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Test 13 busy city life

Part A

К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

A1. Today, two hours either way … not uncommon when people commute to work in big cities.

1) are

2) is

3) will

4) was

A2. We've got pressing problems, all right, but … don't live in the streets.

1) poverty

2) the poor

3) the poors

4) the poverty

A3. According to the level of people’s education, Belarus ranks … in the world.

1) a second

2) second

3) the second

4) an second

A4. When public transport is overcrowded, it’s difficult not to push …

1) each others

2) each another

3) one other

4) one another

A5. Now you … unreasonable. Downtown areas …always full of traffic jams!

1) are, are

2) are being, are

3) have been, are

4) will be, have been

A6. I wish our public transport … more punctual, especially in the morning.

1) will become

2) would have become

3) will have become

4) would become

A7. These old buildings … next month. A new office block … here by 2008.

1) are pulled down, will have been erected

2) are being pulled down, will be erected

3) will be pulled down, will have been erected

4) are going to be pulled down, will have erected

A8. My regular commuting time … twenty minutes, now it … about an hour every morning.

1) would be, takes

2) was used to be, was taken

3) used to be, is taking

4) used to be, takes

A9. The street lights … since morning, so a traffic warden … to sort out the traffic problems.

1) hadn't been fixed, had been ordered

2) wouldn't have been fixed, was ordered

3) haven't been fixed, was ordered

4) hadn't been fixed, was ordered

A10. While city life … more intense, people … more isolated.

1) is growing, are becoming

2) grows, becomes

3) will be growing, are becoming

4) has grown, became

A11. It … obvious that inner city problems … the government's concern for many years to come.

1) is, are

2) will be, will be

3) is, will be

4) has been, will be

A12. Since the city renovation project …, many changes for the better … .

1) has been adopted, have taken place

2) was adopted, took place

3) was adopted, have taken place

4) adopted, are taking place

A13. Watch where you …! You … the billboards, not the street ahead.

1) go, are staring at

2) are going, are staring at

3) are going, stare at

4) are going, are being stared at

A14. The posters … the city dwellers and tourists … the streets.

1) warned, not littering

2) warn, to litter

3) warned, not to litter

4) warned, to litter

A15. They … that they … building a hypermarket … . They needed four days more.

1) claim, can’t finish, today

2) claimed, can’t finish, that day

3) claimed, couldn’t finishing, that day

4) claimed, couldn’t finish, that day

A16. They … fine those people who litter the streets.

1) would rather

2) would prefer

3) had better

4) wish

A17. The students watched the teacher … posters about air pollution. The information confirmed that living in the city center was a health risk.

1) show

2) showing

3) showed

4) being showing

A18. It’s no use … people to use bicycles. They would still prefer cars.

1) to encourage

2) encourage

3) to be encouraging

4) encouraging

A19. After they … the inhabitants of cities to buy old cars, there … so many problems with air pollution.

1) have banned, won’t be

2) bans, won’t be

3) would ban, wouldn’t be

4) banned, would have been

A20. … fewer high blocks of flats in my neighborhood, I … a lovely view from my window.

1) Were there, will have

2) Had there been, might have had

3) Have there been, would had had

4) There were, may had

A21. Cars and buses are … major source of … noise pollution in big cities.

1) the / the

2) a / -

3) - / a

4) - / the

A22. It’s time to provide … neighborhoods with … better amenities.

1) the / -

2) a / the

3) - / a

4) the / an

A23. People who commute … their work usually live … the suburbs or … the outskirts of a city.

1) with / at / about

2) to / in / on

3) at / on / in

4) on / above / under

A24. This by-street is located … the vicinity … a hypermarket, close … the downtown.

1) in / of / to

2) at / to / with

3) over / of / to

4) to / with / with

A25. To get … my work at first I go … bus, then I change it … the subway.

1) to / to/ to

2) on / in / with

3) at / on / into

4) to / by / to

A26. We’ll place recycling bins all over the city … we get the permission.

1) in case

2) for fear of

3) so that

4) until

A27. Many citizens do not go out at night … being attacked by robbers.

1) as long as

2) provided

3) for fear of

4) with a view of

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

A28. A modern city with its rush hours and traffic jams can be stressless unless

1 2 3

you are used to all that.


A29. Getting about in a big city can't be a problem at times.

1 2 3 4

Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A30. traffic lights, street café, taxi stand, crossing

1) camping site

2) city street

3) village life

4) business plan

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A31. shop sign, window display, advertisement, billboard

1) "cross here" sign

2) stop signal

3) bus timetable

4) announcement

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A32. 1) museum, gallery, theatre, cinema

2) café, restaurant, pub, pizza hut

3) club, disco, office, casino

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

Do you believe in supernatural things? (A33) … people do. They are convinced that they have faced (A34) … strange. If you want to meet a (A35) …, the Tower of London is the right place to (A36) … because it is nearly one thousand years old. As is known, some (A37) … things happened there!

