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Грам. для заочн.-экон. последний вариант.doc
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IV. Перепишіть наступні речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на безсполучникову підрядність. ( див. Зразок 3)

  1. We know they usually hold their European meeting in Paris.

  2. The field of science they are concerned with is rather new.

  3. It is claimed economic statistics are presented in many forms , for example graphs and tables.

  4. The work people undertake is called economic activity.

V. Перепишіть наступні речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на функції інфінітива.

  1. Goods to be transported to Poland are stored at the railway station.

  2. They allow us to use their phone and make a call to the manager.

  3. The purpose of each business process is to offer each customer the right product or service.

  4. To increase the productivity of labour one must use the methods we have just described.

  5. We are to give them economic support.

  6. To achieve these goals means to work much and successfully.

VI. Прочитайте і усно перекладіть українською або російською мовою 1, 3, 5 абзаци тексту. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 2, 4 абзаци. Money

1. Money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts. Some authors explicitly require money to be a standard of deferred payment.

2. The term "price system" is sometimes used to refer to methods using commodity valuation or money accounting systems.

3. Money is generally considered to have the following characteristics, which are summed up in a rhyme found in older economics textbooks: "Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store." That is, money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value.

4. Money is used as an intermediary for trade, in order to avoid the inefficiencies of a barter system, which are sometimes referred to as the 'double coincidence of wants problem'. Such usage is termed a medium of exchange.

5. A unit of account is a standard numerical unit of measurement of the market value of goods, services, and other transactions. Also known as a "measure" or "standard" of relative worth and deferred payment, a unit of account is a necessary prerequisite for the formulation of commercial agreements that involve debt.

6. Divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again.

7. Fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be perceived as equivalent to any other, which is why diamonds, works of art or real estate are not suitable as money.

A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. For instance, coins are often made with ridges around the edges, so that any removal of material from the coin (lowering its commodity value) will be easy to detect.

8. To act as a store of value, a commodity, a form of money, or financial capital must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved — and be predictably useful when it is so retrieved. Fiat currency like paper or electronic currency no longer backed by gold in most countries is not considered by some economists to be a store of value.