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Урок 5.

1. Грамматика.

Задание 5. Выполните тест.

1. Her things_______an hour ago.

a) were packed b) packed c) were packing

2. The house _____next year.

a) was repaired b) will repair c) will be repaired

3. The room_____every morning.

a) cleans b) is cleaned c) will be cleaned

4. He is in the classroom now. He__________an experiment.

a) make b) is making c) was making d) makes

5. When does our class begin?

The class____________at 8.30 a.m.

a) is beginning b) began c) begins d) will begin

6. He __________the University in 1997.

a) graduated of b) graduated from c) was graduated d) was graduated from

7. This cap is...of cotton

a) made b) done c) prepared d) created

2. Лексический минимум.

Текст А.


It’s a complicated, demanding thing - surf-riding- almost more an art than a sport/ And it’s a modern thing It’s not one of those sprots where you meet Charlie for a game of sq1uash every Saturday and shake his hand, with a “See you next week, Charlie”. No. In surfing you are absolutely on your own with something very fast and very difficult and very unpredictable.

A lot of people don’t understand anything of this. They think you just climb on a board and tide a wave into the beach, and that’s that. And of course you can do that if you want to. But in functional surfing; you don’t just challenge the wave; you control it. Surfing is essentially an individualistic sport with no necessary interplay of ideas between riders. Some surfers think that two people on the same wave is too many.

Walking and Camping.

Most people try to get by with 30 pounds for a woman and 40 pounds for an adult male. There is probably nothing about which experienced hikers are more definite than boots. Boots should fit comfortably over two pars of socks, one thin and one thick. They should protect the ankles, support the foot, and withstand long mileage on rocks and roots. There are two major types of packs used today: the packboard and the rucksack. To take a tent or not to - that is the backpacker’s question. A bed beneath the stars has romantic appeal, but in most parts of the country, it’s best top be practical and carry some kind of shelter. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than waking up to rain or snow in the face.

Задание 6. Расскажите о том, как Вы любите отдыхать.

Текст Б.

The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy. Managers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called subordinates. To do this successfully, they must use their authority, which is the right to take the decisions and give the orders that will allow their subordinates to reach certain objectives. Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees at lower levels of the company hierarchy can participate in decision-making.

Упражнение 1. Обсудите характеристики американских менеджеров.

American managers

generally attend business school

communicate easily and informally at work

admire the qualities of a leader

expect everyone to work hard (Individual performance is measured and initiative is rewarded)

have competitive and often aggressive attitudes towards work

often accept innovation and change.

Задание 7. Охарактеризуйте российских менеджеров, используя следующие слова и выражения.(Try to characterize Russian managers using some of the following expressions.)

to consider professional and technical skills to be very important

to have a strong sense of authority

to be very loyal to their companies

to be often older (younger) than in other countries

to receive a general education

to delegate authority

to have rather formal (informal) relationships at work

to encourage their employees to work individually