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  1. When environmental conditions are favourable a young dormant plant begins to grow. This change from a dormant condition (состоя­ние) to that of activity is known as germination.

  2. Seeds of various kinds of plants require specific conditions for germination. These conditions include adequate moisture, due tempera­ture and proper amount of air. Seeds of a very few plants require light as well. Unless all these conditions are provided, the seeds will not germinate properly.

  3. The most favourable temperature for germination varies with the crop. Some seeds require high temperature for good germination, others will germinate best at lower temperature. Oats, for example, germinate at a much lower temperature than corn.

  4. When the seed is sown in a firm, moist seedbed, quick and uni­form germination is obtained, provided other conditions are favourable. A firm seedbed is desired because under such conditions the seed and soil come into closer (тесный) contact and moisture becomes available to the seed. Too much moisture is undesirable because it may reduce germination due to deficiency of air.

  5. Air is needed for germination, for oxygen is necessary for certain chemical reactions that take place in the plant food stored in the seed.


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