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14 Аудиторная работа

XVII. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVIII. Расположите вопросы в таком порядке, чтобы они слу- жили планом к тексту А, и ответьте на них (устно).

1. Why is air necessary for plants? 2. What is environment? 3. What environmental conditions are favourable for plants? 4. Which environmental factors are important for plant growth? 5. Do all crops require much light for their growth? 6. What crops develop under cool climatic conditions? 7. What crops require warmer climate?

  1. Назовите (по-английски) факторы окружающей среды, влияющие на рост растений.

  2. Прочтите текст В. не пользуясь словарем. Определите значение выделенных слов по их сходству с соответствующими словами в русском языке или по контексту.

Text В

Plants in ecosystem

Ecosystem is the smallest unit (единица) in nature that can live independently. It includes all plants, all animals, and the non-living part of the environment, such as soil and climatic factors of a natural geog­raphic area.

Plant is always part of an ecosystem. Different parts of a natural ecosystem should be always in balance. This natural balance must not be destroyed by man.

The environments is constantly developing, this process is known as evolution. In the process of evolution new plant varieties may be developed.

However, natural evolution is a very long process. Nowadays ag­riculturists of all countries have their programme of plant improvement. Under this programme the evolution of crop varieties may not require more than some years.


As a result some new varieties well adapted to the environmental conditions will be developed, and crop production in the area will be higher.

XXI. Исходя из содержания текста В, скажите по-русски, по- чему при наличии процесса естественной эволюции растительно- го мира существует необходимость в улучшении растений чело- веком.

XXII. Определите, какие предложения не соответствуют со- держанию текста В. Исправьте их (устно):

1. Natural evolution is the most important way of crop improve­ment. 2. Ecosystem includes both living and non-living parts of the en­vironment. 3. Crop production is not influenced by evolution of the en­vironment.

Lesson 3


  1. Повторение причастий I и II,

  2. Причастие II в постпозиции.

  3. Значения one.

  4. Слова-заместители существительного.

Задание на дом № 1

  1. Проработайте в разделе "Грамматика и словообразование" § 5, 6, 7.

  2. Дайте словарную форму следующих слов и определите их значения по словарю (устно):

classified; drier, dried, applied, easily; earliest, multiplies. Ш. Образуйте причастия I и II и переведите их (устно):

а) от стандартных глаголов:

to develop, to produce, to supply, to harvest, to obtain, to increase, to improve;

б) от нестандартных глаголов: to grow, to know.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие: а) при­частие в постпозиции, б) причастные обороты (устно):

а) 1. The quality of the grain harvested is high. 2. The quality of the grain depends on the method of harvest used. 3. The yield of all the farm crops grown has increased. 4. They spoke about the yield obtai­ned;


b) 1. Some of the crops requiring cool conditions for their growth are wheat, lye and potatoes. 2. The growing period required by winter wheat is about 300 days. 3. There are many factors influencing crop growth and development. 4. Plants cultivated by man are known as farm crops. 5. Using fertilizers, farmers increase the fertility of the soil. 6. The cultural practices used in crop cultivation are different in diffe­rent areas. 7. Crops growing well under warm conditions are short-day crops. 8. Growing improved varieties, we obtain higher yields.

V. В тексте A:

1. Найдите причастия и определите их функции.

2. Определите, в каких значениях употреблено слово "one" (ones) (7 случаев).

VI. Переведите текст А (устно).

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