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analiz Rain

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Text analysis S.Maugham «Rain»

W. S. Maugham was an English playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and the highest paid author during the 1930.

W. S. Maugham’s short story Rain is told by a 3d person narrator. The story charts the activities of 2 groups of people the English and the American. They are travelers, trekking on a 2-week journey. Maugham centers the narrative on one the major plot that consists of the relationship between a Christian missionary and a prostitute. The Christian missionary is arrogant and tries to reform the prostitute. He uses his political influence to control events that happen in the narrative. But Maugham adds a twist to the narrative when the prostitute seduces the missionary, he ends up suicide. Maugham ends Rain with the prostitute believing that all men are pigs.

The story was written in very interesting and event full period of English history. It was the time of the colonization of Asia territories by England. There were missioners which spread Christianity there.

So this story was written by an outstanding English novelist and short story writer W. S. Maugham (1874-1965). Maugham’s father was an English lawyer but he dead early, as his mother. Maugham studied at King’s school, Canterbury, then he studied literature and philosophy at Heidelberg University. Then he studied medicine at St. Thomas Hospital in Lambeth, this experience revealed in his first novel Lisa of Lambeth. The contribution of Maugham’s creations is marvelous for English literature and for the world’s literature as well..

The main idea of the creation is that people mustn’t punish somebody for the sin. The author wants to say that all people are sinners that’s why they can’t reform, or punish each other. The right punishment, the true punishment is when sinner himself understand all the actions and begin to regret, to punish himself, only in this case a person can change.

The story is closely connected with the Bible’s episode when people led a woman to Jesus; she was a prostitute so they want Jesus to punish her. But he said Who is without sin from all of you, drop a stone in her. But of cause all people are sinners and nobody could drop a stone.

There are a lot of symbols in the story. The main-is rain, constant rain, as a symbol of hopeless, desperation, disillusion.

The extract under the analysis is full of stylistic devices. Polysyndeton: «…and smooth… and they…». Simile: » …like a woman’s breasts». Metaphor: «white like the new-fallen snow». Repetition: «I want her to…I want her to…».

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