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Plant Ecology and Phytosociology

Вивчення впливу гербіциду трофі та підвищеної температури на ріст, розвиток та біохімічні показники у насінні кукурудзи при проростанні


Дніпропетровський національний університет, кафедра фізіології рослин та інтродукції пр. Гагаріна, 72, м. Дніпропетровськ,49010, Україна

e-mail: mariannkaa@mail.ru

В сучасному світі досягнення науково-технічного прогресу приводять до широкого розвитку різних технічних споруд, які працюють на благо людини. Але при цьому вони негативно впливають на навколишнє середовище і екологію рослинного світу. Рослини дуже чутливі до токсикантів та інших забруднювачів. В результаті взаємодії рослин з техногенним середовищем порушуються їх біологічні процеси, відбувається порушення важливих структур на клітинному рівні, руйнування ключових ферментів (Взаимодействие …, 1995). Метаболізми властиві рослинам перебудовуються або абсолютно змінюються, що впливає на зростання і розвиток рослин (Смирнов, 1978). Тому вивчення змін білкового обміну та системи протеолізу у проростаючому зерні кукурудзи за дії комплексу факторів є дуже актуальним, оскільки дозволяє виявити найбільш небезпечні для кукурудзи концентрації гербіциду трофі на фоні підвищеної температури.

Досліджено дію ґрунтового гербіциду трофі групи ацетанілідів у дозах 1,2510 мг/л, підвищеної температури (+42 °С) (5, 9, 24 год) та їх сумісної дії на морфометричні та біохімічні показники білкового обміну зерна кукурудзи при проростанні. Виявлено у більшості проростків пригнічення росту коренів за дії гербіциду та дії його комплексу з підвищеною температурою. Визначено де яку стимуляцію росту пагонів за дії гербіциду, підвищеної температури та їх сумісного впливу в проростках кукурудзи.

Виявлено підвищення вмісту водорозчинних білків під впливом гербіциду та його сумісної дії з підвищеною температурою особливо на ранніх етапах розвитку (6- 8 доби), що відбивало негативний вплив цих факторів на розвиток рослин на ранніх етапах проростання зерна. Вплив однієї підвищеної температури призводив до зниження вмісту білків у проростаючому зерні кукурудзи.

Було виявлено вплив гербіциду трофі, підвищеної температури (+42 °С) та їх сумісної дії на систему протеолізу (нейтральні протеїнази та інгібітори протеїназ) у проростаючому зерні кукурудзи на ранніх етапах розвитку. Вплив гербіциду, температури та їх сумісної дії призводив до підвищення активності нейтральних протеїназ у зерні на ранніх етапах розвитку (6-8 доб). Більш довготривала дія температури (24 год.) у комплексі з більш високими концентраціями гербіциду (5-10 мг/л) призводили до зниження активності нейтральних протеїназ при проростанні.


Смирнов А.В. Экология и физиология растений. – Калинин. – 1978. – Вып. I – 136 с. Взаимодействие растений с техногенно зегрязненной средой / Ред. И.К. Такирова. –

К: УЕ, 1995. – 191 с.

Екологія рослин та фітоценологія


Особенности накопления полициклических ароматических углеводородов в фитоценозах северной тайги


Учреждение Российской академии наук, Институт биологии Коми научного центра УрО РАН ул. Коммунистическая, 28, г. Сыктывкар, 167982, ГСП-2, Россия

e-mail: kaleeva@ib.komisc.ru

Выбросы промышленными предприятиями различных поллютантов приводят к загрязнению атмосферных осадков, которые в виде снега, дождя, аэрозолей выпадают на подстилающую поверхность и аккумулируются в почвенном и растительном покрове (Лукина и др., 1998). Данные об аккумуляции полициклических ароматических углеводородов (ПАУ) различными видами растений лесных экосистем Республики Коми отсутствуют, хотя подобные работы актуальны, так как в этом регионе располагается целый ряд мощных индустриальных предприятий, в выбросах которых углеводороды составляют значительную часть.

