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4. Give English equivalents.

1) предлагаемые решения; 2) включать (в); 3) делать выводы; 4) широко используются; 5) возможность ошибки; 6) пользовательский интерфейс;

7) совершенствовать

5. Find the answers to the questions.

1. How can you define an expert system?

2. Do expert systems deal with uncertainty?

3. What does the knowledge base contain?

4. The rules are often composed of if-then statements, aren’t they?

5. Can expert systems refine their own knowledge base?

Text c: Neural Networks

Neural networking is a branch of artificial intelligence that allows computers to recognize and act on patterns or trends. A neural network is a computer system that can simulate the functioning of a human brain. The systems use parallel processors in an architecture that is based on the human brain structure. In a neural net thousands of computer processing units are connected in multiple ways, just as the neurons in a brain are connected. Neural nets aren't programmed – they are trained. The net learns by trial and error like humans do.

In addition, neural network software can be used to simulate a neural network using standard computers. Neural networks can process many pieces of data at once and learn to recognize patterns. The systems then program themselves to solve related problems on their own. Some of the specific features on neural networks include the following: the ability to retrieve information, fast modification of stored data, the ability to discover relationships and trends in large databases, the ability to solve complex problems for which all the information is not present.

Neural networks excel at pattern recognition. For example, neural network computers can be used to read bank check codes despite poor-quality printing. Neural networks are also used to identify threats in the sky and to detect submarines underwater by reading the pattern of radar waves. The power companies use neural networks to find electricity usage patterns so that they can analyze rate structures and forecast demand. Neural nets work particularly well when it comes to analyzing detailed trends – tasks that require precise analysis. This technology can also be employed to track individual users and their on-line preferences so that users at e-commerce sites don't have to input the same information each time they log-on – their data will be factored in each time they access a Web site.

1. Link the beginning and the end of the sentence.

1. Neural networking allows a computer

a) the ability to solve complex problems for which all the information is not present.

2. A neural network is designed to work

b) submarines underwater by reading the pattern of radar waves.

3. One of the specific features of neural network is

c) individual user's preferences.

4. Neural networks can detect

d) to recognize patterns and trends.

5. This technology is used to track

e) like the human brain.