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Bidirectional Conversion Utility for MapInfo and ARC/INFO Files

for Windows

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December 1997

Chapter 1: Introduction

What is ArcLink?

ArcLink is a bidirectional utility program that allows you to convert ARC/INFO Export format files into MapInfo for Windows (TAB) or MapInfo’s intermediate file format MIF/MID. You can also convert TAB files into ARC/INFO Export files with this product.

For Windows 95, the version is ArcLink 3.2.

For Windows 3.x, the version is ArcLink 3.1.4

What’s New for ArcLink?

Several new features have been incorporated into this version.

§ArcLink translates compressed as well as uncompressed ARC/INFO Export files. (Note: Compressed files will translate slower than uncompressed files.)

§When converting MapInfo tables to ARC/INFO coverages, ArcLink detects and attempts to fix self–intersecting polygons that intersect at a point (see Conversion Considerations, Chapter 4).

§When converting from ARC/INFO to MapInfo, you can choose which features in a coverage you want to translate (see Chapter 3).

§When converting to ARC/INFO, ArcLink automatically determines the type of feature object in the table. You do not need to specify them at setup(see Chapter 4).

§You can set up ArcLink to automatically load each time you start MapInfo. MapInfo Professional 4.5 users, see Tool Manager. Windows 3.x users, see see Running ArcLink, Chapters 3 and 4.

§ArcLink converts double byte character set data in an ARC/INFO Export file into a MapInfo table, provided the system performing the conversion supports such character sets (see Conversion Considerations, Chapter 3).

§ArcLink’s message file that contains information about a translation is called arclink.msg. ArcLink creates one message file per translation session, with messages for successive sessions appended to the end of the file.

§ArcLink 3.2 handles object types new to MapInfo Professional 4.5, including regions and polylines using the new maximum node limit.


Chapter 1: Introduction

How to Use This Product Guide

This product guide contains the instructions and specifications you need to run the utility

successfully and is organized as follows:

§For product specifications, see Chapter 2.

§For converting ARC/INFO Export files to MapInfo TAB or MIF/MID files, see Chapter 3.

§For converting MapInfo TAB files to ARC/INFO Export files, see Chapter 4.

At the end of chapters 3 and 4 are special considerations and limitations to be aware of when

performing a translation of ARC/INFO or MapInfo files.


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