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Getting to know each other(модуль 1).doc
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3 Complete the sentences using a phrase with get

to get to know  getting late  to get stuck  to get the idea  to get in touch with  to get home  to get ... off  to get going  to get to the end  to get into difficulties

1. If you want ____________ a person better, learn more about him or her.

2. When you ___________ of the test, tell me.

3. I can receive e-mail now but it took time ___________ of how to use it.

4. What time does he normally ____________home from the University?

5. You’d better _____ those wet clothes _____ or you’ll catch a cold.

6. Let’s ___________ – we are already late as it is.

7. If you put a coin into vending machine, it might ___________.

8. If you don’t know how to load some new software into your computer, you’d better___________ Tom. He’s a computer wizard.

9. The more you know of the culture of the country, the less likely you may_______________.

10. It’s _______________ , I hate to say ‘good bye’ but I have to go.

Part c. Additional Reading: Communication of Cultures and Culture of Communication Text 1

Before reading the text decide whether the following statements are true () or false (). Skim the text and find out whether your opinion differs from the opinion presented in the text.

Your opinion

Basic rules

1. A woman is always introduced to a man

2. The young are presented to the old.

3. Being introduced say: ‘How are you?’

4. You stand only in case you are introduced to a woman.

5. Being introduced say: ‘Glad to see you’.

6 Take each new guest on introduction tour of the room

Do you know the basic rules of introductions?

When introducing people to each other just remember that:

  • A man is always introduced to a woman, not a woman to a man.

  • The honoured one’s name is said first; the name of the person being presented follows

May I present Professor Carter?”, “I have the honour to introduce the Dean of our faculty.” “Later on I’d like to present you to the head of the Department.” -- They are all correct, but very formal and a bit stiff for modern usage. In most situations a plain and simple “Professor Carter, Mr. Crown” is enough – or, if you like “Professor Carter, this is Mr. Crown”.

  • Present the young to the old.

  • When you are introduced you stand, whether being introduced to a man or a woman.

  • When more than two people are involved in your introduction, forget about rank or sex (for the moment). Mention the newcomer’s name, then the names of the others in the order in which they happen to be sitting or standing at the time.

  • At large informal parties in your own house it is a nuisance to everyone to take each new guest on an introduction tour of the room.

  • In public places when the meeting is to be brief an introduction is unnecessary.

  • If you are on first-name terms with a person you are introducing to a friend, you may say “Bill Carter, Kelly Crown” or “Bill, this is Kelly”.

  • Being introduced do not say: “How are you?” Do say: “How do you do?” (formal) or “Hello!” (informal). Only after this routine you can say “Pleased to meet you”, or “Nice to meet you”.

Text 2

1 Try to answer the questions given below. Then read the text and check whether you were right.

1. What are safe subjects to discuss when you talk to people you don’t know very well?

2. What subjects are recommended to avoid in small talk?

3. Did you discover anything that surprised you?

4. Do you think that cultural gap between etiquette norms accepted in Belarus and in the USA differ greatly?

5. What recommendations would you give to your American friends on choosing subjects for small talk with Belarusian people?

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