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Topical vocabulary

to denote

oбозначать, указывать, значить


основной, главный, большой,


состоящий из разрозненных частей, разбросанный

irregular triangle

неправильнй треугольник


Эйре (официальное название Ирландской республики с 1937 по 1949)


Ольстер (историческая область на севере Ирландии; большая её часть после раскола страны в 1921 была включена в качестве автономной провинции в состав Соединённого Королевства).

Orkney Isles

Оркнейские острова (бывшее графство Шотландии)


Гебриды, Гебридские острова (архипелаг в Атлантическом океане, к западу от Шотландии; территория Великобритании)

Isle of Wight

(остров) Уайт (в проливе Ла-Манш, принадлежит Великобритании)

to be used wrongly

ошибочно использоваться

to be separated from

быть отделенным от чего-либо

a great number

большое количество

geographical position of a country

географическое положение страны

the surface



низкорасположенный, низменный

mountainous part

гористая часть



a county

графство (административно-территориальная единица в Великобритании)

a rumor

cлух, молва


Match the highlighted words or word combinations in the text with their definitions.

  1. a statement of the exact meaning of a word;

  2. something which is famous or familiar;

  3. brings together or into contact;

  4. a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay;

  5. a literary term for Britain or England, often used when referring to ancient or historical times;

  6. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period;

  7. a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough;

  8. free from outside control; not subject to another's authority;

  9. a piece of land surrounded by water;

  10. it is shaped like a rectangle.


Are the following statements true or false? Find some mistakes. Check yourself.

  1. The UK is washed by the North and Irish seas and by the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

  2. Administratively the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is divided into 55 counties.

  3. A county is a region of Britain and Ireland, which has its own local government.

  4. North and West of the UK are highlands, South and East – lowlands.

  5. The highest mountain of Great Britain Ben Nevis is in Wales.

  6. The Clyde, the Avon, the Trent and the Cam are among the UK longest rivers.

  7. Bristol is a city in southwestern England, located on the Avon River about 6 miles from the Bristol Channel.

  8. The Coat of Arms of the UK shows a shield, a crown, a lion, a unicorn and the motto “Dieu et mon driot”.

  9. English people call the national flag the Union Jack, the Saint George’s Cross, the Saint Andrew’s cross.

  10. There are many large cities in Great Britain: Chicago, San-Francisco, and Detroit.

  11. The national emblem of England is a rose; in Wales it is a daffodil and leek; in Scotland – a thistle, in Northern Ireland – a shamrock.

  12. The Arctic Ocean separates Great Britain from the continent.