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вопросы 1к 1сем 2013

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ФЭФ, 1 курс 1 семестр


“Guide to Economics” Units 1-5

  1. What do economists do?

  2. What everyday problems do you think people face in a planned economy?

  3. What do neoclassical economists believe about consumers?

  4. What do you think a company has to spend money on?

  5. Do you know the names of any famous economists from the past or anything about their ideas?

  6. What products or services are most in demand in the country now?

  7. Do you think most countries have a market which is free from government management?

  8. Who decides what products are for sale in a free market?

  9. What trade-offs do you make every day?

  10. What are microeconomics and macroeconomics?

  11. Why is an economy of scale good?

  12. What are costs?

  13. What is planned economy?

  14. What is a budget constraint?

  15. What kind of people do you think still live in a traditional economy today? Where do they live?

What are their lives like?

  1. How do the decisions we make affect the rest of the world?

  2. What does economics study?

  3. Why does technology exist in the market economy?

  4. Why are costs important?

  5. Why is a competition a good thing?

  6. What is a traditional economy?

  7. What is utility?

  8. Can you think of any examples of situations where people don't use money, either from the past or now?

  9. Does the market take into account the needs of producers and consumers?

  10. What use is the study of economics?

  11. If you were a producer, how would you react to increases, or the opposite - decreases in demand?

  12. Who controls a market economy?

  13. Do you think about your budget constraints?

  14. Why do governments choose to run some industries?

  15. What are fixed costs?

  16. Why do governments deregulate some industries?

  17. Name ways for companies to make a profit.

  18. Why is a dis-economy of scale bad?

  19. Is economics only the study of money?

  20. Why are there no true market economies in the world today?

  21. What are variable costs?

  22. How do people make decisions about what to buy? Do people make rational decisions? Why?

  23. What is cross-sectional analysis?

  24. How do you think society would be run? Would there be an economy as we understand it?

  25. Apart from price, what other things affect demand for a product or service?

  26. Do you think the free market is a good idea? Is it good for society? Why?

  27. Why do you think the traditional economy has almost disappeared?

Would you like to live in a traditional economy?

  1. What is the role of the market?

  2. What is econometrics?

ФЭФ, 1курс 1 семестр


  1. The science of economics. Microeconomics and macroeconomics.

  2. History of economic thought.

  3. The law of demand.

  4. The traditional economy.

  5. The market economy.

  6. The planned economy.

  7. The mixed economy.

  8. Consumer choices. Costs and supply.

Факультет экономики и финансов


Формат экзамена

1 курс 1 семестр


1. Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест.

2. Контрольные работы: Present Simple-Present Continuous. Present Perfect-Past Simple.

3.Перевод со словарём текста по специальности с английского языка на русский язык

(1500 знаков). Время выполнения - 45 мин. Перевод проводится на предпоследнем занятии.


  1. Перевод со словарём с английского языка на русский язык пяти предложений, содержащих профессиональную лексику, а также грамматические трудности в соответствии с пройденным материалом.

  2. Перевод со словарём с русского языка на английский язык пяти предложений, содержащих профессиональную лексику, а также грамматические трудности в соответствии с пройденным материалом.

3.Ответы на вопросы по профессиональным и разговорным темам (5 вопросов).

4. Презентация по одной из тем:

  • The science of economics. Microeconomics and macroeconomics.

  • History of economic thought.

  • The law of demand.

  • The traditional economy.

  • The market economy.

  • The planned economy.

  • The mixed economy.

  • Consumer choices. Costs and supply.