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  1. Communication

    • Communicating with a child that experiences learning disabilities is a key factor in assisting his education. A supportive relationship will increase his confidence and make him feel more comfortable during class. A basic way of integrating this in the classroom is to ask the child to explain his understanding of a question he has been asked, or to clarify instructions for an exercise he was given to complete. Ask him to repeat the information to ensure he fully understands. To help focus the child's attention, give him detailed notes of the syllabus or curriculum before a lesson, and tell him what he will achieve. Furthermore, make sure the child knows you support him by holding regular, informal meetings to ascertain his feelings and understanding of the workload.

Visual Aids

  • Teach using a number of visual aids. For example, use an overhead projector to show the lesson plan for the day to the children, or hand out paper copies of notes so they can read along to your lesson. This helps them avoid being distracted by sounds outside the classroom. It is important to keep the visual cues varied to prevent boredom, so utilize colored pens and a whiteboard.

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Extra Time

  • Being confronted with a tight deadline or fast-paced learning program may frustrate children with learning disabilities. They can make frequent grammar errors, be slow at reading, have difficultly deciphering math problems or poor writing skills, so alleviate the pressure by giving them extra time and encouragement. For example, give them extra time to hand in homework assignments, complete worksheets, answer questions and understand instructions during class. It is also possible to reduce the children's workload to stop them from becoming distressed with the amount of work to be done.

Classroom Environment

  • A supportive, friendly and encouraging classroom environment gives children with learning difficulties a relaxed atmosphere to learn in. One teaching method to promote this is to explain what learning disabilities are to everybody in the class, so the children can work together in order to overcome the obstacles. Knowing that their peers understand their problems goes a long way in helping the children with learning disabilities. It is also important to keep the classroom free of clutter and distractions, so keep all games, equipment and bags in cupboards and drawers.

Read more: Teaching Methods for Children With Learning Disabilities | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_7946688_teaching-methods-children-learning-disabilities.html#ixzz2BGkNrJsS



Method of work


  1. Special clothes

1. Make special orders

  1. Talk with other parents

2 . Changing ideas individually and in groups

  1. Talks to doctors and other professionals, including psychologists

3. They may give professional consultation and have ideas to share with you. They also may recommend reading materials, videos and other sources for information and support.

  1. Using organizations

4. Supporting a full inclusion

Insuring a brighter future for everyone.

  1. Music Therapy

Teaching playing Instruments, playing games

6.Using special methods of teaching

6. Communication, visual aids, extra time, classroom environment

Вывод: A lot of children need our care, so we’ve learnt the methods how to help them.