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Грамматические упражнения.doc
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Имя существительное. Указательные местоимения.

1. Напишите множественное число существительных:

Kettle, birth, bath, telephone, deed, built-in-wardrobe, tree, butterfly, match, shoe, bus, glove, pie, fox, ski, taxi, bush, toe, life, photo, piano, handkerchief, roof, chief, woman, potato, goose, knife, study, tomato, thief, leaf, foot, child, mouse, deer, fish, sheep, man, calf, hero, shelf, brush, baby, fireplace, hoof, radio, mother-in-law, storey, passer-by, box, handful, belief, watch, scarf, lee, pause, cloth, loaf, crash, beach, cow, motto, aircraft, businessman, move, glass, copy, mango, valley, mummy, atlas, rally, pity, omnibus, manifest, ray, ditch, agenda, fly, feature, lorry, buzz

2. Прочитайте следующие слова а) выпишите в разные колонки существительные в единственном числе и множественном числе; б) выпишите исчисляемые неисчисляемые существительные:

Positions, news, box, seas, problems, clothes, level, bus, countries, women, phenomenon, theses, money, crises, people, glass, class, feet, children, analyses, data, means, series, glasses, leaves, knives, sheep, ship, shorts, plays, books.

3. Образуйте форму множественного или единственного числа существительных:

This envelope; this factory; that hotel; this man; that deer; these games; those volcanoes; this report; these mice; these children; those rules; those buses; this baby; that city; this leaf; that candle; these clubs; this tooth; that lady; this hobby.

4. Образуйте форму множественного числа:

  1. This is a baby. 2. This is a student. 3. This is a port. 4. This is a disco. 5. This is a pilot. 6. That is a roof. 7. This is a factory. 8. This is an apple. 9. This is a camera. 10. This is a wolf. 11. This is a car. 12. This is an ox. 13. This is a sandwich. 14. This is a woman. 15. This is a piano. 16. This is an orange. 17. This is a half. 18. That is a patch.

5. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму множественного числа:

  1. This is a child. 2. Is that a teacher? 3. That is a doctor. 4. That isn't a lamb. 5. That isn't an atlas. 6. This is a fish. 7. That isn't a path. 8. This is a sheep. 9. This is a stranger. 10. That is a leaf. 11. This isn't a mouse. 12. This isn't a camera. 13 .Is this a man? 14. This is a half. 15. This isn't a baby.

6. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе:

1. The sheep is in the field. 2. The potato is on the plate. 3. The roof of this house is bad. 4. This is a lovely city. 5. This family is at home. 6. My sister has a new bag. 7. That house is old. 8. This woman is a teacher. 9. Who is that man? 10. This piano is оf the latest model. 11. That is his photo. 12. This person is a good sportsman. 13. I have a bad tooth. 14. Here is your toy. 15. He is our chief. 16. The deer is a beautiful animal. 17. His son-in-law is here. 18. The key is on this shelf. 19. She has a new flat.

7. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму единственного числа:

1. These boys have a ball. 2. These animals are wild. 3. My brothers have maps. 4. These pictures are on the walls. 5. Those geese are fat. 6. The chairs are in my room. 7. Are those villages very large? 8. His boots are large. 9. These pencils are in the box. 10. Are these good games? 11. Those ladies are our teachers. 13. These boys aren't my sons.