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Н.А. Новик Обучающе-контролирующие тесты.doc
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Test 14

Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect,

Past Perfect Continuous

I. Translate into Russian

  1. I've been learning English for a long time, but I haven't learnt it properly yet.

  2. It's been raining since I got up this morning.

  3. How long have you been smoking?

  4. Tom and I have known each other since we were at school.

  5. She's been ill for quite a long time.

  6. Jack has lived in Boston since he was born.

  7. Ted's father has been a policeman for 20 years.

  8. He has had his new car since February.

  9. The streets are wet. It has been raining.

  10. She is tired. She's been working hard.

  11. When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, one boy had a black eye. They had been fighting.

  12. They had been playing football for an hour when a terrible storm started.

  13. They hadn't finished their game by that time.

II. Put the verb in the correct tense form

  1. I'm sorry but how long you (to study).

  2. He's out of breath. He (to run).

  3. Tom was very tired. He (to study) hard all day.

  4. When I walked into the room, it was empty. Pete (to go) away.

  5. There was a smell of cigarettes in the room. Somebody (to smoke).

  6. I know Mr. and Ms. Jenkins (to live) in France for 10 years.

  7. When I arrived, Ann (to wait). She was rather angry with me because I was late and she (to wait) for a very long time.

  8. By the time I came home my family (to have) dinner already.

  9. - Hi, Kate! You (to have) lunch yet?

  10. - How long you (to stay) in London when Ted finally came?

    1. Translate into English

1. Когда я приехала домой, я чувствовала себя очень уставшей, я очень много

работала весь день.

2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, дождь уже прекратился, но мы поняли, что он шёл очень долго.

3. - Как долго вы живёте в Минске?

4. Кен курил в течение 30 лет до того времени, когда он, наконец, бросил курить (togiveupsmoking).

5. Я посмотрел в окно, шёл снег, снег шёл всю ночь.

6. Ребёнок кашляет с утра (to cough), надо вызвать врача.

7. Я договорился встретиться с Джоном в ресторане. Я приехал в 7 и начал

ждать. Я ждал 20 минут, когда понял, что я приехал не в тот ресторан.

8. Надо позвать Кейт, она загорает уже 2 часа (to lie in the sun).

9. Когда она вернулась домой, её кожа (skin) была очень красной, она загорала

слишком долго.

Test 15 Passive Voice

I. Translate into Russian

  1. The new hotel will be finished next year.

  2. George might be sent to America by his company in August.

  3. The music at the party was very loud and could be heard from far away.

  4. This room is going to be painted next week.

  5. Please, go away! I want to be left alone.

  6. The windows should be cleaned.

  7. He can't be found anywhere.

  8. The meeting has to be arranged.

II. Turn the following sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice

  1. Somebody cleans this room every day.

  2. They didn't invite me to the party yesterday.

  3. Somebody is knocking at the door.

  4. The police have arrested one man.

  5. Nobody had told him about that by the boss's arrival.

  6. They will have changed the date of the meeting by the 1 st of May.

  7. I didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation.

  8. They are building a new ring road round the city.

  9. They listened to the lecturer attentively.

  10. Everybody is smiling at this pretty child.

III. Make up 2 sentences in the Passive Voice out of one sentence in the Active Voice given below

  1. They didn't offer Ann the job.

  2. They'll give me 2 hours to make a decision.

  3. Someone paid the men $ 800 to do the job.

  4. - Has anyone shown you the new machine?

  5. Somebody is asking him a very interesting question now.

  6. We'll send you your examination results as soon as they are ready.

    1. Translate into English

  1. Джиму не платят много.

  2. При встрече вам зададут много вопросов.

  3. Мне сообщили, что Джордж болен.

  4. - Когда ты родился?

  5. Я хочу, чтобы мне завтра позвонили. • •

  6. - Почему над ребенком сейчас смеются?

  7. Я люблю задавать вопросы, но не люблю, когда мне их задают.

  8. -Вам уже показали новый прибор?

  9. Магнитофон сейчас ремонтируют, подождите немного.

  10. Я слышал, что только что запустили космический корабль (to launch).