Цель работы: оценить биоаккумуляцию ПАУ различными видами растений лесных экосистем Республики Коми. Нами были проведены исследования состава ПАУ растений, подверженных аэротехногенному воздействию выбросов Верхнеижемского сажевого завода, в сравнении с фоновым участком. В качестве потенциальных растений-аккумуляторов ПАУ мы рассматривали типичных представителей флоры исследуемых районов. Растения на обоих участках отбирали в смешанном ело- во-березовом лесу на торфянисто-подзолисто глееватых почвах. Было отобрано семь видов растений наиболее характерных для флоры участков: мхи: Rhitidiadelphus triquietrus, Hylocomium splendens, кустарнички: Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitisidaea, и древесные формы – Betula pendula, Picea obovata, Sorbus aucuparia.

На фоновом участке наибольшим содержанием полиаренов отличались все древесные формы и мох Hylocomium splendens. Суммарная массовая доля полиаренов возле точечного источника эмиссии значительно превышала естественно обусловленные параметры фоновых ландшафтов. Наибольшие кратности превышения содержания ПАУ в импактной зоне над фоновыми значениями наблюдали для Vaccinium myrtillus и Picea obovata. Эти виды растений накапливали практически все полиарены, за исключением тяжелых. Минимальное содержание полиаренов на обоих участках было характерно для мха Rhitidiadelphus triquietrus. Наименьшим накоплением ПАУ в условиях техногенеза отличался мох Hylocomium splendens.

Наибольшая массовая доля ПАУ в растениях смешанного елово-березового леса северной тайги была идентифицирована в Picea obovata, которая составляла основную фитомассу исследуемых участков. Ее вклад в потребление ПАУ был на порядок выше, чем биоаккумуляция в исследуемых кустарничках и Betula pendula,

наименьшая доля приходилась на Sorbus aucuparia и мох Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus.

Исходя из этого были проведены исследования содержания полиаренов в хвое и ветвях Picea obovata пяти лет жизни. Установлено, что содержание полиаренов в растении увеличивается с возрастом. Наибольшим содержанием полиаренов отличались ветви ели по сравнению с хвоей.


Plant Ecology and Phytosociology

Было установлено, что Vaccinium myrtillus является гипераккумулятором легких ПАУ (Baker, 1981), так как отношение содержания флуорантена, пирена и хризена в побегах к их содержанию в корнях составляло 2-3 раза. Способность Vaccinium myrtillus к гипераккумуляции ПАУ во многом обусловлена листопадностью данного кустарничка.


Лукина Н. В., Никонов В.В. Питательный режим лесов северной тайги: природные и техногенные аспекты. – Апатиты: Изд-во Кольского НЦ РАН, 1998. – 316 с.

Baker A.J.M. Accumulatorsand excludersstrategies in the response of plants to heavy metals // J. of Plant Nutrit. – 1981. – Nо 3. – P. 643-654.

Relationship between vegetation and water level along the biggest drainage canal in bog Yelnia (Belarus)


Institute of botany and landscape ecology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald Grimmer st, 88, Greifswald, 17489, Germany

e-mail: bronibroska@mail.ru

The National hydrological zakaznik (reserve) «Yelnia» was established in 1968 and it is the largest and definitely the most famous complex of bogs and transition mires in Belarus (V. Fenchuk pers. comm.). An IBA (Important Bird Area) was established in 1998 (code BY002, criteria А4, В1, В2) and it is a Ramsar site (Wetland of International Importance) since 2002 (criterion 1а). Hydrological amelioration presents the main threat to the mire. Substantial changes in the hydrographic network of the site took place upon construction of peat extraction sites and drainage of adjacent areas for agricultural purposes. Nowadays 65 % of the area of the bog is affected by fires. Fires lead to drastic transformations of the wetland ecosystems, as well as in populations of breeding and migrating birds (Wetlands International 2002). Restoration activities on Yelnia bog have begun in 1999 (V. Fenchuk pers. comm.). The majority of the canals have been blocked now (36 dams) and affected areas are regenerating.