A33. 1) none 2) any 3) some 4) somebody

A34. 1) with 2) – 3) by 4) in front of

A35. 1) friend 2) colleague 3) neighbour 4) ghost

A36. 1) finish 2) see 3) end 4) start

A37. 1) wonderful 2) terrible 3) nice 4) special

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A38. Is it the right way to the city center?

1) Rather.

2) I'm sorry, I am a stranger here.

3) Why not go there?

4) Says who?

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A39. Walk past the museum building and turn left. You can't miss the sign.

1) Do they sell flowers here?

2) Is it the right way?

3) Where can I buy fruit?

4) How do I get to the subway?

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A40. The newly-developed business and dwelling area in London is situated by the Thames River. How is it called?

1) Victorian Embankment

2) Westminster Pier

3) The Docklands

4) Manhattan Project

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

  1. My grandfather always drove the car and my grandmother sat beside him. I sat in the back seat, my eyes just below the level of the window, seeing the world through their voices.

  2. My grandfather had learned to drive in the country where there had been few people or vehicles on the road. My grandmother sometimes mentioned that there were a lot of other cars on the road now and he should take a little more care. In reply to this, my grandfather liked to say, 'All cars have brakes.' He would slow down to turn a corner and we would hear the sound of screeching tires behind us, followed by a loud blast of a car horn. 'George, you have to signal sooner,' my grandmother would suggest. 'Oh, what's all the fuss about?' he would ask. She'd say, 'That car could have hit us.' He would say, 'All cars have brakes.'

  3. Both of my grandparents had grown on farms in this area, but during their lifetime the area had changed a lot. They said it was strange that there were no farms now. In place of those old farms were lots of new houses and a big new shopping center. There were still a few old houses with gardens. My grandparents lived in one of them.

  4. The advantage of all these changes, my grandmother used to point out, was the convenience of shopping. Everything was close now, even a new supermarket. My grandfather enjoyed the advantages, but he complained about some of the problems that came, he said, from 'too many people in too little space trying to do too much at once!' But he really liked the new coffee house that sold fresh pastries. We seemed to end up there every Saturday.

  5. It was on our return from one of our Saturday shopping trips that we had our accident. We had eaten some strawberry tarts and my grandfather was telling me how lucky I was that I didn't have to get up early and pick strawberries on the farm as he had to. We reached our driveway and turned in. Perhaps his thoughts were back on the farm. Perhaps he didn't expect anyone to be there. He just kept driving up our driveway and straight into the back of another car. There was a terrible crunching sound and we jolted to a stop. A woman appeared beside his window. 'Are you okay?' she asked. 'Of course not! What are you doing in my driveway?' he demanded. 'I was hoping to persuade you to sell your house. Couldn't you stop?' she asked. 'You were in the way!' he almost shouted. 'Well, all cars have brakes, you know,' she said in a very matter-of-fact way.

A41. Choose the most appropriate message of the story.

1) When driving, make sure your brakes are okay.

2) When driving, one can never be too careful.

3) When driving, pay less attention to other drivers.

A42. The narrator's grandfather's driving was

1) somewhat careless.

2) all too careful.

3) below all criticism.

A43. In recent decades, the English countryside

1) has hardly changed a bit.

2) has changed beyond recognition.

3) has changed in terms of people's character.

A44. The network of new shops seemed

1) to bring peaceful living to an end.

2) to attract lots of new customers.

3) to annoy the majority of the locals.

A45. The road accident happened due to

1) the old man's mistake.

2) the narrowness of the driveway.

3) the woman's inattentiveness.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A46. fuss (II)

1) noise

2) nonsense

3) confusion

A47. convenience (IV)

1) benefit

2) comfort

3) accessibility

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A48. I sat in the back seat, (…) seeing the world through their voices (I).

1) Я сидел на спинке сиденья и видел мир через их разговоры.

2) Я сидел на заднем сиденье и узнавал о том, что происходит, из их разговоров.

3) Я сидел на заднем сиденье, видя мир с помощью их разговоров.

A49. She'd say, 'That car could have hit us.' (II)

1) Она сказала: "Тот автомобиль cмог в нас врезаться."

2) Она говорила: "Тот автомобиль смог бы в нас врезаться."

3) Она говорила: "Тот автомобиль мог в нас врезаться."

A50. We seemed to end up there every Saturday (IV).

1) Мы, похоже, каждую субботу заканчивали там.

2) Так получалось, что каждую субботу мы заворачивали туда.

3) Походило на то, что каждую субботу мы туда заезжали.

Part B

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. We live in a beautiful … on the outskirts of the city (neighbour).

B2.Many modern cities can boast of over a million … (inhabit).

B3. Our city has some open spaces but they are not very … (access).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B4. New office blocks (поднимаются) in this part of the city.

B5. There was (другая) road that led to the station.

B6. A lot of people think life is (намного интереснее) in large cities.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Nowadays there are many good reasons for using bicycles (B7) … of cars to travel in the (B8) … centre. Bicycles are (B9) … silent and clean. Moreover, (B10) … are easy to park, too. It seems a likely idea for the future, yet city dwellers have to get used to it.