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37 Лексический минимум к тексту а

to breed, plant breeding, plant breeder, selection, hybridisation, in­troduction, species, to cross, winter hardiness, maturity, disease, insect drought, science, desirable, succesaful, to precede, to follow, to differ (in), to compare, to vary with, available, to change, early, late, that.


VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

VII. Сгруппируйте слова по частям речи (существительное; прилагательное; глагол; причастие I, II; наречие) (устно):

gradually, abundant, aggregated, lower, competition, properly addi­tional, seeder, to decrease, poorer, directly, desirable, careful, limiting, suitable, requirement, removed, maintenance, wider, mixture, mechani­cal, physiologist, harrowed, favouring, fixer, to destroy, finest, follower.

VIII.Укажите предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения (устно).

1. Plant breeding being the science of changing the heredity of plants, the scientists widely use it in improving crop plants. 2. Many plant sci­ences are used by plant breeders in developing new varieties of crops, genetics and cytogenetics being most important. 3. Many varieties of corn producing good yields of high quality forage and grain are cultiva­ted throughout our country. 4. Each plant has two parts, the roots and the above-ground portion, the latter consisting of leaves and stems. 5. The stem of corn varies greatly in length in different varieties, the usual length being 5 to 10 feet. 6. Planting machines being used, a smaller amount of seed is required.

IX. Назовите номера предложений, в которых слово that эквивалентно русскому "который" (устно).

1. The climate of Moscow is colder than that of Krasnodar. 2. We know that millets belong to the grass family. 3. That experiment was conducted two years ago. 4. The experiment that was conducted two years ago gave very good results. 5. The optimum temperature for cotton is higher than that for small grains. 6. It has been shown by experiments that the quality of grain depends on the soil used. 7. The variety of wheat that will be grown on our farm is highly productive. 8. We need a good soil for our experiment, that is, the one that is suppli­ed with the necessary amount of water and nutrients. 9. Corn is a


good source of grain and forage: that is why it is widely grown by farmers.

X. Перечислите признаки растений, которые можно изменять с помощью селекции (по-английски, устно).

XI. Контроль чтения и понимания текста А.

Задание на дом № 2

XII. Употребите вместо пропусков слова из текста А в соответствующей форме (письменно):

1. Improving ... of crop plants is the aim of the science known as plant breeding. 2. Early ... is a highly important plant characteristic in areas where the growing period is short. 3. Winter cereals should with- stand fall and spring frosts, that is, they should possess 4. The

most... breeding work has been done in improving corn. 5. The aim of ... or the crossing of two or more varieties is obtaining a hybrid ... better inherited characteristics. 6. Very often high yields of good-quality grain can be produced due to ... of superior varieties from other regions or

other countries. 7. Rye being a plant, any class of soil may be used

in growing this crop. 8. Selection should ... and ... hybridization.

XIII. Составьте предложения, соединяя части, подходящие по смыслу (письменно):

  1. At present plant breeders can improve a) where summers are short;

  2. Early-maturing, cold-resistant b) with the biological characteris-varieties are grown tics of the crops grown;

  3. Practical experience of our best c)crop yield and quality;

collective farms shows that

  1. Yields vary d) of all seed plants;

5. Hybridization is used in the e) there are great reserves of improvement increasing crop yields.

XIV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Наследственность растений можно изменить. 2. Селек­ционеры выводят новые сорта. 3. Знание генетики необходимо для выведения новых сортов. 4. При выведении нового сорта исполь­зуются достижения многих наук. 5. В некоторых условиях жела­тельными признаками пшеницы являются зимостойкость и устой­чивость к полеганию. 6. Гибридизация — это метод получения нового сорта скрещиванием двух или более сортов.


б) 1. Наследственность растений можно изменить и улучшить селекцией. 2. Раньше улучшение растений и выведение новых со­ртов производилось путем отбора лучших типов. 3. Сейчас мно­гие признаки растений, такие, как урожайность, зимостойкость, засухоустойчивость и другие, успешно улучшаются нашими се­лекционерами. 4. Для выведения новых сортов нужно использо­вать достижения многих наук. 5. Новый улучшенный сорт можно вывести скрещиванием двух или более сортов, соединяя желатель­ные признаки в одном сорте. 6. Каждый сорт, выведенный для данных климатических условий, обладает определенными полез­ными признаками.

XV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.


XVI. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVII.Переведите следующие группы слов (устно):

for instance, lodging resistant varieties, a major crop production problem, one of he main controlling measures, plant breeding, plant breeder, winter hardiness, to eliminate undesirable characteristics, high disease resistance, to develop a variety, a superior variety, dorught-resistant variety, general crop improvement methods, the same variety.

XVIII. Составьте предложения, используя сочетания слов из упражнения XVII (устно).

XIX.Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту Л (устно):

1. Can the heredity of plants be changed? 2. What was the main method of improving crop plants in the past? 3. What plant characteris­tics can be improved by breeding? 4. How can a superior variety be developed? 5. What do desirable plant characteristics vary with? 6. What are the three general methods of crop improvement? 7. What is hybridization?

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.


Text В


A new hybrid has been developed by crossing wheat and rye. It is the first man-made cereal named triticale. Its name comes from a com­bination of the scientific names for wheat, Triticum. and rye, Secale.

The aims of hybridization between the two crops are increasing protein content of wheat and combining high yields of wheat with dro­ught-resistance of rye.

The first hybrids between wheat and rye were obtained in 1875. But those hybrids were highly sterile and did not reproduce. Triticale as a variety was first produced in Hungary (Венгрия) in 1968. In North America the first variety of triticale was developed in 1970. A few thousand hectares of triticale were grown in the Soviet Union in 1973.

At present there are triticales that can be produced commercially. The crop is classed now as a feed grain. As such it is equivalent to other cereals. But the grain quality is not very good for bread making

Protein content of the hybrid can be 30 percent, compared to 8 or 10 percent in corn and 13- 5 percent in rye and wheat. Triticale protein is high in essential amino acids which make the crop very good as feed for livestock.

Plant breeders are now working at developing triticales with shor­ter stems that will not lodge. Much breeding work should be done in improving the grain quality and increasing the yield.

XXI. Расположите вопросы так, чтобы они могли служить планом к тексту В.

  1. What triticale characteristics should be improved?

  2. What is triticale?

  3. What are the uses of the crop?

  4. Are there any varieties of triticale?

  5. What characteristic makes triticale superior to wheat and rye?

  6. What are the aims of crossing wheat and rye?

XXII. Дайте оценку тритикале по сравнению с пшеницей и рожью (по-русски или по-английски) (устно).

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