Objectives and research questions of present investigations are description of land use history and anthropogenic influence on vegetation in bog Yelnia; assessment of temporal and spatial changes in peat and vegetation, relationship between vegetation composition and long term water level fluctuations in degraded sites along the biggest drainage canal in bog; review of recent rewetting approaches in the disturbed part of bog and as additional task – comparison of the accuracy of different water level measurement devices.

Since the area of the bog is 25,000 ha it was decided to focus on the part adjacent to the longest (ca. 4.5 km) 90 years old meliorative canal that has recently been dammed at several locations (Hrummo, D.G. et al. 2010). Drainage activity resulted in increased run off lowering the water level substantially. That leads to crucial changes of phytocoenosis as well as geomorphological features and increased the possibility of fires.

To investigate the research questions, data were collected along three transects. The transects are situated more or less rectangular to the canal to assess the changes in vegetation

Екологія рослин та фітоценологія


with changing drainage intensity. Along the transects every 50 m an investigation place for vegetation description was designated. For long term water level fluctuations at main vegetation types we used three different types of water level measurement devices: mechanical device – Minimum-Maximum devices (MMD; Bragg et al. 1994), automatic device – Data loggers (DL) and Simple water level gauges (SD). This method is used to connect vegetation composition data with water level fluctuations and to compare the accuracy of the different measurement devices over a period of at least 8 months. The accuracy assessment will be useful for the project and for future rewetting projects in Belarus. It should be analysed how much more accuracy we gain investing more time (reading monthly with SD) or money (using a DL) in contrast to the MMD. To connect all data sets the relative surface height of the transects will be assessed. For classification and name the peat according to main visible plant remains (Succow & Stegmann 2001) and to assess the degree of decomposition (von Post & Grosse-Brauckmann in Succow & Stegmann 2001) 10 corings with further stratigraphy were done along the transects.

Ongoing investigations are conducted in the framework of the project «Restoring Peatlands and applying Concepts for Sustainable Management in Belarus – Climate Change Mitigation with Economic and Biodiversity Benefits» which is set up by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK, the Michael Succow Foundation, Germany, and APB-BirdLife Belarus.


Bragg O.M., Hulme P.D., Ingram HAP, Johnston J.P., Wilson A.I.A. A maximum-minimum recorder for shallow water tables, developed for ecohydrological studies on mires // Journal of Applied Ecology. – 1994. – 31 (3). – Р. 589-592.

Hrummo D.G., Sozinov O.V., Zelenkevich N.A. et al. Flora and vegetation of the Landscape reserve Yelnia. Under the editorship of Bambalov, N.N.; NAS of Belarus, Institute of experimental botany, Minsk: Minsktipproekt, 2010. – Р. 200.

Succow M., Stegmann H. Torfarten. In: Succow M., Joosten H. (eds.): Landschaftsökologische Moorkunde. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 2001. – Р. 58-62.

Wetlands International Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS) – Yelnia… – 2002. – http://ramsar.wetlands.org/Database/Searchforsites/tabid/765/language/en-US/Default.aspx. Accessed 12.12.2009.

The vegetation of the forest water spring areas in the nature reserve «Grądy nad Lindą» and the projected reserve

«Źródliska Borowiny» (Central Poland)


University of Łódź, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology Banacha Str., 12/16, Łódź, 90-237, Polska

e-mail: paulinagielniak@wp.pl

Springs are natural underground water outflows on the ground surface. The area of the water outflow with the plants and animals that occur there, the surrounding vegetation and the upper part of the stream with the length of 100 m is defined as a spring area (Wołe-


Plant Ecology and Phytosociology

jko, 1999). Forest spring areas are spatial and complex structures which are characterized by a great variety of vegetation. The variety of vegetation is related to the geomorphologic variety of spring areas and the spring’s hydrological conditions.

