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It is the desire of Glenhardie Country Club to make your special affair most enjoyable and very memorable. Due to the strict Drinking and Driving Laws, we want to advise you that in certain circumstances we may have to stop a guest from consuming alcoholic drinks. We will go out of our way to do this in a professional manner. Glenhardie Country Club wants to see your guests have a good time and make it home safely.

Our choices in table size are 72'’ rounds, 60'’ rounds, and 52'’ square tables that seat between 4 and 12 guests per table. I will be pleased to guide you in preparing a floor plan with room layouts and suggested table schemes. Linens are available in a variety of colours; to lend a more formal and elegant atmosphere, floor-length cloths are available at no charge. Our traditional silverware, china and glassware accent the table setting along with complementary votive candles.

Glenhardie has prepared a list of entertainers, florists and photographers whom we recommend. If you need help in any of these areas, please inquire about the lists and I will guide you in the details.

Meetings can be tailored to individual needs. We can provide a full range of audio-video equipment and food and beverage services to enhance your event.

All prices quoted are guaranteed through January 2003. A twen- ty-percent service charge and six-percent sales taxes will be added to all prices. Dinner prices include hot fresh rolls, salad, dessert, coffee, tea and iced tea. Luncheon prices include dessert, coffee, tea and iced tea.

Glenhardie Country Club offers facilities for either indoor or outdoor banquets. Our outdoor facilities offer a covered patio and courtyard with a beautiful view, accommodating up to 75 people. Tented parties are available for up to 200 people for an additional fee. Our indoor facility is perfect for a more intimate setting; the Georgian Style Decor in our Main Dining Room makes for an antiquated, elegant, atmosphere, seating up to 75 people. Smaller rooms are also available for private parties and meetings.

A $500.00 deposit is required to secure your date. Deposits are non-refundable. Final count information is due 7 days prior to your


event. Payment is due the day of your event, payable by cash or personal check. Please, note that we do not accept credit cards. All evening affairs are 5 hours from the start of the Hors d’oeuvres hour. Each additional hour will be charged $100.00 for extended labour, plus any additional food or alcohol served.



to take pride in


hors d’oeuvres [O: d´ q:vr]







зд.: задаток

5.Complete the sentences.

1)Glenhardie Country Club is situated next to ... ... ... ... ... ... .

2)A list of bar options ... ... along with a wine list and a price list of drinks by consumption.

3)Wines served at dinner ... ... per bottle.

4)Cocktails, beer, soda, cordials, and wines by the glass are priced ... ... or by ... ... (priced per person per hour).

5)There is a $100.00 ... for each additional bar you request.

6)Due to the strict ... and ... Laws, we want to advise you that in certain circumstances we may have to stop a guest from consuming alcoholic drinks.

7)... are available in a variety of colours; to lend a more formal and elegant atmosphere, ... ... ... are available at no charge.

8)Traditional ..., ... and ... accent the table setting along with complementary votive candles.

9)Glenhardie has prepared a list of ..., ... and ... .

10)Glenhardie Country Club can provide a full range of equipment ... ... and ... and ... services to enhance your event.


11)A twenty-percent ... ... and six percent ... ... will be added to all prices.

12)Outdoor facilities offer a ... ... and ... with a beautiful view, accommodating up to 75 people.

13)... ... are available for up to 200 people for an additional fee.

14)... ... are also available for private parties and meetings.

15)A $500.00 ... is required to secure your date.

16)Payment is due the day of your event, payable by ... or ... ...


6.Speak on Glenhardie Country Club.

7.Render into English.

Проведение конференций — очень выгодный бизнес для

отелей. Любой съезд гарантирует хорошую наполняемость отеля в течение, по меньшей мере, нескольких дней. Кроме того, что группа устроителей арендует специальные помещения для проведения встреч, люди, участвующие в конференции, создают дополнительный бизнес для баров, ресторанов и магазинов отелей. Часто участников конференции сопровождают члены их семей, что создает дополнительную выгоду для отелей. Фактически, конференция — это сочетание отдыха с бизнесом, шанс отвлечься от ежедневных проблем. За проведение конференций в штате отеля отвечают несколько специалистов: менед- жер-организатор конференций, менеджер по банкетам, а также технический и обслуживающий персонал. Переговоры о проведении конференции могут продолжаться в течение длительного промежутка времени, так как на рынке имеется огромный выбор таких услуг. Для того, чтобы привлечь клиентов, отели предлагают сниженные цены на проживание и самую низкую цену за услуги и оборудование. Менеджеры тщательно согласовывают свою работу с требованиями к помещениям в отеле.



