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3.1 Make up the sentence of two parts:

1. Every citizen of Russia has the right to education

1. young people can go on in higher education.

2. After finishing the 11th form of secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium

2. provided in the US or Western Europe.

3. If a student gets high scores, such a result is considered to be good

3. which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

4. In 2007 within the Bologna Process the government of the Russian Federation has approved

4. and he/she has an opportunity to enter higher school.

5. These degrees are equivalent to B.Sc and M.Sc degree

5. training of specialists.

6. Some higher educational institutions keep

6. the bill of transition to two-level higher education system.

7. The opinion exists

7. first in specially equipped laboratories and workshops, then in various plants.

8. Transition to two-level system will make Russian education system

8. through a transitional period.

9. The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training,

9. more dynamical and modern.

10.The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going

10. that bachelors are half-educated persons.

3.2 Make up all possible questions to these sentences. Give the negative form:

1. At the end of each semester students take their exams.

2. The students are taking Unified National Exams in the classroom Nr. 27 now.

3. The new laboratory equipment will be installed in the building 2 next year.

3.3 Write the Passive Progressive of these sentences. Use words now, from … till, the whole month/morning etc:

1. All these problems are widely discussed in Russian society.

2. The new educational standards were developed by the experts last month.

3. Each exam is conducted by the independent examining boards.

4. A group of experts discussed a very serious matter yesterday.

5. We use these programs in our work.

6. The experts were discussing the transition to two- level system the whole academic year.

7. The teacher is correcting mistakes in our tests now.

8. This experiment was carried out by our professor last semester.

9. The dean is looking through the list of the applicant now.

10. Our group was examined in the room Nr. 224 yesterday.

IV. Brush up your talk:

4.1 Study the advantages and disadvantages of the higher education of the transitional period in Russia. Do you agree or disagree with them? Begin your answer with phrases: I agree/disagree with this statement, To my mind it is true, As for me I am for it, I'm not sure, in fact, I'm afraid I entirely disagree with , I don't think that's right, I'm exactly of the same opinion, That's one way of looking at it, but… I think it goes further than that.

Advantages of higher education system of the transitional period

Disadvantages of higher education system of the transitional period

Efficiency of using the state funded places

Bachelors are half-educated persons

More academic freedoms to faculties and students

Master’s program is not clear enough

Involving of employers in forecasting of requirements for education

Talented young people cannot receive higher education

Expanding their participation in professional training financing

The equipment which is used at universities is not modern enough

Opportunity for students to continue study without problems in any higher school of Europe

Lack of educational materials in the university library

Easier to get a job abroad

Reducing of the state funded places at the higher schools

Development of a new financial mechanism

Not adequate teachers' salaries at the higher school

Scholarship is low


Tuition fees are growing

Getting job on the specialty after graduating from the higher school

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