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Question words


When did you call him?



When will she come?

Next week.


Where is my bag?

On the table.


Where can I find a pen?

In that drawer.


Why aren’t you coming with us?

I am tired.

Причина / мета

Why did he leave so early?

To catch the last train.


How does he drive?



How did you get there?

By car.

How much money do you need?

Twenty dollars.


how much + необчислювальний іменник;

how many + обчислювальний іменник

How many people came to the party?

Twenty five.

How old are you?

Thirty five.


how + прикметник (прислівник)

How cold is it?

Twelve below zero.

Ступінь / міра

How soon can you get here?

In 20 minutes.

How fast were you driving?

80 kilometers an hour.

How long has he been here?

Three months.


How often do you write her?

Every month.


How far is it to Kyiv from here?

300 kilometers.



Who came to see you?

My children.

Who стосується людей і є підметом у реченні. Наступне за ним дієслово має форму 3-ї особи однини, навіть якщо мають на увазі більше однієї людини

Who knows anything about this deal?

I do.


Who(m) did you see there?

I saw Nick.

Whom’ використовують як додаток до дієслова або прийменника. Форма who переважає у розмовній англійській. Whom використовують в офіційній обстановці. Відмітьте: ‘whom, а не who використовують у сполученні з прийменником

Who(m) should I talk to?

My assistant.

To whom should I talk?

The secretary.


Whose book is it?

It’s mine.


Whose is this?



What makes you angry?

His rudeness.

‘What’ може бути підметом чи додатком при утворенні питань стосовно речей, абстрактних понять та тварин. Якщо ‘what’ є підметом, то наступне дієслово має форму 3-ї особи однини

What do you need?

I need a pen.

What did he talk about?


About what did he talk? (офіційна форма)

His project.

What kind of book is that?

It’s a love story.

What kind of’ – питання про тип чи конкретний вид предмета чи істоти

What countries did you visit?

France and Italy.

What + іменник =

який (яка, які) + іменник

What color is her hair?


What is he like?

He is kind and friendly.

What + be like

питання стосовно загальних характеристик

What is the weather like today?

Warm but cloudy.

What does Ed look like?

He is tall and has dark hair.

What + look like

питання стосовно фізичного опису предметів та істот

What does her house look like?

It’s a two-story, red brick house.

What did you do last night?

I studied.

What + одна з форм do’

питання щодо діяльності

What is Mary doing?

She is reading a book.


I have two pens.

The blue one.

Which’ використовують замість what’, коли питання стосується вибору з даної кількості чи групи

Which pen do you want?

Which one do you want?

Which do you want?

Which countries did he visit?

Peru and Chile.

Інколи різниця між whatтаwhich настільки мала, що обидва варіанти однаково можливі

What countries did he visit?

б) Користуючись цією таблицею, поставте запитання до виділених частин поданих нижче речень:

  1. Millions of people all over the world work in technology – related careers.

  2. Technology started over 2 million years ago.

  3. Technology is changing and growing very quickly.

  4. You can have more creative ideas if you open your mind to new thingsю.

  5. A technologically literate person can put technology to use to solve problems.

  6. A problem – solving strategy can make it easier to solve the problem.

  7. Learning about technology is fast – paced, exciting, challenging and fun.

  8. There is a good chance that the career you choose will involve technology in some way.

  9. Technicians use problem – solving steps in jobs that produce or transport products, communicate messages and research ideas.

  10. Technology is causing changes in our everyday lives.

Завдання 9 а) Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче групи слів:

-product, to produce, production, productivity, producer;

-to create, creative, creature, creativity, creation, creativeness, creatively;

-to challenge, a challenge, challenging, challenger;

-technology, technological, technical, technician;

-science, scientist, scientific, scientifically;

-to invent, invention, inventor;

-computer, computerize, computerization, computation;

-define, definition, definite, indefinite, definitely;


б) Розподіліть подані вище слова слова на групи:

Іменники Дієслова Прикметники Прислівники

Завдання 10Прочитайте текст, спробуйте якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам’ятати його зміст.