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V. Прочитайте та усно перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту українською або російською мовою.

Пояснення до тексту

1. refinements - удосконалення

2. aptitude - здібність

3. Second Wrangler – другий ранглер (випускник, який зайняв друге місце з іспиту з математики в Кембриджі)

4. Tripos - іспит на ступінь бакалавра з відзнакою (у Кембриджі)

5. compiled - упорядковані

6. pure – цілковита, повна

7. seminal - плодотворна

8. marginal utility – гранична корисність

Alfred Marshall

(1842 - 1924)

1. Alfred Marshall was one of the most influential English economists of his time. Although his economics was advertised as extensions and refinements of the work of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Robert Mafthus he extended economics away from its classical focus on the market economy and instead popularized it as a study of human behavior.

2. Marshall grew up in the London suburb of Clapham and was educated at the Merchant Taylor's School, Northwood and St John's College, Cambridge, where he demonstrated an aptitude in mathematics, achieving the rank of Second Wrangler in the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos in 1865. His success at Cambridge University led him to take an academic career. He became a professor in 1868 specializing in political economy.

3. In the 1870s he wrote a small number of tracts on international trade and the problems of protectionism. In 1879, many of these works were compiled together into a work entitled The Pure Theory of Foreign Trade: The Pure Theory of Domestic Values. In the same year he published The Economics of Industry with his wife Mary Paley Marshall.

4. Marshall began his seminal work, the Principles of Economics, in 1881. The first volume was published in 1890 that established him as one of the leading economists of his time. The second volume, which was to address foreign trade, money, trade fluctuations, taxation, and collectivism, was never published at all.

5. Marshall's influence on codifying economic thought is difficult to deny. He popularized the use of supply and demand functions as tools of price determination; modern economists owe the linkage between price shifts and curve shifts to Marshall. He was an important part of the "marginalist revolution;" the idea that consumers attempt to adjust consumption until marginal utility equals the price was another of his contributions. The price elasticity of demand was presented by Marshall as an extension of these ideas.

Vі. А). Прочитайте питання до 1-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

How did Alfred Marshall consider economics?

1. … as a dismal (гнітюча) science

2. … as a study of human behavior

3. … as a classical study of the market economy

b). Прочитайте питання до 2-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

What rank did Marshall achieve in the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos ?

1. … Senior Wrangler

2. … Second Wrangler

3. … Professor

c). Прочитайте питання до 3-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

What were Marshall’s tracts about?

1. … on free trade and problems of protectionism

2. … on international trade and the problems of protectionism

3. … on foreign trade