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II(визначення ймовірностідії)

  1. He must have translated that article yesterday.

  2. They must have forgotten all about it.

  3. The discussion must have been very interesting. It's a pity I could not stay.

  4. The stu­dents may have translated these articles last month.

  5. They may have returned home already.

  6. My friend may have left two days ago.

  7. They could have taken their exam in English yesterday.

  8. She could have arrived some days ago.

  9. He might have left his book in some other place.

  10. She might have come if you had asked her.

  11. I should have done it before.

  12. You should have translated those articles long ago.

  13. You could have informed me in time.

  14. The moving parts of the machine must have been lubricated not to damage the machine at work.

  15. A specially designed computer should have been used in the equipment of the meteo probe.

  16. You might have known that to stop the flow of electricity you have to use a switch.

  17. The article should have been translated long ago, where is the translation?


    1. We can't always predict accurately how a change will affect us or our world. We can only be sure that everything changes eventually.

    2. Advances in technology can have a great impact on the world if they are made available to all people.

    3. If medical equipment and people could be put in an airplane, people all over the world might be helped.

    4. If you wanted to design a bycicle, for example, you would not have to invent the wheel. But you might just want to change the shape of the wheel.

    5. New knowledge can then be used to change or improve technology that already exists.

    6. The saying "you don't have to reinvent the wheel" means that you do not have to start from the beginning to solve a problem.

    7. You will see that even though you don't have to reinvent the wheel, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

    8. Researchers might try many ideas until the problem is solved.

    9. The energy produced by the sun can charge batteries to power electric vehicles.

    10. Computers can be used to make 3 – D graphics colourful and interesting.

    11. Life science and technology can be combined to produce food in a fish farm.

    12. Using calculators you have to know what math operations (addition, substraction, multiplication, and division) to use in solving a problem. You must also know how to enter the information correctly into the calculator or computer.

    13. Every fast – food restaurant must try to keep costs down to be competitive.

    14. As business manager you will have to solve a lot of problems.

Завдання 6 Прочитайте текст, спробуйте якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам’ятати його зміст.

Текст 6 Where Do We Get Resources?

Before you can make anything you will need resources. Resources can be anything that is used in the production of a product. What are some of the resources you can use, and where do you find them? Your resource list might include:

- People: Technology has been created by people. People have used their ideas and knowledge to invent and build products that meet their needs. Some companies hire people for their ideas and skills just as other companies buy raw materials for their products. With the proper training and education, you can be a resource person for others, too.

- Machines: People have used their intelligence to create the many complex machines we have today. We rely on machines as a resource to help us do work. Through technology those machines often run automatically, we don`t even have to think about them.

- Information: You know already that the amount of information in the world is growing rapidly. Because there is so much information there are companies that gather, organize, and sell the information. People use this information to design, produce, and sell products.

- Raw Materials:Natural resources include water, land, minerals, fossil fuels (remains of dead vege­tation and animals such as oil, coal, natural gas), and timber. But did you know that some of these resources are nonrenewable? Nonrenewable means that once the resource has been used up, it is gone forever! For example, the world's supply of oil will not last forever.

- Energy: Energy is used to make things and to transport products. It is also used to heat, cool, and light the buildings that we live and work in. Like raw materials, some sources of energy are limited. Renewable energy sources include solar energy, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy.

- Money: Even if you had all the other resources available to you, it still takes money to start a business. Money to start a new business is often borrowed from banks. Loans must be paid back as well as any interest on the loan.

- Time: Many people consider time a resource because it takes time to make a product. In many instances, however, time is a factor that determines which other resources you might use and how you might use them. If you have to produce a product in a short time, you might choose only materials that are readily available and people who are already trained for that job.

Завдання 7 Визначте, які з поданих нижче речень відповідають змісту тексту:

  1. Resources are important.

  2. Money to start a new business is often borrowed from banks.

  3. Natural resources include light, energy and nuclear energy.

  4. Proper training and education are important things in order to invent new products.

  5. People created technology, machines, raw materials, so on.

  6. You musn’t need to contact other people in order to do something, you must have your own ideas.

  7. People have used their knowledge to create a lot of clever machines.

  8. Before making anything, you must get advice from your frinds.

  9. There is a lot of information in the world, and it is growing rapidly.

Завдання 8 Дайте відповіді на подані нижче запитання:

  1. What do we call resources?

  2. How many items does the resource list include? Name them.

  3. What is important to be considered “a resource person”?

  4. Why do people need information?

  5. What is the most important thing you should know about natural resources?

  6. What kind of energy sources do you know?

  7. Where can you get money to start a business?

Завдання 9 Дайте визначення таких понять:

  1. resources

  2. renewable resources

  3. nonrenewable resources

  4. geothermal energy

  5. fossil fuels

  6. a resource person

  7. interest on loans


Завдання 1Уважно прочитайте подані нижче слова та їх переклад. Запам’ятайте їх:







to stick


















to notice















to prove



to apply for

звертатися (за)

обращаться (за)




to relate to

ставитися (до)

относиться (к)


водопровідний кран

водопроводный кран




resposible for






Завдання 2 Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче слова, ґрунтуючись на їх подібності до слів рідної мови:

adhesive, patent, innovation, license, to protect, file, sketch, prototype, model, project, tradition.

Завдання 3 Прочитайте подані нижче словосполучення. Дайте їх еквіваленти рідною мовою:

creative thinking, by accident=by chance, a nonstick surface, safety glass, a car windshield, corn flakes, something else, to work toward a goal, exercise equipment, waste products, nuclear waste products, to crank the engine, patent office, water faucet, door knobs, current needs.

Завдання 4 Використовуючи значення відомих вам слів та правил словотворення, перекладіть подані нижче групи слів. Визначте, до якої частини мови належить кожне слово (зверніть увагу на те, що іноді різні частини мови збігаються за формою):

accident – accidentally

approach – to approach

safe – a safe – safely – safety

valuable – value – to value – evaluation – to evaluate

combination – to combine

new – innovation - innovator

benefit – to benefit (from)

to notice – unnoticed – a notice- noticeable

rust – to rust – rusting

permission – to permit

patent – to patent

high – height

wide – width

long – length

to weigh - weight

Завдання 5 а) Уважно вивчіть таблицю різних типів умовних речень, їх утворення та значення.