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11 Study the examples of Internet sites which can help in your independent learning of English. Choose one of them or add some of your own choice.

Internet resources for independent learning of English

The Internet contains lots of opportunities for independent learners of English

If you like …

watching MOVIES, try

 http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos

 http://www.learn-english.co.il/

reading news and blogs, try

 http:// bbc.co.uk

 http://blog.missiontolearn.com/2008/08/learn-language-online-best-blogs

exchanging postcards or having penpals, try

 http://www.postcrossing.com

 http://www.penpalworld.com

listening to podcasts and audiobooks, try

 http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/

 http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/elementary-podcasts

Get ready for a short presentation (1-2 minute) of the method you’ve chosen. In your presentation:

1. demonstrate the method;

2. list its opportunities and benefits;

3. give tips for your groupmates how to use it (e.g. share other useful internet-links or electronic copies of materials).

Be ready to assess the presentations of your groupmates by giving them 5 ‘stars’ and select the best presentation.

Part b. Grammar and vocabulary

Vocabulary Focus

1 Do or make? Complete the questions and then write the answer. Are you a good student?

1. Do you always ___________ your homework? ______________________________

2. Which subject ___________ you do well at school?__________________________

3. How do you fell when you __________ badly in an exam?_____________________

4. What kind of exercises do you like _________ in class? _______________________

5. Do you _________ notes while you’re listening to the cassette in English? ________

6. Have you decided to learn and _________ progress or are you’re going to waste your time? _______________

2 Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line. A formal letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your _______________(1) in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry _____________(2) for the Course in English Language _______________(3) . Could you tell me what language __________________(4) are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if ______________(5) on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an ___________(6) for

an international ________________(7) company I would be

interested in a course which focuses on language _____________ (8) for

both social and _________________(9) purposes. I would also like to

know the ____________________(10) from the college to London and if

__________________(11) at all classes is obligatory, or whether an

occassional _____________________(12) for purposes of travel is acceptable.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Nelson Fernandez













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