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Анг. яз. для сферы туризма И.А. Иващенко.doc
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7. Act as an interpreter, translate the dialogue from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Скажите, пожалуйста, какие виды продвижения туристических услуг существуют.

Publicity and advertising are known to be two main kinds of promotion.

Мне хотелось бы знать, из чего состоит реклама посредством публикаций в прессе.

Publicity consists of stories placed in newspapers and magazines about travels, accommodations, restau­rants, and other parts of the whole tourist industry.

What is a familiarization trip?

Людям, занимающимся

продажей туристических путевок, предоставляется возможность совершать ознакомительные поездки в различные места отдыха туристов. Это хорошая возможность для них луч­ше узнать отели и курорты.

Я думаю, что средства массовой информации играют большую роль для рекламы различных организаций. Правильно?

Quite right. TV time is very expensive, so it is principally used by transportation companies and government tourist agencies.

I wonder how brochures are distributed.

Их распространяют турагенты или они рассылают­ся напрямую клиентам.

Скажите, пожалуйста, какой вид продвижения туристических услуг наиболее эффективный.

This is "word of mouth", what one person says to another about his or her holidays. And this is indeed a major topic of conversation among people who travel.

Translate text 1.

Text 1

Careers in tourism

The travel and tourism industry is growing very fast. Today more people look for quality vacations where they can relax and also do something new and interesting. Unless tourist traffic grew, travel-re­lated jobs would not increase. These relate to various related services facilitating travel, such as travel agencies, banking, hotels, guides, air­lines and other services. Some of them may be seasonal, limited to the tourist season from September to March but others are permanent in nature. Travel-related jobs are best suited for individuals who enjoy meeting people and make them comfortable. They are for those who like adventure and travelling. True, some are desk jobs, but even these jobs entail understanding the needs of the traveller and making the best arrangements possible for him.

Some of the areas where careers can be made are described here: TRAVEL AGENCIES: Without travel agencies travelling would be impossible. They require that travel agents deal with cus­tomers, guide them. Travel agencies plan holidays and finally offer tickets for the best routes. They also help in foreign exchange and visas. The requirements are a pleasing personality and the ability to deal with customers. It is desirable that travel agents possess knowl­edge of destinations.

TOUR OPERATORS. There are many companies operating tours for the domestic as well as the international tourists. Some may be for the usual destinations like hill stations but others are for unusual activities like river rafting, gliding, rock climbing and camp­ing. Tour operators need people for selling the concept and then to accompany the groups to the destinations. Again, the qualities re­quired are a pleasing and outgoing personality, knowledge of the ac­tivities and often participation in them with the tourists. A person hoping to work with a tour operator must be able to travel with the groups and know people at the destinations to make the tours pleas­ant for the client.

TOURIST GUIDES: Three categories of tourist guides are known to be regional, state level and monument guides. The best guides and those who are in demand are those who are able to get the maximum advantage for the tourists. It is required that guides be in touch with foreign agencies. A fixed itinerary is of­fered and guides take the groups to those areas, which they are familiar with. Apart from the activities mentioned above, wildlife safaris are also becoming increasingly popular. If a guide under­stands the foreign tourist and his needs, he will be able to earn a round sum.

HOLIDAYS CONSULTANTS: This is a new concept, the idea is that the tourist gets all the details of travel and itineraries from one source. The holidays consultant will sell the holidays, plan out the itineraries and help in travel plans, and arrange for ticketing and other details as well. It is essential that holidays consultants know the destinations and the activities available.

AIRLINES: Airlines require people for ground as well as flight duties. On the ground the duties are in offices, at the airline desks in airports and for checking and managing flights. A course in travel or a qualification on hotel management helps to get in. Particular jobs that provide useful knowledge include those of ticket agent and reservations agent for the airlines. Airlines also require air hostesses and stewards for flights. The jobs are glamorous and afford the pos­sibility of travelling to exciting destinations. Free tickets for the fam­ily offered by some airlines are an added advantage.

BANKS: Foreign banks and dealers in foreign exchange demand that people assist their clients in their travel requirements. The idea is to provide services under one roof. The bank helps in hotel book­ing, ticketing and all travel-related services. The jobs expected from the person may sometimes be more than travel-related, since a per­sonal touch is added to make the traveller feel at home. For the ad­venturous and the travel-minded, there are a lot of avenues that could be explored.

CAREERS IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT: With hotels coming up in record numbers to cater to the ever growing domestic and in­ternational travellers, the demand for trained professionals has mul­tiplied in the industry.

The people who write about travel also receive lavish treatment from the tourist industry. There are relatively few travel writers, but they play an important part in publicizing the industry. Without them it would be impracticable to promote the tourist industry. There is a small industry involved in writing and publishing guide-books.


to sell the concept

продавать путевки через посредников

to sell the holidays

продавать путевки отпускникам