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A Journey into the World of Language Learning

1. Starting a journey into the world of language learning involves plunging into a new language. English learning implies to get into a diversity of new activities, it is adapting of an ear to unfamiliar sounds, foreign pronunciation and mastering of huge amounts of new vocabulary. English learning is a complicated and multistage process, which requires much efforts, long periods of time, inexhaustible patience and perseverance.

2. Mastering a foreign language depends a lot on a person’s learning style. One student sits rigidly at attention and wants to repeat each word after the teacher. Another may only feel happy with the security of a workbook to be worked through carefully, while a third may have no study skills at all and find it extremely difficult to maintain concentration. A fourth may learn everything by rote, yet have no understanding of meaning.

3. A common difficulty which awaits every English language learner is applying of four different types of activities: listening, speaking, writing and reading into the patterns of a new language practically simultaneously.

4. Learning English is a laborious process. Extremely hard work stands behind its mastering and results which a learner gets in learning English is a direct payback of his diligence and work.

5. Undoubtedly, a way to perfect English mastery is rather complicated, a learner can confront with an abundance of challenges. The main thing is not to give in. Every person can master a foreign language up to his/her specific standard and attain his definite results in language learning.

Topic 3. A Friend in Need

A Small Circle of Good Friends Is Better Than One Best Friend

The Party Partner

There is a time in most children’s lives when they have just one best friend. This is the only person they are interested in and the only person they need. But as we get older, most people realise that it’s actually much healthier to have a small circle of good friends with different personality types.

Firstly, a “party partner” is essential. You need at least one wild friend who encourages you to do spontaneous things like go to a late night party or buy something really expensive. This kind of friend will put interest back in your life. He or she will make you feel more energetic and relieve a lot of stress.

The Workmate

Secondly, you also need a workmate. This friend helps you with your schoolwork or your career. He or she advises you and discusses your progress. If you have a friend like this, you are in luck. This is someone who will support you and encourage you to do your best. It’s a good idea to find someone who is at a similar life stage or a bit older. But don’t choose someone who is too competitive. You need someone self-confident and generous for this kind of friend.

The hobby sharer

Thirdly, one kind of friend who is fun to have is “hobby sharer”. If you start a new hobby, like going to the gym, it is much more motivating to have someone to go with. This friendship could collapse at any time but it is very nice while it lasts. The great thing about this kind of friend is that you can start all sorts of new things with different “hobby sharer” friends. He or she can help you move on to a new stage in your life.

The “Tell-anything” Friend

Finally, almost the opposite of “the hobby sharer” is the kind of friend known as the “tell-anything” friend. He or she could also be known as your “three-in-the-morning” friend. You might never have to wake this friend up because you are in a panic about something, but you know you could. This is perhaps the only friend who you show your worst side to and with whom you can truly be yourself. The key to being a “tell-anything” friend is that even though you may not agree with your friend, you are always loyal and always on their side. This, after all, is what a true friend should be.

Topic 4. Likes and Dislikes (Hobbies and Pastimes)

1. A hundred years ago, there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it is even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their spare time. But there’s no need to say that all people are different. Our tastes differ. One prefers Belarusian cuisine to Japanese food, another British to Spanish. The same is true about our pursuits.

2. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize and a sense of excitement and expectation.

3. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those people who have got really interested in some kind of activity, which has become something favourite and admired.

4. Some people go in for different kinds of indoor and outdoor sports such as bicycling, bowling, tennis, table-tennis, fishing, skiing, skating. Aerobics is one of the most popular leisure activities for women.

5. The most common leisure activities are home based, or social, such as visiting relatives or friends. Other popular pursuits include listening to the radio, reading, do-it-yourself home improvements, gardening and going out for a meal or for a drink.

6. People around the world relax in very different ways. In Russia, a Russian banya or bath house is one of favourite leisure activities. Russians of all types meet there at any time of day. They go there to relax, to talk to their friends and even to discuss business. It’s a wonderful place! It doesn’t matter if you are old or young, fat or thin. There are cold baths, as well as a hot room where temperature can reach forty-three degrees.

7. It is great when people have some kind of hobby, whether it is collecting coins, supporting your favourite football team, or just shopping. Sometimes people’s hobbies turn into a life passion, become an all absorbing interest of the whole life and even an addiction. But you should take care that your hobby does not become an obsession.