1.State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences.

1)To find investors for the Pushkin Centre, it is necessary to use advertising.

2)To find investors for the Pushkin Centre is one of the main tasks.

3)There are a lot of problems to solve.

4)The publicity consultant devised a PR strategy to communicate with prospective visitors of the Pushkin Centre.

5)The publicity consultant devised a PR strategy to be put into effect in advertising.

2.Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive Constructions.

1)Pushkin City Administration is known to be searching for investors for its planned international culture and business centre.

2)They want businessmen to invest in this project.

3)The Centre is sure to be the venue for exhibitions, lectures, concerts and other events both national and international.

4)Cox’s Yard was likely to be a timber business.

5)Stratford Council is believed to have chosen a brewery company which developed the yard into a museum.

6)We expect the centre to be visited by many people.

7)It was easy for Stratford Council staff to choose an investor.

8)The first thing for the Stratford Council staff to do is to find investors.

3.Translate the sentences including the Subjunctive Mood.

1)It is necessary that Pushkin City Administration find investors for its planned international culture and business centre.


2)She proposed that some of these facilities should be used for the Pushkin Centre.

3)It is desirable that the potential size of the market be estimated.

4)I wished these companies had been engaged.

5)He spoke as if he were a specialist on the subject.

6)The consultant wished that the coach and tour operators would be invited for the next season.

4.Open the brackets making the necessary changes and translate the sentences.

1)I might have gone on an excursion with you if I (to know) about it beforehand.

2)Provided they find the investors, they (to build) a new business centre.

3)Should he (to come) to Britain, he could attend the training courses.

4)If you (to choose) this company, it would develop the yard into a museum.

5)If Jack had come home earlier last night, he (to call) you back.

6)In case the consultant (to make) personal contacts with local editors, journalists, and photographers, advertising would have been successful.

7)Unless he (to devise) a PR strategy, he wouldn’t have lost his job.

5.Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participles.

1)Having arrived two days before the conference he spent the time to see the sights of St. Petersburg.

2)Having ceased work in the early 1990s the plant became something of an eyesore.

3)The large building being built in this street is a new hotel.

4)At the conference of the World Tourism Organization being held in Paris a number of important problems are being discussed.


5)Being based on the history of the city the exhibition was of great interest.

6)The PR strategy devised by the consultant was of great success.

7)Having been announced in local newspapers the tourism strategy was successfully promoted.

6.Translate the sentences paying attention to the Gerundial Construction and the Absolute Participial Construction.

1)Many businessmen’s investing in this project enabled us to realize our plans.

2)Many businessmen investing in this project, we could realize our plans.

3)The publicity campaign being important was perceived by everybody.

4)The consultant having made personal contacts with local editors, journalists and photographers, the publicity campaign was successful.

5)Articles having been published in the local newspaper, many people participated in the development of the tourism strategy for the city.

6)Articles being published in the local newspaper helped us to promote the tourism strategy for the Pushkin Centre.

7)Pushkin City Administration faced a lot of proposals for developing the Pushkin Centre, one of them being very interesting.

7.Read and translate text 1.

Text 1


Pushkin City Administration is searching for investors for its planned international culture and business centre — Pushkin Centre. Being projected to cost US $7 million, it will house a 400-seat


cinema/theatre/concert hall, an exhibition hall, a business centre, a film/video studio, an 80-bed hotel, catering units, a bank, shops and parking and garaging facilities. The Centre is supposed to be the venue for exhibitions, lectures, concerts and other events both national and international, with the accent on commemoration of Alexander Pushkin.

Having looked at the techniques used to market a comparable attraction in Stratford Ludmila Chernovskaya proposed that some of these could be used for the Pushkin Centre. The attraction was Cox’s Yard, formerly a timber business. It had ceased work in the early 1990s and had become something of an eyesore. Having purchased it the Stratford Council staff faced a large number of proposals for developing it. Many businessmen wanted to invest in this project. It was easy for Stratford Council to choose a brewery company, which developed the yard into a heritage exhibition based on the history of Stratford itself rather than Shakespeare.

To estimate the potential size of the market, a marketing and public relations company was engaged as publicity consultant to the project. The number of visitors to Stratford every year is even greater than those who visit Pushkin: three million, a huge number for a town with only 23,000 residents. Cox’s Yard was due to open in the autumn of 1998.

