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Н.А. Новик Обучающе-контролирующие тесты.doc
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Test 16 Reported Speech

  1. Translate Into Russian

    1. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

    2. I told him not to cry.

    3. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.

    4. The doctor asked the patient if he felt better.

    5. My friend wondered whether I had missed the lecture the previous day.

    6. She was interested how long he had been smoking that brand of cigarettes.

    7. Ted asked Jane when she would go to London.

II.Change the following sentences from direct speech into reported speech, use "He said, ... told, asked ..."

  1. I'm thinking of going to Canada.

  2. My father is in hospital.

  3. I haven't seen Bill for a while.

  4. I've been playing tennis a lot recently.

  5. Margaret has had a baby.

  6. I don't know what Fred is doing.

  7. You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London.

  8. Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.

  9. I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.

  10. Could you do me a favour?

  11. Please, don't be afraid.

  12. Will you go to the concert tomorrow?

  13. Who has taken part in the conference?

  14. Where are you from?

  15. Let's go out tonight.

  16. Shut the door but don't lock it.

III. Translate into English

  1. Она сказала, что окончила Кембриджский университет.

  2. Алис сказала своей подруге, что смотрит телевизор.

  3. Он сказал, что не понимает, о чем я говорю.

  4. Я попросила его не приходить до 6 часов, так как никого не будет дома.

  5. Джордж сказал, что не сможет мне помочь.

  6. Том обещал, что он не опоздает.

  7. Мэри спросила свою подругу, сдала ли она экзамен.

  8. Мать сказала мне, что я должна взять зонт, так как всю ночь идет дождь, и по прогнозу он будет идти весь день.

  9. Учитель сказал ученику, что его доклад очень интересный.

  10. Он сказал, что его сын стал студентом.

Test 17 Participle

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian

  1. The conducting element is made of copper.

  2. The group conducting the research isn't numerous.

  3. While conducting the research, the scientists observed the safety rules.

  4. When conducted, the experiment requires much attention.

  5. Having conducted quite an original experiment successfully, the scientists were completely satisfied.

  6. The engineer found out somebody conducting a test in the laboratory at such a late hour.

  7. He wanted to have this dangerous experiment conducted.

  8. The experiment being conducted, everyone felt a sort of relaxation.

  9. There was a complete silence in the laboratory, all co-workers conducting their research.

II. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences so as to use Participle I Indefinite or Perfect or Participle II

1. When he carried out the test, he followed the rules.

2. As she was ill, she missed her classes.

3. After he had studied the matter, he rang me up.

4. The question which was considered at the meeting was very important.

5. The name of the student who was talking to the Professor was Sokolov.

6. Some materials are good conductors when they are heated.

7. He has a good knowledge of English, he is an excellent interpreter.

III. Open the brackets and use the appropriate form of Participle I or Participle II

1.Tomorrow we'll test a new device (to produce) by our group.

2. (To produce) many new devices our group has become famous at the plant.

3. (To produce) a new device we met a lot of difficulties.

4.This engineer (to design) a new system is my friend.

5. When (to test) the device worked perfectly well.

6. While (to test) the device the engineers made some notes.

7. He (to test) the device for 3 hours by now.

V. Translate into English

  1. Веревки (ropes), изготовленные из медной проволоки (copper wire), были самыми прочными.

  2. Идя в лабораторию, он встретил друга.

  3. Закончив эксперимент, они приступили к испытаниям.

  4. Если погода будет хорошей, мы поедем в деревню.

  5. Мне нужно почистить пальто.

  6. При испытании прибор взорвался (to explode).

  7. Будучи студентом, он много читал.,

  8. Будучи больным, он пропустил занятия.

  9. Услышав звонок, он пошел к двери.

  10. Проводя эксперимент, принимай во внимание следующее…