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1. Give a detailed description of your family by answering the following questions:

  1. What’s first your name? What’s your surname?

  2. What are you? What year student are you?

  3. Where do you come from? What place do you come from?

  4. When and where were you born?

  5. How old are you?

  6. How many people are there in your family?

  7. Who are your parents?

  8. What are they? Where do your parents work? What do they do?

  9. How long have your parents been married? Use: to have been married for …

  10. Do they have much in common?

  11. Do your parents work very hard? Use: to go on business trips, to work over time, have a part-time job as a …, have a full-time job, to work at two jobs…)

  12. What does your father do for a living? Use: to work for a company,

  13. What is he like? Use: be tall, be strong, be short, have a lovely face, have an ordinary (plain) face, be silent, shy, quiet, reserved, talkative, a good listener, a man of intelligence, friendly, sociable.

  14. What is your father’s hobby?

  15. When is his birthday? Use: a man of forty, in his forties, of middle age, rather young (old).

  16. Who keeps the house in your family?

  17. Does your mummy do all the cooking herself?

  18. Can you describe your mother? What does she look like? Use: be pretty, be above medium height, tall, rather thin...

  19. Do you always inform your parents of your plans?

  20. What sort of things do you do together?

  21. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

  22. Have you got grandparents?

  23. How old are your grandparents? Use: a woman of sixty, in her sixties, rather old.

  24. Have you got any other relatives?

  25. Do your parents give much thought to your education?

  26. What do your parents think of you? Use: be very pleased with, be proud of, be fond of, think the world of, approve of, expect a lot of.

  27. What do your parents expect of you? Use: want me to do well at my study, be obedient, read a lot, be fond of sport.

  28. Did you attend sport sections and subject circles?

  29. What sport do you go in for?

  30. Are you shy (reserved, sociable)? Do you prefer to be in the company of other people?

  31. Are you quiet or talkative?

  32. Are you fond of books and music?

  33. What are your household duties?

  34. What are going to be?

  35. Do you know about the difficulties of your future profession?

2. Render the story into English.

Моя семья не очень большая, это типичная семья: папа, мама, я, мои брат, сестра и кот. Моей маме сорок один год, она - учительница испанского языка в университете. Она прирожденная учительница. У нее дар преподавать. Моему отцу - сорок два, он профессиональный художник и работает в оформительском комбинате. Обоим моим ро­дителям очень нравится их работа.

Моей старшей сестре Наташе - девятнадцать, она ходит в университет и хочет стать учительницей по истории. Ей нравится читать историческую и художественную ли­тературу. Моему младшему братишке Игорю только шесть лет, он ходит в детский сад. Он очень смешной, мне нравится проводить свободное время, обучая его чему-нибудь. Игорю нравится играть с нашим котом.

Мои бабушка и дедушка на пенсии. Им нравится возиться на приусадебном участке. Они проводят много времени в огороде. Они выращивают овощи и фрукты. Мы наслаждаемся тем, что на нашем столе всегда свежие овощи и зелень. Я очень люблю свою семью. Мы всегда помогаем друг другу. Каждый член моей семьи - мой лучший друг.

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