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Getting to know each other(модуль 1).doc
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Hints for Success

  • Good looks are important.

  • Humour is very important.

  • Rehearse the talk.

  • Do not go overtime under any circumstances.

Keys unit 1.

Part A. Skills Development.

Speaking and Listening

Task 2.

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.a

Reading and Speaking

Task 4.

1.courtesy 2. courteous people 3. a considerable distance in age 4. a considerable distance in status 5. a constable 6. Professor 7. protocol 8. the retired 9. high ranking officials

Task 5.

1.b, c 2.c, a 3.c, c 4.c, a

Part B. Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar Review

Task 1.

1. Let me introduce myself. 2. I am proud to become a student of the faculty of Journalism. 3.I have always dreamed to study at University. 4. It is my ambition to work in a big international company. 5.Good manners are the rules one follows in everyday contacts with other people.

Task 2.

1. How do you get here from your house? 2. Do you have any special reasons for learning English? 3. Did you graduate from school last year? 4. What do you lie doing in your free time? 5. Why did you enter this faculty? 6. Did you do any special last night? 7. What sort of music do you like? 8. What are you interested in?

Task 3.

1. isn’t it .... shall we 2. were you... would I 3. don’t you 4. need we 5. don’t we 6. are you 7. couldn’t you 8 wouldn’t you

Task 4.

1. What’s the English word for ‘рукопожатие..?

2. How do you pronounce the word ‘courtesy’ ?

3.How do you spell ‘courtesy’?

4. What page are we on?

5. What’s for homework tonight?

6. Could you say that again, please?

7. Could you write ‘high-ranking’ on the board, please?

Vocabulary Focus

Task 2.

1. Apart from a degree, (c) he’s got a Diploma in Business Studies. 2. I don’t usually take initiative (j) in getting acquainted with people. 3. I don’t really get along with (a) my new room-mate. 4. If you get a moment, (h) could you help me fill in this form? 5. We got to know each other (b) and became good friends 6. She got through her exams (g) without too much trouble 7. Shall we get together on Friday (e) and go for a disco? 8. I didn’t get what he said (d) because the music was so loud. 9. I told that joke to Kate (f) but she didn’t get it. 10. If you can get some time off work, (i) we could finish the decorating.

Task 3.

1. If you want to get to know a person better, learn more about him or her. 2. When you get to the end of the test, tell me. 3. I can use e-mail now but it took time to get the idea of how to use it. 4. What time does he normally get home from the University? 5. You’d better get those wet clothes off or you’ll catch a cold.

6. Let’s get going – we are already late as it is. 7. If you put a coin into vending machine, it might get stuck.

8. If you don’t know how to load some new software into your computer, you’d better get in touch with Tom. He’s a computer wizard. 9. The more you know of the culture of the country, the less likely you may get into difficulties. 10. It’s getting late, I hate to say ‘good bye’ but I have to go.


Part A. Skills Development

Speaking and Listening

Task 2.

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.d

Task 5. Possible answers:

1. Reading word for word is boring. It is difficult to maintain contact with the audience. You cannot see people’s reaction. The alternatives are to write down main points only (e.g. on cards).

2. An amazing fancy, a provocative opinion, a humorous story, a quote, audience participation, a visual aid. Here and now references work well: the coffee, the room, the weather, something in the comments of the person who introduced you, something that happened the last time you were here etc.

3. Yes. It is easier to absorb the main points if you are told the overall structure first. Also it shows that the speaker is in control and has practiced the talk.

4. Yes, it reinforces the message.

5. Questions during the presentation:

-- more spontaneous and lively

-- allow you to respond to the interests of the group

-- a danger of losing the direction or missing points.

Questions at the end:

-- better for large groups

-- better when the content is factual and needs to be covered comprehensively

-- a danger that you may tell the audience what they already know

6. Typical aids include transparences on the OHP (overhead projector), flipchart, slides, and computer-generated presentations.

7. Develop a class discussion.

Reading, Speaking and Writing

Task 3.

1. require an effort of imagination 2. prove the importance 3. the communicative and intercultural competences 4. the essential prerequisites 5 we’ll be doing our best to help 6. Live and learn’ 7 enlarge vocabulary, 8. develop grammar skills 9. improve reading abilities, 10.linguistic proficiency 11. give a vital edge over 12. lay special emphasis (on) 13. the acquisition of language skills 14. instruction method 15. topicality and authenticity, 16.up-to-date themes 17. work to one’s full capacity

Part B. Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar Review

Task 1.

1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6c

Task 2.

I hated languages at school. I just wasn’t interested in learning, so I never did my homework and I was always bottom of the class when it came to exams! Maybe it wasn’t her fault, but I really didn’t get on with my teacher. She seemed to think I was a stupid young girl just because I didn’t know a past participle from an auxiliary verb (I still don’t actually). And even if I did learn English, there were no English-speaking people in my town, so who would I ever speak English to ?

Things started to change when I got my first job, though. I spent my first two years in the Sales Department, and I had to speak English on the phone almost every day, which wasn’t easy. I didn’t really have enough time to go to classes, so at first I tried to study on my own.

I also persuaded an English-speaking friend to give me some private lessons and I started to make progress. I don’t know when it was exactly that I realized my English was good enough to do First Certificate, but I did .... and I passed!

So I don’t hate English any more. In fact it’s made quite a big difference to my life!

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