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Test 03 something about demography

Part A

К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

A1. According to the latest …, the birth rate is slowly rising.

1) datum

2) data

3) date

4) dates

A2. Some latest statistics on demographic trends do sound … to me.

1) Well

2) good

3) better

4) too well

A3. Our country has spent about four … on building houses for young families as part of the plan to revive the countryside.

1) million dollars

2) millions dollars

3) million of dollars

4) millions of dollars

A4. Hardly … can say Belarusians are an unfriendly nation. People of different ethnic backgrounds live there.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) someone

4) any

A5. For years my pen friend … around the world. Last month she … her mind to visit Belarus.

1) was traveling, had made up

2) had been traveling, had made up

3) had been traveling, made up

4) is traveling, have made up

A6. Only if unemployment … in the country, emigration rate

1) is diminish, would decrease

2) will be diminished, will decrease

3) is diminished, will decrease

4) diminished, decreases

A7. The living conditions … day by day and it … many foreigners to stay.

1) are improving, is helping

2) are improved, is helped

3) are being improved, helps

4) are being improved, is helping

A8. This year we … a baby boom though a year ago it … vice versa.

1) are observing, was

2) are observing, was being

3) have observed, has been

4) observe, is being

A9. Granny … me that she was nineteen when she … birth to her firstborn.

1) said, had given

2) says, has given

3) told, gave

4) tells, had given

A10. My elder sister … she … a suitable accommodation by 2008.

1) hopes, gets

2) is hoping, will get

3) hoped, would get

4) hopes, will have got

A11. While we … how to decrease the mortality rate people … to die.

1) are planning, continue

2) plan, are continuing

3) are planning, were continuing

4) have been planning, continue

A12. They say we … fewer demographical problems when more people … to live to the countryside.

1) will have, will go

2) would have, have gone

3) will have, go

4) have, will go

A13. Women … abroad to find work because if you are not a citizen you have limited rights there.

1) was warned not to go

2) were warned to go

3) were warned not go

4) were warned not to go

A14. He … that the problem of urbanization … solved quickly.

1) asked, can't be

2) said, couldn't be

3) told, can't be

4) said, could

A15. The law … that all the immigrants … in a definite period of time.

1) claimed, must be being registered

2) says, must register

3) reads, must be registered

4) told, must registered

A16. The government policy is aimed at … the countryside.

1) urbanizing

2) to urbanize

3) having urbanized

4) urbanized

A17. In ancient times the mortality rate was high because people were made …

1) to work hardly

2) work hard

3) working hard

4) to work hard

A18. Many families would like … more children but lack of accommodation prevents that.

1) having

2) have had

3) to have

4) had

A19. If you … to look for a job abroad, you should … to face serious problems.

1) had decided, have got ready

2) have decided, have get ready

3) had decide, have got ready

4) decided, be getting ready

A20. If only the agency … us to move back to our native country, I … them for such a service.

1) can help, would thank

2) could help, would thank

3) helps, would thank

4) helped, would thank

A21. After … World War II … Belarus had to restore its industry and agriculture.

1) the / the

2) - / -

3) a / the

4) the / -

A22. … rich can afford either to buy … accommodation to live in or to rent a flat.

1) - / the

2) The / the

3) The / a

4) The / -

A23. The doctor said … her she would give birth … her baby … Boxing Day.

1) - / to / in

2) to / to / on

3) - / for / about

4) for / - / to

A24. The question … providing young families … dwellings is still … discussion.

1) about / with / on

2) of / - / in

3) of / with / under

4) about / on / out of

A25. In some countries they try to prevent women … having an abortion. In some, women can even be punished … that. The idea isn’t popular … certain cultures.

1) from / for / with

2) - / in / among

3) from / on / among

4) from / at / among

A26. Young people shouldn't sit and wait … someone gives them everything on a silver platter.

1) until

2) while

3) by the time

4) as soon as

A27. … the fact that birth rate is increasing, there are fewer pupils at schools.

1) in spite

2) however

3) despite

4) while

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

A28. These days many ambitious young women would rather make a career first

1 2 3

then marry and have children.


A29. It's healthier for the kids to be risen in the countryside, yet in town they have

1 2 3

many more opportunities.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A30. mortality, longevity, baby boom, birth rate

1) physics

2) agriculture

3) cinema

4) statistics

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A31. pleasure, joy, happiness, gladness

1) failure

2) disgust

3) defeat

4) jocundity

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A32. 1) zest, drive, energy, dash

2) census, calculation, concert, percentage

3) weariness, tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

It's common (A33) … that a lot of European nations are growing old. What does it (A34) …? It means that (A35) … babies are born every year and there are more (A36) … people than young ones. In countries like Germany or Belgium the (A37) … is getting worse.

