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2. Find the words with opposite meaning in the text.

1) disorganize; 2) wired; 3) obsolete; 4) subtract; 5) receive; 6) separate;

7) detach

3. Complete the sentences using active vocabulary.

  1. Each connection point on a network is referred to as … .

  2. Workstations and other devices that connect to an Ethernet require Ethernet … .

  3. This … minimizes cabling, but failure of any devise can take down the entire


  1. The most commonly used … is a router.

  2. Today, the term “Ethernet” refers to a family of LAN technologies that offer

various date … rates over fiber-optic and twisted-pair cables arranged in a bus or star topology.

  1. … networks are especially desirable for notebook and tablet computers.

4. Read the sentences translating the Russian fragments unto English.

  1. Ethernet simultaneously broadcasts (пакет данных) to all network devices.

  2. These cables (соединяют) workstations and peripherals to a central connection

called an Ethernet hub.

  1. (Как в случае с проводной сетью) Ethernet, every workstation and network

peripheral requires interface circuitry.

  1. A Wi-Fi card (включает) a transmitter, receiver, and antenna to transmit signals.

  2. (В отличие от) Wi-Fi, Bluetooth is not typically used to connect a collection of workstation.

5. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the current LAN standards?

  2. How does Ethernet work?

  3. What equipment is required for a home Ethernet?

  4. What is Wi-Fi and the equipment it requires?

  5. Are there any alternative wireless networking technologies available?


Speak on the following topics.

1. Ways of reducing costs by sharing networked hardware and software.

2. Similarities and differences of numerous types of networks.

3. Different types of network topologies and the advantages of each of them.

4. The current LAN technologies.

Список литературы:

1. Haag S., Cummings M. Management Information Systems for the Information Age (8th edition) / S. Haag, M.Cummings. – Denver: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010. –592 c.

2. Stair R.M., Reynolds G.W.Principles of Information Systems / R.M.Stair, G.W. Cummings. – Strayer: Course Technology, 2009. – 704c.

3. Parsons J.J.,Oja D.Computer Concepts (9th edition) J.J. Parson, D.Oja – Boston: Cengage Learning, 2009. – 160 c.

Св. план 2012, поз. 72

Учебное издание

Дубовец Наталья Ивановна

Туник Ольга Владимировна

Булавская Татьяна Владимировна и др.

Развитие навыков чтения и устной речи на английском языке


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