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Test 02 famly holidays

Part A

К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

A1. We always celebrate Easter at our … place. That's how it should be.

1) grandparent's

2) grandparents

3) grandparents'

4) grandparent

A2. At New Year, my parents always allow me to go to bed … at night.

1) late

2) lately

3) latest

4) later

A3. As a child, I wanted to be presented with … soft toys on my birthday.

1) a five hundred

2) five hundreds

3) five hundred

4) five hundred of

A4. I had been away for a long time so … of my friends sent me a birthday card.

1) no

2) None

3) neither of

4) either of

A5. Lots of delicious dishes … by 5 o’clock and we … for the guests.

1) had been cooked, were waiting

2) had been cooked, waited

3) were cooked, have been waited

4) have been cooked, wait

A6. Supposing it … in the morning, would you … for a picnic?

1) rained, go

2) rains, have gone

3) is raining, be going

4) rains, go

A7. I … forward to Christmas. Father … me to my grandparents.

1) look, is taking

2) am looking, will take

3) have been looking, would have taken

4) was looking, takes

A8. In the evening we … a reception. Some friends from my parents' office …

1) have, are coming

2) would have, will come

3) are having, come

4) will have, are coming

A9. This month I … my sibling’s party. I … many friends there.

1) have visited, had made

2) visited, have made

3) visited, made

4) had visited, have made

A10. The letter … that our acquaintance … to us at Easter.

1) read, was coming

2) reads, would be coming

3) has read, is coming

4) read, come

A11. I … the postcards when my father … the room.

1) was signing, entered

2) have been signing, had entered

3) signed, was entering

4) was signing, was entering

A12. We … the flowers today. The man … the whole basket tomorrow.

1) are not buying, delivers

2) won’t have bought, will have delivered

3) won’t buy, is delivering

4) won’t buy, will deliver

A13. When I … to a wedding ceremony I usually … a poem to congratulate the newlyweds.

1) had been invited, will learn

2) was invited, learn

3) have been invited, would learned

4) am invited, learn

A14. Grandfather … that he … a restaurant to celebrate his wedding anniversary.

1) told, has booked

2) said, booked

3) told, had booked

4) said, had booked

A15. While Mother … the furniture, Father … the door handles.

1) dusts, fixes

2) was dusting, has been fixing

3) dusted, fixed

4) was dusting, was fixing

A16. You needn’t … the souvenirs for the cousins. We've already bought them gifts.

1) to have got

2) have got

3) had got

4) have to get

A17. Today is my great grandfather’s jubilee. He expects many guests …

1) coming

2) come

3) to come

4) to have come

A18. Would you mind … our Easter holidays as a family reunion?

1) spending

2) spent

3) to spend

4) having spent

A19. If you … a present for two hours, we … in time for the ceremony.

1) haven’t been choosing, may have been

2) hadn’t been choosing, might have been

3) hadn’t being chosen, might be

4) hadn’t chosen, might have been

A20. If he … to stay with us, I … my little composition to him.

1) were, could dedicate

2) was, can dedicate

3) were, can dedicate

4) was, could have dedicated

A21. What … day! I am getting a brand-new computer. What … luck!

1) a / the

2) the / -

3) a / -

4) a / a

A22. Mother laid … table and put … big cake with candles in the middle of it.

1) the / the

2) the / a

3) a / the

4) a / a

A23. We’ll surprise her … a lovely glass vase. I’ve been looking … it … two weeks.

1) - / at / for

2) with / for / for

3) - / round / over

4) to / after / for

A24. I keep … close touch … my parents … visiting them every holiday.

1) on / with / through

2) in / to / with

3) in / with / by

4) up / for / about

A25. The guests congratulated him … his birthday and even drank … his health smiling warmly … him.

1) on / to / at

2) with / for / at

3) on / with / -

4) of / to / on

A26. … we spent all afternoon on signing greeting cards, we didn’t manage it.

1) despite

2) in spite of

3) although

4) however

A27. The granddaughter was wiping the cutlery … her granny was laying the table.

1) after

2) while

3) as soon as

4) since

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

A28. At Christmas, two old ladies were collecting money for the needy, so we

1 2 3

decided donate some to their collection box.


A29. For a birthday, you shouldn't always arrange a festive dinner: a picnic, an

1 2 3

outing or even a visit anywhere can also be an option.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A30. frying-pan, cooker, ladle, dishwasher

1) gardening

2) self-catering cafe

3) kitchen

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A31. flowers, tapestry, mirror, chandelier

1) bill

2) clothes

3) print

4) pride

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A32. 1) counter, cashier, discount, price tag

2) phone, curtain, fax machine, copier

3) speed, skiing, slalom, mountains

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

The tradition to brighten our houses (A33) … fir-trees or pines is a little more than a century old. It was started by Queen Victoria. Today (A34) … Christmas tree is an evergreen or artificial tree decorated with lights and (A35) … ornaments. A lot of people opt (A36) … artificial trees (A37) … saves some real ones each year.

