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Анг. яз. для сферы туризма И.А. Иващенко.doc
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Complex Subject (Субъектный инфинитивный оборот)


Местоимение в объектном падеже + сказуемое + инфинитив + другие слова

В качестве сказуемого употребляются:

а) глаголы в пассивном залоге: to believe, to consider, to know, to hold, to state, to think, to say, to estimate, to as­sume, to report и т.д.

TV time is said to be very expensive.

Говорят, что телевизионное время очень дорого.

б) глаголы в активном залоге: to seem, to appear, to turn out, to happen, to prove (казаться, оказываться, по-видимому)

TV time appears to be very expensive.

Оказывается, что телевизионное время очень дорого.

в) выражения: to be likely (вероятно), to be unlikely (малове­роятно), to be sure/certain (несомненно)

They are likely to travel about Europe.

Вероятно, они путешествуют по Европе.

3. Read and translate the following sentences. State the Infinitive forms.

  1. The second goal of tourist promotion is known to increase the size of the market.

  2. The familiarization trip turns out to mean different things to different people.

  3. He is believed to have spent 5 years in Europe.

  4. Organizations are likely to invest in familiarization trips.

  5. Brochures were supposed to have been mailed by travel agents.

  6. Winter holidays are reported to have heavily promoted the spread of tourism more evenly throughout the year.

4. Find in text 3 the sentences including Complex Object and Com­plex Subject and translate them.

  1. Read text 3 and make up a plan of it.

  2. Translate the text. Text 3 tourist promotion

Three aims of tourist promotion are reported to have been gained in the last few years. The first purpose is to retain the estab­lished market of people for whom travel is a normal form of recre­ation. The second goal is to increase the size of the market. The third aim of tourist promotion is to overcome its seasonal bias.

We know many different organizations to be involved in tourist promotion. They include tourist bureaus, the transportation compa­nies, tour operators and individual hotels or hotel chains.

Through their tourist offices, governments do a great deal of travel promotion, both in the form of advertising and publicity. Publicity and advertising are known to be two main kinds of promo­tion. Publicity might be termed free advertising. Publicity consists of stories placed in newspapers and magazines about travels, accom­modations, restaurants, and other parts of the whole tourist indus­try. Professional writers journey from resort area to resort area to report on the facilities that are available.

Another kind of tourist-connected public relations comes under the heading of familiarization. The familiarization trip or "fam trip", as it is commonly known, means different things to different people. People in the industry, especially those involved in sales- travel agents- are provided with free trips to tourist destinations. It is an opportunity for people to get to know some hotels and resorts better. They will be able to answer questions from their own experi­ence.

Tourist advertising appears to be a large business in itself. Me­dia is a term used for different means of spreading information in the form of news and advertising. Newspapers, magazines, radio and television are usually included in this term.

Television reaches the largest market. TV time is also very expen­sive, so it is used principally by transportation companies and gov­ernment tourist agencies. >

Radio serves a more limited audience since it cannot transmit the beautiful pictures and colours of television. But it is unique because it can reach people driving their cars.

Another form of advertising is the brochure. Brochures demon­strate the benefits, which an organization has to offer. Many tour­ism products are not tangible. By describing them in print, bro­chures are sure to become the only "evidence" of the product. Des­tinations and tours are particular difficult to promote without print material which explains what is on offer. Tour operators dis­tribute brochures in large numbers to travel agents in the market area they are trying to reach. In addition many of them are sent out by direct mailing. Direct mailing is considered to be a form of promotion that involves mailing brochures to a selected list of cus­tomers by tour operators and travel agents. The mailing list often includes previous customers, members of clubs or organizations, and so on.

We believe the most effective kind of tourist promotion to be "word of mouth", what one person says to another about his or her holidays. Like news stories, the results of "word of mouth" can be good or bad. A recommendation of a resort or a hotel by one family to another can significantly influence the choice people are likely to make. On the other hand, a bad report spread around by dissatisfied tourists may sharply cut tourism.