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Текст 4

Most materials can be further divided into groups. The grouping of materials is based on their properties or their origin. Here is the way to classify some materials.

Woods: There are two types of wood, hardwood and softwood. Sounds simple, but the words hard and soft have nothing to do with the hardness of the wood. The difference is in the tree that the wood came from. Hardwoods come from trees that have broad leaves, for example, walnut and maple. Softwoods come from trees that have needles, such as pine and fir.

Metals: There are two types of metals also, ferrous and nonferrous. Ferrous is a Latin word for iron. The difference between ferrous and nonferrous is that ferrous metals contain iron and nonferrous metals do not. Ferrous metals include iron and the many types of steel. Nonferrous metals include copper, tin, lead, aluminum, gold, and silver.

Plastics: There are also two types of plastics: thermoplastic and thermoset. The difference is very simple. Thermoplastics can be melted and remelted many times using heat. Thermosetting plastics change chemically when they set (твердіти). They cannot be remelted. Acrylic plastic is an example of thermo­plastic. It can be reheated many times to change its shape. Bakelite is a common plastic used for electrical plugs and cooking-pot handles.

Composite materials: By combining different materials, new and often better properties can be obtained. Composite materials such as fiberglass and carbon graphite or graphite-epoxy are very lightweight and strong. They are used to make high-performance aircraft wings and lightweight sporting goods such as tennis racquets.

Materials are chosen by their characteristics. The characteristics of a material are called its properties. Each material has special properties that make it useful for certain products.

Прочитайте поданий нижче текст з метою найти відповіді на такі запитання:

  1. Чому ми називаємо Землю „закритою системою”?

  2. Яке значеня мають терміни „disposable”, „biodegradable” та „recycling”?

  3. Яким чином використання ресурсів може впливати на навколишнє середовище?

Текст 5

Are we wasting our resources? Are companies producing products without thinking about the appropriate use of resources? These are hard questions for you to answer, but you need to ask them. We often forget the fact that we live in a world that has limits. Do you ever think about the fact that the air you breathe and the water you drink are recycled? The Earth is a closed system. There are no other sources of air or water, for example, than what has always been on earth. It might be unpleasant to think that the air you are breathing now or the water you drank for lunch may have been used by someone else before you. If air and water are polluted, they cannot be used safely again by anyone.

You are surrounded by products that companies claim are "disposable." Think about all the paper and plastic cups, food containers, and packaging materials that your family throws in the garbage each week. What do you think happens to them?

Many of the products and materials you throw away end up in landfills (garbage dumps) where they are buried or burned, or sometimes the used materials are dumped directly into the oceans. Disposing of materials in these ways can eventually cause air or water pollution. The best thing for you to do is to use, whenever possible, materials that are biodegradable. Biodegradable materials break down or decompose naturally like paper and go back into the earth. Other materials that take a long time to decompose, such as aluminum, plastic, and glass, should be recycled.

Today, you must use resources carefully and be aware of how they will affect the environment after they are no longer in use. You can do things that will really make a difference.