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Вызов метода в объекте

В этом примере создается экземпляр myObject класса Program и этот экземпляр вызывает метод myMethod класса Program


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


Program myObject = new Program();



void myMethod()


// Do something



Компиляция кода

Скопируйте код, вставьте его в консольное приложение и постройте решение.

How to: Inherit From a Class

This example defines the Circle and Rectangle classes, which both inherit from the Shape class, and the Square class, which inherits from the Rectangle class.


public class Shape


// Definitions of properties, methods, fields, and events.


public class Circle : Shape


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Circle.


public class Rectangle : Shape


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Rectangle.


public class Square : Rectangle


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Square.


Compiling the Code

  • Start a new console application.

  • Copy the code and paste it right before or after Class1 declaration.

Robust Programming

Make sure the class you want to inherit is not sealed.

Наследование от класса

В этом примере определяются классы Circle и Rectangle, которые оба наследуют от класса Shape, и класс Square, наследуемый от класса Rectangle.


public class Shape


// Definitions of properties, methods, fields, and events.


public class Circle : Shape


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Circle.


public class Rectangle : Shape


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Rectangle.


public class Square : Rectangle


// Specialized properties, methods, fields, events for Square.


Компиляция кода

  • Запустите новое консольное приложение.

  • Скопируйте и вставьте код до или после объявления Class1.39

How to: Simulate Default Parameters

This example demonstrates the use of method overloading to simulate default parameters, which is not allowed in C#.


class MyClass


static string myMethod(string precip, string country, string location)


return string.Format("The {0} in {1} stays mainly in the {2}.",

precip, country, location );


static string myMethod(string precip, string country )


return myMethod(precip, country, "plain");


static string myMethod()


return myMethod("rain", "Spain", "plain");


static void Main(string[] args)



System.Console.WriteLine(myMethod("snow", "Walla Walla"));



Compiling the Code

Copy the class and paste it over Class1 in a console application.

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