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1. Найдите эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний

A. Research, in part, previous, be enrolled, degree, postgraduate, include, majority, available, immediately, appropriate, level, evidence, approximately, unlike, choose, attend, study course, full-time study, resident, employment, experience.

B. Степень, учеба на дневном отделении, включать в, посещать, предыдущий, соответствующий уровень, большинство, исследовательская работа, выбирать, учебный курс, опыт (стаж), доступный (имеющийся в распоряжении), быть зачисленным, частично, аспирант, в отличие от, проживающий (постоянно живущий), немедленно, подтверждение (доказательство), приблизительно, работа (занятость).

2. Укажите, какие из утверждений являются неверными. Дайте правильную информацию. 1. The O.U. has offices and examination centres in many European countries. 2. The University awards only non-degree qualifications. 3. Since the O.U. was founded more than three million students have studied its courses. 4. The students’ previous academic achievements are taken into account for entry to most courses of The Open University. 5. Most postgraduate modules require evidence of previous study. 6. People who serve in the armed forces can study at the Open University. 7. The students of The O.U. register for a programme. 8. The first students to the Business School were enrolled in 2007. 9. Biological and physical sciences as well as historical and philosophical studies are chosen by the majority of students.

3.Заполните пропуски пользуясь словами, данными ниже. 1. The University awards undergraduate and postgraduate ... 2. The first students ... in 1971. 3. The O.U. has open ... policy. 4. About 70% of students are in ... employment. 5. The O.U. Business School produces more ... than all the rest of the business schools in the UK. 6.Many of the O.U. study courses are ... throughout most of the world. 7. The Open University is a distance learning and ... university. 8. The ... of students choose to undertake social studies, biological and physical sciences. 9. People who cannot ... a traditional university course enter The O.U. ........................................................................................................................................................... available, were enrolled, degrees, attend, full-time, entry, graduates, research, majority.

4. Расположите предложения в нужном порядке, чтобы получить краткий пересказ текста. 1.The Open University has regional centers around the United Kingdom and it also has offices and examination centers in most other European countries. 2. The O.U. has different faculties; its Business School is the largest business school in Europe. 3. The University is popular with the people who cannot physically attend a traditional university study course. 4. The Open University has an open entry policy that is students’ previous achievements are not taken into account for entry to most courses. 5. O.U. students register separately for individual modules which may be linked into degree programs. 6. About 70% of students are in full-time employment often working towards a degree or qualification to progress or change their career. 7. The University awards undergraduate and postgraduate degrees as well as diplomas and certificates. 8. The O.U. is the largest academic institution in the United Kingdom and Europe by student number.

5. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. When were the first students enrolled to the Open University? 2. Who is the O.U. popular with? 3. What are the least popular academic fields in the Open University? 4. The University administration is based in London, isn’t it? 5.Why is the University ranked as one of the world’s largest universities? 6. What new faculty was formed in October 2007? 7. What do most postgraduate require students to have? 8. Do the O.U. students register for a programme like the students of other universities?

Distance Education Over The World.

Distance education over the world has a history of more than 100 years. But it gained popularity only aftern1970s.

Many countries like China, England, Japan, Russia, Spain and the USA use this method, especially in higher education.

For example, The Open University in England has more than 180,000 students who take about 140 courses per year. This University has 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centres. Such factors as age, place, daily activity do not serve as limiting factors in distance education. Distance education has two main advantages over traditional classroom education. The first advantage is a solution to the problem of teaching staff shortage and the second one is the low cost of education which gives many people an opportunity to receive higher education. It is a system of education for different people at any age. This education allows each student to have an individual scheme of study.

1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний. 1. advantage a) возможность

2. higher education b) получать

3. solution c) в любом возрасте

4. gain d) преимущество

5. opportunity e) позволить

6. receive f) штат преподавателей

7. allow g) курс

8. at any age h) добиться (приобретать)

9. scheme of study i) высшее образование

10. teaching staff j) учебный план (учебная программа)

11. course k) решение

2. Найдите в тексте ответы на данные вопросы. 1. When did distance education gain popularity? 2. How many regional information centers has the Open University? 3. What does distance education allow each student? 4. Are there any limiting factors in distance education? 5. What opportunity does distance education give to many people at any age? 6. What countries use distance education? 7. What are the advantages of distance education?

3. Укажите, какие из приведенных утверждений являются верными, неверными, или не содержат информацию из текста. 1. The Open University has 260 local information centers. 2. Traditional classroom education has advantages over distance education. 3. The Open University is one of only two United Kingdom higher education institutions to gain accreditation in the United States. 4. One of the advantages of distance education is that it gives people at any age an opportunity to receive higher education. 5. Distance education gained popularity after 1950s. 6. The students of the Open University take more than 100 study courses per year. 7. Students’ previous academic achievements are not taken into account for entry to most courses.

4.Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания. 1. Distance education is ... a) conventional classroom education. b) a system of education for people at any age. c) the main system of higher education. 2. In distance education age, place, daily activity ... a) serve as limiting factors. b) play an important role. c) do not serve as limiting factors. 3. Different people at any age can ... a) take courses. b) have an individual scheme of study. c) have many opportunities.

Oxford and Cambridge.

The story of Cambridge University began in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge from Oxford. These students were all churchmen and had been studying in Oxford at that city’s well-known schools. It was a hard life at Oxford for there was constant trouble between the townsfolk and students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students, who were innocent, and by the order of King John (who was quarrelling with the Church) they were put to death by hanging. In protest all the students moved elsewhere, some coming to Cambridge and so the new university began. As was the custom then, they had joined themselves into a “Universities” or Society; the word ‘University”, like the word “College” meant originally a society of people with a common employment; it was only later that it came to be associated with scholarship.

Life in Cambridge and Oxford was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except church music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. Books were very scarce and all the lessons were in the Latin language. The students study Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. These two universities are well known not only because they are the oldest universities in the United Kingdom, but because the standard of teaching there is very high. Oxford and Cambridge are most highly thought of. But the cost of education at these universities is rather high. If young people cannot enter these universities, they try London and after it the newer universities.

  1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний за исключением; группа людей с общими занятиями; стоимость обучения; могли позволить себе; только позднее оно ( это название) стало ассоциироваться; вначале обозначало; студентам запрещали; по приказу; процесс обучения; уровень образования; поступить в университет; постоянные стычки между студентами и горожанами.

  1. Выберите ответ на следующий вопрос.

Why are Oxford and Cambridge are highly thought of? 1. These universities were organized a very long time ago. 2. The cost of education there is very high. 3. The standard of teaching at these universities was and is very high. 4. Life in Cambridge and Oxford was strict

3. Укажите неправильное утверждение. 1. At these universities students studied Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. 2. All the lessons were in the Latin language. 3. Though these universities are very old they are unpopular in Great Britain.

4. Выберите соответствующее окончание для данного предложения. Students moved from Oxford ... 1. ... because the cost of living was very high there. 2. ... because the Mayor arrested three students. 3. ... because this is one of the oldest universities of Great Britain. 4. ... because the word “University” meant originally a society of people with a common employment.