However, it was necessary to decide which of these should be targeted as possible visitors. The consultant decided that they should be general customers and families, organized groups, coach and tour operators, educational visits and conference groups. Based on this, the consultant devised a PR strategy to communicate with them. Advertising was sure to be an important element. Local and national media, direct mail and brochures/leaflets were used. Tour and coach operators were offered ‘packages’ tailored to their needs. However, there was also a publicity campaign to organize. This had two aspects. A locally-oriented publicity campaign being important was perceived by everybody. So the consultant made personal contacts with local editors, journalists and photographers. In the meantime, similar contacts were being made with well-targeted national periodicals, such as Coach Tours UK, Group Travel Organizer, Coach


Tours and Excursions and Travel Britain. The consultants did not miss chances for ‘photo opportunities’ or free publicity.

A number of the staff involved in tourism in Pushkin travelled to Britain as a part of the Tacis project, either to work with their counterparts in Stratford, or to attend training courses, or both. They included the Team Leader from Pushkin Irina Vorontsova who is Chief of International Relations at Pushkin Council. Ms. Vorontsova looked at the activities of Stratford on Avon Council and the way they influenced tourism.

Pushkin has already acted on ideas similar to those in the Stratford documents. It now has a District Tourism Council. It also has a steering group, which works with staff from the Russian Academy of Tourism helping to develop the Targeted Program of Actions in Tourism (TPAT). Articles having been published in the local newspaper, the steering group wanted people to participate in the development of the tourism strategy for Pushkin. If men of enterprise joined the project, it would be easier to promote the tourism strategy for Pushkin.

Ms. Vorontsova held discussions with several of the departments of Stratford Council finding out about the legal aspects of local democracy which she regarded as important. She expressed particular interest in the provisions for disabled people, both as tourists and as employees in the tourism sector. Pushkin District Administration is developing a project for a rehabilitation centre for the disabled including hotel, restaurant, and sports and leisure areas. Pushkin contains several institutions and residences for the handicapped or for the elderly, and already has some experience in providing special events, tours and exhibitions for them.



to search for = to look for



ознаменование памяти



timber business

лесозаготовительная компания

to cease

прекращать, переставать



уродство, «бельмо на глазу»



brewery company

пивоваренная компания

to tailor


to devise

придумывать, изобретать

in the meantime

между тем


зд.: коллега

disabled = handicapped


8.Answer the questions.

1)What will the Pushkin Centre house?

2)Why did the Stratford Council staff purchase Cox’s Yard?

3)What company was engaged as publicity consultant to the project?

4)What kind of strategy did the consultant devise?

5)What promotional tools were used?

6)Why did a number of the staff from Pushkin travel to Britain?

7)How was the tourism strategy for Pushkin promoted?

8)What project is being developed by Pushkin District Administration?

1.Look through text 2 and find the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.

здания для временного проживания; крутой склон горы; планы городской застройки; торговец; зарабатывать на жизнь; магазин готовой одежды; удовлетворять запросы; снимать напряжение; благоустройство улиц; увеличение количества автостоянок; оформление места в национальном стиле.


2.Read and translate text 2.

3.Give an annotation of the text.

Text 2


Itaewon was one of the four accommodation facilities that were established in the four corners of Hanyang (now Seoul) for the convenience of travellers and officials on government business. The four facilities included Bojewon and Jeongwanwon in the east, Hongjewon in the west, and Itaewon in the south. Itaewon originally stood where Yongsan Middle and High Schools are located today. In modern times, the street named Itaewonno was made on a steep mountain slope in Hannam-dong according to Seoul urban design plans and Itaewon was thus moved to its present location around the Hamilton Hotel.

The present Itaewon shopping district began to form about 40 years ago. After the liberation from Japanese colonial rule, small merchants began to gather here to sell souvenirs to American soldiers in order to make a living. One by one the small stores were turned into tailor shops or antique shops and from the mid-1970s Itaewon began to take shape as a real shopping district catering to foreign residents of Korea and foreign tourists. From the time of the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Olympic Games, Itaewon grew rapidly into a major Korean shopping town and became what it is today.

Walking along the street in Itaewon one can see many signs reading “Big Size” or “Big and Tall”. As these signs show, Itaewon appeals to the tastes of foreigners and for selling clothes and shoes that fit the larger sized foreigners.

With the establishment of foreign culture in the area, Itaewon is the only place in Seoul where foreigners can get together and relax and together relieve the tension of living as foreigners in Seoul. It is a big help that most of the merchants in the area can speak English, making communication no problem. Apart from this, there are many bars, clubs, and restaurants where foreigners gather to appease the loneliness of being in a foreign country.