2 your intelligence and ability to understand things

3 To keep people or things apart from each other

4 ordinary, with no special status or rank

5 used for saying that there is a good reason for doing sth, because it is useful

EX.49 Fill in the gaps

worth; in common with; minds; coincide (2); common (2); mind (3); coincidence; worth (2); separated;

1. The most …….. criticism was that he was always late. 2. I don`t think they`ve got so much ……. their neighbours. 3 Our views on this issue …….. closely with those of the British government. 4. His …….. was full of the things he had seen that day. 5. My grandmother`s …….. is failing. 6. The fire destroyed millions of pounds…… of equipment. 7. It was rather a …….. that she appeared at that exact moment. 8. It is their …….. mistake. 9. I am in two ……. about accepting the job. 10. The building must be ……. a fortune. 11. Do you …….. my taking this book? 12. This book is definitely …….. reading. 13 Their tastes never …….14. They were great friends and could not be……..

EX.50 Replace the words in italics using active vocabulary.

coincide; on his mind; don`t mind; one of the finest minds; is worth fighting for; separated; made up his mind; be worth; common (3); is worth reading;

1. In that century ordinary people could neither read nor write. 2. He is one of the most intelligent people in physics today. 3. The painting must cost a fortune. 4. I am not against your doing the work. 5. You should read the book. 6. The arrivals of the boat and the train are supposed to happen at the same time. 7. The most frequent criticism was that he was always late. 8. I wonder what he is thinking about. 9. We should fight for our freedom. 10. The two friends parted and went in different directions at the crossroads. 11. He decided to support us.

EX.51 Study the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

by coincidence; to have sth in common; to be on one`s mind; to be in two minds; to be of no worth; to identify with the original; to be late for; to be popular in job/at school; to sign up for; a regular at; to come in for a drink; to be/do good at; to separate from;

EX.52 Fill in the gaps with prepositions

1. Eventually, we found (…) that this discovery was (…) no worth. 2. (…) coincidence, his teaching contract finished (…) about the same time his first book was published. 3. She decided to sign (…) (…) music school. 4. There was an attempt to sign (…) more men (…) the police force, but not many signed (…). 5. We want them to come (…) (…) a drink tonight. 6. He`s doing pretty good (…) his new job. 7. He wasn`t really popular (…) his last job. 8. He`s a regular (…) the local pub. 9. Tom and I have nothing (…) common. 10. I`m (…) two minds (…) accepting the job. 11. You seem quiet today. Do you have something (…) your mind? 12. Most (…) these writers identify mind (…) consciousness. 13. His political skill separates him (…) other ultra-conservative politicians. 14. It`s times like these that separate the men (…) the boys. 15. He is always late (…) classes.

EX.53 Translate into Russian.

1. Mind where you put your feet. 2. She looks very worried; I wonder what`s on her mind. 3. It never crossed my mind to ask you. 4. John thinks we should go to Scotland for our holiday, but I am still in two minds about it. 5. Our interests happened to coincide. 6. By a curious coincidence, my husband and I have the same birthday. 7. It is no coincidence that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery. 8. In common with most young people he hates getting up in the morning. 9. It is now quite common for women to hold managerial jobs. 10. The agreement was not worth the paper it was written on. 11. We may not succeed, but it is worth a try. 12. After his unkindness, I know the true worth of his friendship. 13. As we joined the big crowd I got separated from my friends. 14. She`s been warned on three separate occasions that the standard of her work is not good enough. 15. Lengthy separation of the boy from his mother could lead to psychological problems. 16. The body had been badly burned so identification was difficult. 17. She identified herself to the police as the driver of the vehicle.

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