The aim of this study is to compare the vegetation of the forest spring areas located in the edge zones of two geographic regions: Wzniesienia Łódzkie and Kotlina Szczercowska which are situated in Central Poland. Both regions are characterized by a great number of springs and other types of underground water outflows which were studied thoroughly (Nazdrowicz, 1987; Moniewski, 2004). The first region is represented by two forest spring areas in the nature reserve «Grądy nad Lindą» and the second one by two study sites in the projected reserve «Źródliska Borowiny». The research took place in 2009 and the standard method of Braun-Blanquet (1964) was adopted.

On the basis of the analysis of the phytosociological data (Dzwonko 2007), 4 syntaxons were distinguished according to Matuszkiewicz (2001): Fraxino-Alnetum W.MAT. 1952, Tilio-Carpinetum TRACZ. 1962 typicum, T-C TRACZ. 1962 stachyetosum and

Querco roboris-Pinetum (W.MAT. 1981) J.MAT. 1988. These 4 communities were found in the nature reserve «Grądy nad Lindą» and 2 in the projected reserve «Źródliska Borowiny». These are Fraxino-Alnetum and Querco roboris-Pinetum in the last one. FraxinoAlnetum is situated at the bottom of the forest spring niches in both research areas and on the rims of the niche in the projected nature reserve. This community is directly influenced by the underground water outflows. Tilio-Carpinetum typicum and T-C stachyetosum occur in the nature reserve «Grądy nad Lindą» on the rims of the niches. Querco roboris-Pinetum is distinguished in both study sites on the slopes of the niches and on the rims of the niches in the projected nature reserve. Distinguished communities are characterized by a great diversity of flora which comprise several valuable and protected species.


Braun-Blanquet J. Phlanzensoziologie // Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. – Wien-New York: Springer-Verlag, 1964. – 865 pp.

Dzwonko Z. Przewodnik do badań fitosocjologicznych // Vademecum Geobotanicum. – Poznań-Kraków: Sorus, 2007. – P. 191-253.

Matuszkiewicz W. Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski – Warszawa: PWN, 2001. – 537 pp.

Moniewski P. Źródła okolic Łodzi // Acta Geogr. Lodz. – Łódź: ŁTN, 2004. – 87. – 140 pp. Nazdrowicz K. Charakterystyka źródeł stref krawędziowych Wyżyny Łódzkiej i Kotliny

Szczercowskiej. – Łódź, 1987. – 74 pp.

Wołejko L. Porównanie kompleksów źródliskowych rozwijających się w warunkach naturalnych i zmienionych w wyniku antropopresji // Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie – Szczecin, 1991. – 149. – P. 53-67.

Екологія рослин та фітоценологія


The changes of the riparian forest communities in the nature reserve «Las Jawora» (Central Poland) after 28 years


University of Łódź, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology Banacha Str., 12/16, Łódź, 90-237, Polska

e-mail: arkadiuszgrzelak@gmail.com

The riparian forests are prominently hygrophilous and eutrophic plant communities which are related to horizontal water movements. These are special and valuable communities due to their biodiversity, however, they are greatly exposed to anthropopressure. The deforestation of river valleys and changes in water conditions have limited the area of the riparian phytocenoses. Nowadays, not only in Poland are these communities quite rare but also in other bordering countries like Lithuania or Latvia (Prieditis, 1997; Ciuplys, 2001).

The nature reserve «Las Jawora» is situated in the south-east part of Central Poland in the geographic region of Wyżyna Przedborska. The reserve was established in 1987 for the protection of the slope on lime rocks which build the hill of Bąkowa Góra as well as for the rare submountain communities and valuable plant species (Rąkowski et al., 2006). The research on flora and vegetation of this area was conducted by Witosławski in 1981. The riparian communities of two types were distinguished in the reserve: Fraxino – Alnetum W.Mat 1952 which is a quite common plant association in Central Poland and Carici remoteae – Fraxinetum Koch 1926 ex Faber 1936 which is a very rare syntaxon in this region.

