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1.4 Comment on the grammar. Pay attention to the verbs in the Present Simple Active. Give the negative and question –forms.

1. I have a big family.

2. My friend has a small family.

3. My father is an engineer.

4. His parents are doctors.

5. My dad works at a big construction company.

6. His parents work at the university.

7. He studies at the mathematical lyceum.

8. My friends studies at the gymnasium.

9. My mum plays the piano every day.

10. My dad and my brother often play chess on Sundays.

11. My brother seldom watches TV.

12. My grandparents usually watch TV in the evening.

II. Reading:

Everyone can say much about his family. As for me I have an average family. We are six: father, mother, my younger brother, grandfather, grandmother and myself.

And now I am going to characterize and describe each member of our family. I start with my father, Alexey Petrovich by name.

He is forty-eight. As for his appearance, he is tall and sporty. He’s got dark and short hair, brown eyes and a straight nose. He works at a big construction company as a civil engineer. He likes his job and spends much time there. As for his character, I think he is a bit strict with children, but tactful and loving. People consider him to be a good mixer and he has a lot of friends indeed. My father is a cheerful and kind-hearted man. He likes meeting friends and relatives. He is rather well-read. My dad is fond of the History of the Middle Ages. He has a lot of historical books at home. Also my dad likes travelling and fishing.

My mother, Elena Ivanovna, is forty-six. As for her appearance she is not very tall and has got fair hair and grey eyes. My mum is a very pleasant-looking lady looks young for her age. She works at a hospital as a doctor. She is a first-rate specialist. Like father she is fond of travelling, they visited a lot of cities and countries together. My mother also likes music. She plays the piano well.

Well, a few words about my younger brother. His name is Igor and he is a teenager of 14. He is tall, thin and sporty with grey eyes and fair short hair. Igor looks like our mother just as I look like our father. He studies at the mathematical lyceum and does very well there. He is a cheerful person, outgoing and active as well as quick-tempered from time to time. But I get along with him though we sometimes have conflicts.

I also have a grandpa and a grandma. They are my mother’s parents. My grandfather was a skilled surgeon at the hospital. He is seventy-two but he is still full of life and energy. He is fond of gardening and spends much time on it. My grandma is sixty-eight years old. As for her profession she was a librarian at the central library. She is a kind-hearted woman and takes care of all of us. My grandparents are pensioners. She has a lot of work to do about the house and does all the cooking for the family. I love my grandparents very much.

To my mind our family is friendly and united. We spend much time together, go for a walk in the local wood, attend theaters, museums, go to the cinema or to the circus. Also we travel a lot with our parents. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, talk about the events of the day. Sometimes our parents do not agree with what we say and we quarrel like any other families.

I also have relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are always glad to see each other.

Ш. After you have read:

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