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Active+Passive Voice2b.doc
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Passive Voice

  1. Выделите в каждом ряду сказуемые в пассиве.

  1. X was 1ed, X am 2ing, X am being 3ed, X is being 4ed, Xs were 5ing;

X will be 6ing, X is 7ed, Xs are 8ing, X am 9ed, Xs are being 10ed;

Xs are 11ed, X will be 12ed, X is 13ing, X was being 14ed, X was 15ing;

Xs are 16ing, Xs were being 17ed, Xs were 18ing, X is 19ing, Xs were 3ed.

  1. Xs have 1ed, X has been 2ed, Xs have been 3ing, X has 4ed;

X had been 5ed, X has been 6ing, X had 7ed, X will have been 8ed;

X will have been 9ing, X will have 10ed, Xs have been 11ed, Xs have 1ed.

  1. X was 1ed, X am 2ing, X will have been 3ing Xs are being 4ed;

X am being 5ed, Xs have been 6ed, X will be 7ing, X will be 8ed;

Xs have been 9ing, X is 10ed, Xs are 11ing, X had been 12ed;

X had 13ed, X is being 14ed, Xs are 15ed, X will have 16ed;

X has been 17ed, Xs were 18ing, X will have been 19ed, X is 20ing;

X was being 21ed, X has been 22ing, Xs were 23ed, X has 24ed;

X was 25ing, Xs were being 26ed, Xs have 27ed, X am 28ed.

  1. Найдите формы, имеющие значение

    1. делалось, было сделано:

X was being 1ed, X am being 2ed, X has been 3ed, X will be 4ed, Xs were 5ed, X is being 6ed, X had been 7ed, Xs were 8ing, X will have been 9ed, Xs were being 10ed, Xs are 11ed, X was 12ed, X has 13ed, X is 14ed, Xs have been 15ed.

    1. делается, будет сделано:

X is 1ed, X was 2ed, X has been 3ing, X am being 4ed, X will be 5ed, Xs have been 6ed, Xs have 7ed, Xs are 8ed, Xs were 9ed, Xs are being 10ed, X am 11ed, X is 12ing, X was being 13ed, X is being 14ed, X will have been 15ed.

  1. Найдите глаголы-сказуемые в пассиве и дайте их русский эквивалент.

  1. 1 was translating, 2s are translated, 3 am being translated, 4s were translating, 5s were translated, 6s are being translated, 7s were being translated, 8 was being translated, 9 was translated, 10 will be translating, 11 is translated, 12 is translating, 13 am translated, 14 is being translated, 15s are translating, 16 will be translated, 17 am translating.

  1. 1 will have translated, 2 had been translated, 3 will have been translating, 4s have been translated, 5s have been translating, 6 will have been translated, 7 had translated, 8 has been translating, 9s have translated, 10 has been translated, 11 has translated.

  1. 1 had translated, 2s have been translated, 3s are being translated, 4 will have translated, 5 is being translated, 6 had been translated, 7 was translating, 8 is translated, 9 will be translated, 10s were being translated, 11 will be translating, 12 was being translated, 13 will have been translated, 14 has been translating, 15 am translating, 16s are translated, 17 am translated, 18s were translated, 19s have translated, 20 am being translated, 21s are translating, 22s have been translating, 23 is translating, 24 has been translated, 25 was translated, 26s were translating, 27 will have been translating, 28 has translated.

  1. Дайте русский эквивалент речевым отрезкам, учитывая форму времени сказуемого в пассивном залоге.

    1. the solution is provided (has been provided, will be provided, was provided);

    2. the unit was arranged (has been arranged, is being arranged, will have been arranged);

    3. the devices are manufactured (had been manufactured, were manufactured, are being manufactured);

    4. the structures were formed (have been formed, were being formed, will be formed).

  1. Найдите глаголы-сказуемые в каждом предложении и дайте их русский эквивалент.

    1. 1. The results of two model tests will be presented in order to demonstrate the potentials of the model.

2. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today

3. The experiments were conducted at the same time in London and Rome.

4. The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.

5. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication.

6. Many new and very interesting projects are planned for orbital stations.

7. A GSM network is composed of several entities with specific interfaces.

8. Bluetooth likewise was intended to unify different technologies, such as computers and mobile phones.

9. Transistors are made of semi-conductors such as silicon and gallium arsenide.

10. A difficult problem is being solved now by engineers.

11. Many technical means will be improved in future.

12. Distances on land and water are being measured with help of the radio now.

13. Until modern times, most information processing machines were designed to do arithmetic.

14. The network of mobile communication is being built in this region.

15. Other automatic controller devices were being developed before the advent of industry standards.

  1. 1. Unfortunately before we make the experiment their work will have been published.

2. The technical problems of colour television have been solved long ago.

3. Finally, ATM technology has been widely accepted as the network technology of choice in every telecommunication service providers network.

4. When the reaction had been finished the temperature fell.

5. Instrument-carrying probes will have been launched on trips to faraway places in the Milky Way.

6. We have not been informed about the experiments.

7. A new interplanetary station has been created.

8. Unfortunately before we make the experiment their work will have been published.

9. By the early part of the twentieth century electromechani­cal machines had been developed

10. This term has been used for a long time.

11. Two popular techniques have been developed for optimization process.

  1. 1. Much of the research in electronics is directed toward creating even smaller chips, faster switching of components, and three-dimensional integrated circuits.

2. In an analogue signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information.

3. Additional transformation was being got from satellites.

4. A Web site has been set up to keep the citizens informed.

5. The control system was developed and put into operation.

6. New industrial enterprises will be built here in the future.

7. New types of integrated circuits have been developed lately.

8. Before the exhibition closes 80 to 90 thousand people will have attended it.

9. At present high-capacity optical transmission systems are being installed between many major US cities at a rapid rate.

10. Single sideband and frequency modulation were invented by amateur radio operators.

11. In factories and plants we are surrounded with electronically con­trolled machines and instruments.

12. The new equipment had been tested for two hours when the chief engineer came and stopped the experiment.

13. Before the sample was tested it had been carefully dried.

14. As it had been theoretically predicted, high-energy alpha particles were registered.

15. It had long been understood that sound was related to the vibration of a mechanical system.

16. It has been estimated that two-thirds of all scientific discoveries have been made since the Second World War.