The aim of this research was to indicate the changes of the riparian communities after 28 years. In 2009, 8 phytosociological relevés were made with the use of the standard Braun-Blanquet’s method. These relevés were situated in the locations of Witosławski’s research plots (1981). The comparison of the present and historical phytosociological material was made with the use of constancy (Pawłowski, 1977) and species cover values (Tuxen, Ellenberg, 1937).

The changes of Fraxino-Alnetum indicate that a gradual process of transformation to oak-hornbeam forests is ongoing here. 16 new species occurred in this type of community but 30 historical species were not found. Trees and shrubs had increased their share, however, a great number of species characteristic for the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class had disappeared. The participation of Rubus sp. had increased significantly. We can also see an expansion of the alien species of Padus serotina. On the other hand, Carici remoteae - Fraxinetum had not transformed much. 17 new species occurred in this type of community and 17 historical species were not found. The species of Querco-Fagetea class had increased their share but there is a decrease in the number of species from the Molinio – Arrhenatheretea class.


Braun-Blanquet J. Phlanzensoziologie // Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. – Wien-New York: Springer-Verlag, 1964. – 865 pp.

Ciuplys R. Phytosociological characteristics of Lithuanian forests dominated by Fraxinus excelsior // Botanica Lithuanica. – 2001. – 7. - P. 3-25.


Plant Ecology and Phytosociology

Matuszkiewicz W. Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. – Warszawa: PWN, 2001. – 537 pp.

Pawłowski B. Skład i budowa zbiorowisk roślinnych oraz metody ich badania [w:] Szafer (red.) Szata roślinna Polski T. 1. – Warszawa: PWN, 1977. – P. 229-263.

Prieditis N. Vegetation of wetland forests in Latvia: a synopsis // Annal. Bot. Fennici. – 1997. – 34. – P. 91-108.

R.ąkowski i inni Rezerwaty przyrody w Polsce Środkowej. – Warszawa: Instytut Ochrony Środowiska, 2006. – 527 pp.

Witosławski Studium florystyczno – fitosocjologiczne jako podstawa do zagospodarowania rezerwatu krajobrazowego «Bąkowa Góra»: Praca Magisterska, 1982.

Dynamics of chern forests in the West Sayan barrier landscapes (Altai-Sayan Mountains, Russian Federation)


V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, SB RAS, 660036 Akademgorodok, 50, Krasnoyarsk, Russia e-mail: dismailova@mail.ru

The research aim is to study of space-temporal dynamics of secondary mixed firaspen forest, their restoration after clear cutting on two control plots (natural succession) and one experimental plot with the experience of effective silviculture. The aim was to create Siberian Pine forest-garden from mixed stands using cleaning cutting.

For the first time on the basis of the data collected on permanent plots from 1966 to 2006 the space-temporal dynamics and rate of succession are analyzed. For the first time 40-year long dynamics of fir-aspen forests after cutting has been monitored on permanent plots in chern low-mountain zone of West Sayan. The observed succession embraced several age stages, from young to mature stands, and two directions of regeneration, through fir-aspen and aspen stands: from 30-40 to 70-80 years old. Diversity of lower layers composed by boreal and nemoral species forms mosaics of horizontal and vertical structure within the given type of forest ecosystem.

Well developed tall forb layer plays a role of subdominant in functioning of chern forest which influences soil processes and regeneration of trees. It makes impossible successful regeneration of Siberian pine which remains poor (500 items ha-1) during all period of monitoring and restricts fir regeneration in the gaps with tall forbs. Thus it makes favour to regeneration of the aspen offshoots growing faster than other tree species.