A33. 1) with 2) by 3) for 4) without

A34. 1) an 2) the 3) a 4) --

A35. 1) colour 2) colouring 3) coloured 4) painted

A36. 1) for 2) with 3) by 4) of

A37. 1) what 2) which 3) that 4) who

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A38. What a wonderful party! Your family are charming people!

1) I wonder why not.

2) Nice of you to say that.

3) Look who's talking!

4) That's okay with me.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A39. Nothing of the kind!

1) Family get-togethers are a thing of the past.

2) I do hate family reunions, indeed I do.

3) I believe you are enjoying yourself.

4) Everyone here is so very kind.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A40. Which family holiday is celebrated in the USA at the end of November?

1) Remembrance Day

2) St Andrew's Day

3) Thanksgiving Day

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

  1. Regardless of age, society class, or living conditions, every Vietnamese family celebrates the New Year in the same traditional way. It's considered to be the most important and wonderful holiday in my country, since that is the time for people to leave their unhappiness behind and get their fortune for the New Year. Similar to other houses, my family has always bustled in preparing and greeting for the New Year.

  2. That was the day preceding New Year, and it was the busiest day in my house. My mother went to the supermarket early in the morning and came back with a bunch of food. From then on, the clatter of dishes and pans and the sizzle of food that was frying, resounded incessantly until late evening. At any place in the house, you could hear the noisy boil on the stove or the scrunching of my mother's spoon scraping the pan. You could also smell the burned coconut jam, which was being made by my sister. "Why do you always burn it?" I shouted. "That's the way I like," she said and laughed at me.

  3. I loved her jam so much, but she was always burning it until the white coconut jam became the yellow jam. It was terrible! At noon, the puff of smoke and the mixed scent from various kinds of food started spreading over my house. After that, certainly, there were my father's footsteps clattering on the floor. He left his half-painted walls in the living room to go into the kitchen and grumble to my Mom. "Your smoke is disturbing me."

  4. In fact, he just wanted to look around the kitchen room and see the many kinds of food on the table. Then he smiled contentedly when he saw my mother cooking next to the tiny crackles of burnt firewood in the stove and the bright red fire which was blazing up the kitchen.

  5. At the end of the day when everything was done, my house became brilliant with colorful balloons, ribbons, and flowers. However, you couldn't sit next to the walls in the living room because the layer of new paint was still sticky and would adhere on your clothes. Moreover, the smell of paint was very strong at the end of this day.

A41. The story describes

1) a newly-introduced celebration.

2) a traditional celebration dating to ancient times.

3) an unconventional celebration.

A42. Most probably, the narrator comes from

1) Western Europe

2) North America

3) South-East Asia

A43. Before the New Year, the family always

1) made it a day of peace and quiet.

2) engaged in lively preparations.

3) cooked tons of newly-invented dishes.

A44. The family decorated the house with

1) wooden figures.

2) newly-painted glass.

3) flowers and balloons.

A45. The only thing the narrator disliked was the smell of

1) burned coconut jam.

2) burning wood in the fire.

3) fresh paint on the walls.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A46. fortune (I)

1) good luck

2) a sum of money

3) destiny

A47. grumble (III)

1) scold

2) report

3) complain

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A48. Similar to other houses … (I)

1) В соответствии с другими семьями …

2) Подобно другим семьям …

3) Как и другие домохозяйства…

A49. At any place in the house, you could hear… (II)

1) В любом уголке дома можно было услышать …

2) В любом месте в доме ты мог услышать…

3) Во всех местах дома можно было услышать…

A50. However, you couldn't sit next to the walls in the living room… (V)

1) Правда, вы не могли садиться близко к стенам в гостиной…

2) Однако, в гостиной лучше было не садиться рядом со стенами …

3) Тем не менее, никто не мог сесть рядом со стенами в гостиной…

Part B

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. My mother knew how to make a Christmas celebration into a(n) … experience (forget).

B2. At Easter our little flat was always … but nobody seemed to mind (crowd).

B3. The joy and … of my Sweet Seventeen will stay in my memory for a long time (merry).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B4. (Каждая) family has some special holiday traditions.

B5. The possibility of spending Christmas at home sounded (чудесно).

B6. (Кстати), do you celebrate Orthodox or Catholic Easter? – Well, both!

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

In (B7)… cultures, there exists a great variety of ways to see the New Year in. In spite of such diversity, some things are surely (B8) … to all cultures. Firstly, the holiday is mostly a (B9) … affair. Secondly, there are always many (B10) … to give to one another and lots of tasty things to eat.