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88 Рекомендации Дэвида МакКурры, автора популярного сайта о деньгах, детях и родителях: www.kidsmoney.org.

89 Nathan A. The Kids Allowance Book. NY. 1998.

90 Handler C.S. Banishing Bribes. Parеnts. March 1998. P. 80.

91 Pearl J.A. Kids and Money: Giving them the Savvy to Succeed Financially. Bloomberg, 1999.

92 www.threejars.com.

93 American Institue of CPAs…

94 www.parentdish.com//09/02/11.

95 Godfrey N.S. The Ultimate Kids’ Money Book.

96 Meindersma S. Ticket Your Kids for all Those Household Violations // Baystate Parent. January 2009. P. 11.

97 Ripley A. Should kids be bribed to do well in school // www.time.com; De Baca S. Paying for Grades: what to consider before promising your kids cash for A’s // http://healthland.time.com/2012/09/05.

98 American Institute of CPAs…

99 Making Kids Money Savvy: Try These Financial Tricks // The Wall Street Journal. 2008. March 5. P. D1.

100 Kansas D. Give the Gift of Learning to Save // The Wall Street Journal. 2009. Nov. 29.

101 www.threejars.com.

102 www.cnn/magazines/moneymag/money-101/lesson12.

103 Bedway B. Fiscal Fitness for Teens. Summer 2001. P. 4--5.

104 Danes Sh.T., Dunrud T. Children and Money Series. Teaching children money habits for life. University of Minn, 2008 // www.extension.umn.edu.

105 www.bankrate.com/finance/financial-literacy.

106 Elium D, Elium J. Raising a Son. Parents and The Making of a Healthy Man. Berkeley, 1996. P. 228.

107 Clements J. Want to be smarter with your money? Here’s how // WSJ. 2004. October 18.

108 Marte J. Hoe to Give Children the Gift of Investig // WSJ. 2010. Nov. 28.

109 Greenshields D. Skip the Toys: the Case for Giving Kids Stock. 2010. Dec 2. Reuters. www.blogs. reuters.com.

110 Lewis M. Next. NY, 2001.

111 Clements H. Life as a Financial Guinea Pig // WSJ. 2004. October 18.

112Schlosser Е. Fast Food Nation. NY. 2002

113Linn S. The Commercialization of Childhood // Childhood lost: How American culture is failing our kids / Ed. by Sh. Olfman, C.T. Westport. 2005. P. 107.

114 Kapur J. Coining for capital: movies, marketing and the transformations of childhood. Piscataway, NJ., 2005.

115 Weisser С. Spa treatments for kids -- Bonding with Mom or over-pampering // The Wall Street Journal. 2008. July 10.

116 Девичье Разведывательное Агентство (перифраз ЦРУ) в 2000-е годы платили 40 тыс. долл. своим «агентам» в возрасте от 8 до 18 лет -- в виде пробных товаров, чтобы они выясняли предпочтения своих сверстниц. Есть и небольшая организация «GirlCaught», пытающаяся этому противостоять. www.girlsintelligenceagency.com

117 Zelizer V.A.The Priceless Child is turning twenty Seven // The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth. Vol. 5. № 3. Fall 2012. P. 449.

118 Boocock. S.S., Scott K.A. Kids in Context: The Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods. Lanham, 2005. P. 4.

119 Center for a New American Dream «Facts about Marketing to Children» // www.newdream.org/kids/facts.php.

120 Williams C.L. Kids in Toyland//Childhood in American Society: A reader. P. 381.

121 Kline S. Out of the Garden: Toys, TV, and Children’s Culture in the Age of Marketing. NY, 1993.

122 Dagher V. Save Your Clients from Raising Brats. //WSJ. Feb. 8, 2013.

123 www.threejars.com.

124 Bodnar J. Dollars and Sense for Kids.

125 Feller. B. Family Inc.//WSJ. Feb. 10, 2013.

126 www.msgen.com.

127 Hohenstein S. Allowances for Children. www.education.com.

128 Yoder S.K., Yoder L., Yoder I. Girls vs. Boys: The Great Money Divide // WSJ. 2010. April 4.

129 Zelizer V.A. Kids and Commerce // Childhood. № 9. P. 387.

130 Подробный антропологический анализ практик афроамериканских девочек содержится в: Chin E. Purchasing Power. Black Kids and American Consumer Culture. Minneapolis, 2001.

131 Zelizer V.A. Kids and Commerce //Childhood in American Society. P. 368.

132 Forman-Brunell M. Babysitter: An American History. NYU Press, 2010.

133 Opdyke J. Should I Make My 13-Year-Old Get A Job // WSJ. 2010. Aug. 8.

134 Scorr L., Scott J. Alex and the lemonade stand. Paje, Ill. 2004.

135 Moore D. Kids Sell the Darnest Things. The Debate Over Student Fund Raising // Ann Arbor Family. Sept. 2000. P. 60.

136 Gamerman E. Inconvenient Youths // WSJ. Sept. 29. P. W1.

137 Jeff D. Opdyke. Who’s the Boss. Sorry, Kids, it isn’t You // WSJ. 2010. Nov. 28.

138 Soronew J. Santa Needs a Bailout: Kids Sell Old Toys to Raise Cash for New Ones // WSJ. 2008. Dec 12.

139 Benedetti M. Preserving Childhood Innocence. How to Keep the Сrass and Сommercial from Сorrupting your Сhild // Metro Parent. April 2003. P. 19.

140 Rowley L. How to Talk to Your Kids about the Economic Crisis // www.finance.yahoo.com.

141 Settersten R.A. Jr., Ray B. What’s Going On with Young People Today & The Long and Twisting Path to Adulthood // The Future of Children. Transition to Aduthood. Vol. 20. № 1. Spring 2010.

142 Schellenburger S. Is Buying Your Kid a Car Going Too Far // WSJ. 2009. July 8.

143 Mintz S. Huck’s Raft. A History of American Childhood. 2004. P. 348.

144 Belk R.W., Walendorf M. The Sacred Meanings of Money // Journal of Economic Psychology. Vol. 11. March 1990. P. 55--67.

145 www.threejars.com.

146 Opdyke J.D.15 Money Rules Kids Should Learn from Piggybanking: Preparing Your Financial Life For Your Kids and Your Kids For a Financial Life // WSJ. 2010. March 28.

147 Parental Attitudes to Pocket Money / Allowances for Children // Journal of Economic Psychology. Vol. 22. Issue 3. June 2001. P. 397--422.

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