The rate and direction of the space-temporal structure changes depends on the dominant trees influence force. Fir is the greatest; aspen is the less strong edificator. In the aspen stand the space-temporal structure was relatively constant during 40 observing years. On the contrary, under fir crowns the transformation of lower layer occurs faster, which is reflected in the changes of composition and structure of communities. The data of mapping fix stage-by-stage changes of mosaics. The rate of succession varies from 0.012 up to 0.067 per year under fir crowns (A-I) and it gradually decreases from 0.017 to 0.007 per year under aspen crowns (A-III).

Екологія рослин та фітоценологія


Multivariance of synusia structure of fir-aspen mixed forests is the result of species richness and the sign of sustainability of the given forest ecosystem. The permanent synusia of herb layer are found out: climax, derivative, or temporary and sporadical. Their set is quite special for chern forests with tall forbs and ferns but their presence varies on different stages of succession.

The investigations carried out are a part of complex study. They can be used to make Siberian pine stands in their potential sites with high natural productivity taking into account the specificity of this process in chern forests. The developed data base on dynamics of floristic composition and phytocenotic structure of permanent plots can be applied to long-term monitoring. The results are of interest for prognosis of composition, structure and sustainability of coniferous and small-leaved formations at different anthropogenic disturbances and natural dynamics in current environment. Long-term monitoring of forest ecosystems highlights the tendencies of formations composition change. Besides, it may be useful to estimate resistance and flexibility of tree populations on the border of mixed fir-aspen and light-coniferous-birch forests in the past, present and future.

They are interesting as a basis of empirical modeling forest community dynamics in conditions of climate moistening if the warming is compensated by additional rainfall. From the other side they may be vulnerable if the balance between warmth and water supply reduces.

This research was financially supported by RFBR (grant 09-04-98040, 08-04-00613-a).

Effect of a hurricane on the Scots pine Pinus sylvestris (L.) – managed stands of coniferous forests in Central Poland


University of Lódź, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology

St. Banacha St., 12/16, 90-231 Łódź, Poland e-mail: kpawicka@biol.uni.lodz.pl

Managed pine forests are characterized by a small amount of dead wood – about 3 m3/ha (Gutowski et al. 2004). Low stock of coarse woody debris may pose a threat to the stability of the ecosystem and biodiversity. The situation changes when the areas affected by great damage.

In management forests, until recently dead wood had not been left in clear cuts (Ulanova, 2000). Currently Poland seeks to restore the balance of forest ecosystems by leaving a certain quantity of dead wood (Solon and Wolski, 2002). The following article characterizes the development of Scots pine and timber damaged in a hurricane, which occurred in July 2007 in Central Poland. The aim of this study was to estimate the stock of coarse woody debris (CWD), the structure of the species, DBH and estimate to the surface occupied by pits. The criterion of division into five decomposition classes follows Maser (1979).


Plant Ecology and Phytosociology

The total area of damaged forest stands was estimated at 2,225.55 ha. The Regional Directorate of State Forests in consultation with the Department of Plant Ecology and Geobotany excluded 22.4 ha of damaged forest from management. This area was left to natural regeneration. The test site covers three areas with a total area of 6000 m2. The investigation was carried out from August to October 2008 in Przedbórz Forest District in phytocoenosis of upland fir forest Abietetum polonicum (according to Matuszkiewicz, 2001 ) and humid coniferous Vaccinio uliginosi – Pinetum. The volume of coarse woody debris was estimated with a method proposed by Van Wagner (1968). Tree species were recorded, and DBH was measured to determine biomass. We measured for tree-fall direction, DBH(cm), pit length (m), and pit width (m). Area (m2) was calculated using the formula for the area of an ellipse (i.e., [π (L x W)]/4).

