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Аудиторная работа

XVI. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVII. Образуйте сложные формы причастия от следующих глаголов и переведите их (устно):

to absorb, to increase, to produce, to store, to mention.

XVШ. Подберите словарные определения к следующим сло­вам и сочетаниям слов (устно):

root, fibrous root, tap root, stem, fertilizer, green manure, plant nut­rients.

1.Materials absorbed by plants and used by them for growth and development. 2. Any organic or inorganic material that is added to the soil to provide plant nutrients. 3. The kind of a root consisting of many roots of the same diameter and length. 4. The above ground portion of a plant that conducts water and plant nutrients from root to leaf. 5. The part of a plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. 6. A crop grown for plowing under when it is green. 7. The kind of root that consists of the main root and small branches throughout its length.

XIX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту А (устно): 1. What is vegetative phase characterized by? 2. When does a plant complete its life cycle? 3. What are the functious of the roots?


4. What kinds of roots are there? 5. Why are leaves so important? 6. What functions does a stem perform? 7. What crops have hollow stems? 8. What is a very important quality of a cereal stem?

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.

Text В


  1. The most important difference between plants and animals is that plants can produce food from inorganic materials. The process by which carbohydrates are produced is known as "photosynthesis". It is also the only process by which oxygen is supplied into the air,

  2. The process of photosynthesis is very complex consisting of many individual reactions. The conditions necessary for photosynthesis arc light, carbon dioxide, water, some essential nutrients and due tem­perature.

  3. Light energy is necessary to transform carbon dioxide and wa­ter into carbohydrates. Water and nutrients required for manufactu­ring carbohydrates come from the soil through the roots. That is why leaves will function well if the plant has a highly developed root system. Carbohydrates produced by plants are the most important source of food for all plants and animals.

  4. The main limiting factor for the daily amount of photosynthesis is the duration and intensity of sunlight. The process may also be limi­ted by the amount of carbon dioxide, the supply of water and unfavou­rable temperature.

  5. the word (слово) "photosynthesis" consists of two parts, "pho­to*' which is "light" and synthesis which is "building". So, photosynthe­sis is building with light.

  1. Скажите, почему процесс фотосинтеза так важен для человека. Подтвердите свой ответ соответствующими предложе­ниями из текста.

  2. Укажите номера абзацев, н которых содержится ответ на вопрос: "От чего зависит хорошее функционирование листьев с точки зрения фотосинтеза?"

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