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Section 25.4

Chapter 25 · The Architecture of Scala Collections


The given function argument takes the key/value bindings of the prefix map res0 and produces pairs of strings. The result of the map is a PrefixMap, this time with value type String instead of Int. Without the canBuildFrom implicit in PrefixMap the result would just have been a general mutable map, not a prefix map.


To summarize, if you want to fully integrate a new collection class into the framework you need to pay attention to the following points:

1.Decide whether the collection should be mutable or immutable.

2.Pick the right base traits for the collection.

3.Inherit from the right implementation trait to implement most collection operations.

4.If you want map and similar operations to return instances of your collection type, provide an implicit CanBuildFrom in your class’s companion object.

25.4 Conclusion

You have now seen how Scala’s collections are built and how you can build new kinds of collections. Because of Scala’s rich support for abstraction, each new collection type can have a large number of methods without having to reimplement them all over again.

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