A33. 1) sense 2) knowledge 3) fact 4) priority

A34. 1) mean 2) say 3) show 4) tell

A35. 1) less 2) more 3) fewer 4) lesser

A36. 1) elderly 2) rich 3) aged 4) youthful

A37. 1) view 2) problems 3) issue 4) situation

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A38. Children cause nothing but trouble.

1) I couldn't care less.

2) Perfect!

3) You must be joking.

4) What a beauty!

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A39. I couldn't agree more.

1) Growing birth rate means stability.

2) Childless families are happy.

3) Children should get everything they want.

4) Parents and children never disagree.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A40. Which Queen ruled Britain the longest?

1) Queen Elizabeth I

2) Queen Victoria

3) Queen Elizabeth II

4) Queen Mary

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

  1. Shigechiyo Izumi walked forward to greet us. He was bent almost double, with watery eyes, white beard and deeply wrinkled skin. Yet his mind is still vigorous. He could remember both his childhood more than 100 years ago and the people he met the day before. Most important, he still enjoys life which, he says, has never ceased to be a pleasure. Surprisingly, his eyesight is still functional. He also hears well although it is necessary to speak loudly and distinctly.

  2. All his life Izumi has worked as a small farmer. He says that the monotonous life is good. Why has he lived so long? Clearly his zest for life has helped. But his physical fitness as a young man and his diet throughout life are probably the key. As a young man Izumi was very fit. He was a local champion in sumo wrestling. But he did not have to train specially. His fitness came through hard work on the farm and tasks such as carrying potatoes to market on his back. Such hard exercise is now known to be very effective in lowering harmful types of cholesterol in the blood.

  3. As for diet, for most of his life Izumi has lived on vegetables from his farm – potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, tomato, cucumber, carrots and cabbage. Izumi ate meat only on festival days. There was, anyway, little meat to be had and his simple, largely vegetarian, diet changed little during his first 100 years.

  4. Anyway, Izumi's age is only the spectacular peak of a trend towards longevity in Japan. The life expectancy of the Japanese has risen by eight years since 1960. It is now the highest in the world: 74 for men, 80 for women. This compares with UK figures of 71 for men and 77 for women. The Japanese now live longer on average than people in Sweden, Canada, Iceland and France, which formerly led the world in longevity. The reason for Japan's improvement is almost certainly a low incidence of coronary heart disease.

  5. Izumi himself does not like to be asked what the secret is of his longevity. He feels that he just happens to have had a long life and that there is no special reason for it. Pressed for an answer he says: "Only God knows. God will decide how long I am here."

A41. The article mainly deals with the problem of…

1) why people in Japan should try to live longer lives.

2) what people in Japan live longer lives for.

3) what helps people in Japan to live longer lives.

A42. One can conclude from the article that Shigechiyo Izumi

1) must be older than 107 years old.

2) can be about 120 years old.

3) can hardly be older than 100 years old.

A43. The secret of Shigechiyo Izumi's longevity most probably lies in

1) the peculiarities of his environment.

2) the combination of diet and active lifestyle.

3) his religious beliefs and attitude to life.

A44. Shigechiyo Izumi's example seems to reflect

1) the changes in Japanese eating habits.

2) the importance of monotonous life.

3) the overall growth of life expectancy in the country.

A45. A low incidence of coronary heart disease is

1) a most probable reason for longevity in Japan.

2) a probable reason for longevity in Japan.

3) a less probable reason for longevity in Japan.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A46. zest (II)

1) interest

2) intuition

3) intention

A47. formerly (IV)

1) fortunately

2) previously

3) actively

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A48. Yet his mind is still vigorous (I).

1) Тем не менее, его разум еще полон силы.

2) Но его рассудок все еще абсолютно ясен.

3) Тем не менее, его ум еще не вполне силен.

A49. His fitness came through hard work on the farm (II).

1) Его фитнес пришел через упорную работу на ферме.

2) Его выносливость пришла от тяжелой работы на ферме.

3) Его выносливость – результат тяжкого фермерского труда.

A50. He feels that he just happens to have had a long life… (V)

1) Он чувствует, что ему просто случилось прожить долгую жизнь.

2) Он считает, что ему просто повезло прожить долгую жизнь.

3) Он считает, что он просто счастливый, потому что прожил долго.

Part B

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. Little has been done yet to control the … of the world's population (grow).

B2. In some countries the number of children per … has been steadily declining (house).

B3. Several surveys show that the … prevail in some European countries (elder).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B4. (По сравнению) with some countries, the demographic situation in Belarus is not altogether hopeless.

B5. Encouraging stability in family life should be a (приоритет) for the government policies.

B6. Various measures have been taken to (поднять) the birth rate in the country.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

The two boys look exactly alike. They are actually (B7) … who were adopted by different (B8) … at an early age. (B9) … of them knew about the existence of the (B10) … until they both turned twenty years of age.