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Принстонский университет

Принстонский университет - частный исследовательский университет, расположенный в Принстоне, Нью-Джерси, Соединенные Штаты. Школа - один из восьми университетов Лиги плюща и считается одним из Колониальных Колледжей. Это оценивается 8-ое на международном уровне в Научных исследованиях.

В 1746 в Элизабет, Нью-Джерси, как Колледж Джерси, это было перемещено в Ньюарк в 1747, тогда в Принстон в 1756 и переименовало "Принстонский университет" в 1896. (Современное Колледж Нью-Джерси в соседнем Джерси, несвязанное учреждение.)

Принстон был четвертым учреждением высшего образования в США, чтобы провести классы. У университета, в отличие от большинства американских университетов, которые были основаны в то же самое время, не было официального религиозного присоединения. Когда-то, у этого была тесная связь с пресвитерианской церковью, но сегодня это, не делает религиозных требований ее студентов. У университета есть связи со Специальным исследованием Института, Принстон Теологическая Семинария, и Вестминстерский Наездник Колледжа Хора.

Принстонский университет традиционно сосредоточился на неполном высшем образовании, хотя у этого есть почти 2 500 зарегистрированных аспирантов. Уникальная смесь исследовательского университета и гуманитарных наук, Принстон не предлагает профессиональное обучение вообще, но это действительно предлагает профессиональные Степени магистра (главным образом через Школу Вудро Уилсона связей с общественностью и Международных отношений) и докторские программы в науках, гуманитарных науках, и общественных науках, так же как разработке.

Massachusetts institute of technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research univer­sity located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research. MIT is one of two private land-grant universities and is also a sea-grant and space-grant university.

Founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861 in response to the increasing in­dustrialization of the United States, the university adopted the German university mode! and emphasized laboratory instruction from an early date. Rogers sought to*establish a new form of higher education to address the challenges posed by rapid advances in science and technology during the mid-19th century with which classic institutions were ill-prepared to deal. The Rogers Plan, as it came to be known, reflected the German research university model emphasizing an inde­pendent faculty engaged in research as well as instruction oriented around semi­nars and laboratories. Rogers proposed that this new form of education be rooted in three principles: the educational value of useful knowledge, the necessity of "learning by doing", and integrating a professional and liberal ads education at the undergraduate level. Its current 168-acre (68.0 ha) campus opened in 1916 and extends over 1 mile (1.6 km) along the northern bank of the Charles River-basin.MIT researchers were involved in efforts to develop computers, radar, and inertial guidance in connection with defense research during World War II and the Cold War. In the past 60 years, MIT's educational programs have expanded beyond the physical sciences and engineering into social sciences like econo­mics, philosophy, linguistics, political science, and management.

MIT enrolled 4,172 undergraduates, 6,048 postgraduate students, and em­ployed 1,008 faculty members in the 2007/08 school year. Its endowment and annual research expenditures are among the largest of any American university. 73 Nobel Laureates, 47 National Medal of Science recipients, and 31 MacArthur Fellows are currently or have previously been affiliated with the university.

Organization and administration. MIT is chartered as a non-profit organization and is owned and governed by a privately-appointed board of trustees known a; the MIT Corporation. The current board, with 74 members drawn from scientific engineering, industry, education, and public service leaders, is chaired by Dana G. Mead. The corporation approves the budget, new programs, degrees, and faculty appointments as well as electing the President to serve as the chief executive officer of the university and presiding over the Institute's faculty.

MIT is "a university polarized around science, engineering, and the arts. "It has five schools (Science, Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Manage­ment, and Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences) and one college (Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology), but no schools of law or medicine. The chair of each of MIT's 32 academic departments reports to the dean of that department's school, who in turn reports to the Provost under the President. However, faculty committees assert substantial control over many areas of MIT's curriculum, research, student life, and administrative affairs.