The research showed that the supply of pine dead wood was 81,95 m3/ha. The tested wood was not varied in degree of decomposition. This tested wood belonged to the first class. Most of the volume of dead wood was uprooted trees 57,55 m3/ha, broken laying fragments 22,2 m3/ha and, standing dead wood 2,2 m3/ha. The number of uprooted trees ranged from 5 (Abietetum polonicum) to 29 (Vaccinio uliginosi – Pinetum). The longest log was 33,0 m and the shortest 6,2 m. Disorders led to the unveiling of mineral soil and changes in the tree structure. Surface of pits averaged 6,14 m2 and the total area 186,4 m2 in humid coniferous. The size of individual fragments were up to five times higher than the silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) fragments (in the thickness range of 11-15) and 40 times higher than the number of pieces of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) (range of 16-25).


Gutowski J.M., Bobiec A., Pawlaczyk P., Zub K. Drugie życie drzewa. WWF Polska.

– Warszawa, 2004. – 245 p.

Maser C., Anderson R.G., Cromack K. jr., Williams J.T., Martin R.E. Dead and down woody material. W: Wildlife habitats in management forests. The Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service Agriculture Handbook, № 553. – Portland – Washington D.C., 1979. – 95 pp.

Matuszkiewicz J.M. Zespoły leśne Polski, Wydaw. Nauk. PWN. – Warszawa, 2001. – P. 358. Solon J., Wolski J. Propozycje gospodarowania zapasem martwego drewna w Leśnych

Kompleksach Promocyjnych. Leśne Prace Badawcze. IBL. Warszawa, 2002.

Ulanova N.G. The effects of windthrow on forests at different spatial scales: a review; Forest Ecology and Management 135. 2000. – P. 155-167.

Van Vagner C.E. The line intersect method in forest fuel sampling. 1968. – For. Sci. – 14.1.

– P. 20-26.

Екологія рослин та фітоценологія


Early ontogenetic stages study of several high mountain Asteraceae plant species


Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, department of botany 4 Hrushevskogo St., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

e-mail: tania.pochynok@gmail.com

Intensive vegetative reproduction is often observed in alpine plant species. Consequently, it is hard to examine different development stages in plants. Under extreme upland conditions generative renewal sometimes entirely lacks. Laboratory seed germination and plant development investigations are possible and actual for life strategy recognition and therefore realization of rarity causes.

Many studies have focused on the seed germination of alpine plant species (Wainagiy, 1963). Seed production, germination and plantlets viability during different development stages give a chance to estimate the efficiency of generative and vegetative reproduction (Kyyak, 2009). One of the promising aspects of the investigation is the clarification of plants distribution features and also participation in the plant communities. As far as ontogenesis is the base for adaptive changes of plant organs during different morphogenesis stages, the plant ontogenetic patterns have important meaning in the practice of its planting and nature resources usage. In fact, the combination of interrelated morphological and physiological changes the ontogeny appears to be not only the consequence but also the cause of age changes (Levin, 1966). However, few investigations have focused on the features of plants ontomorphogenesis, seeds structure and development, plantlets morphological architecture.

In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the pattern of certain biomorphs establishment during early stages of individual development of Aster alpinus L., Ptarmica lingulata (Waldst. et Kit.) DC., Ptarmica tenuifolia (Schur) Schur. (East-South- Carpathian endemic), Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. The comparative analysis of its organization would help to determine the common characters and main trends of structural changes. It remains unclear if the alpine plant species from different habitats have similarities in the ontogenetic development before adult’s life-form formation. Perhaps, the morphological anlysis will be the additional information to ensure the systematic relations among the Asteraceae family.

It is shown that P. lingulata can be placed in plant group with high values of seed germination intensity and S. alpina – with medium meanings. The period of germination is prolonged in all the species. The germination of A. alpinus seeds was spotted but the lowest index of germination was obtained. There is an assumption that its intensity decreases twice after 1-year seed storage (Czarnecka & Władyka, 2007). P. tenuifolia and P. lingulata seeds at first revealed low germination intensity but subsequently increased and reached maximum. The prolonged period of seed germination may be caused by environmental conditions and endogenous processes, besides it is an important adaptive feature to environmental conditions. Uneven germination of seeds has a biological sense: part of the seed potentially capable to germinate remains in the soil as a tank and forms a seed bank.

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