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When we hit the Add User button, the application blows up, as we don’t yet have an index action defined. But we can check that the user data was created by looking in the database.


mysql depot_development



select * from users;







| id |

name |

hashed _ password








1 |

dave |

e5e9fa1ba31ecd1ae84f75caaa474f3a663f05f4 |







row in set (0.00 sec)


11.2 Iteration F2: Logging In

What does it mean to add login support for administrators of our store?

• We need to provide a form that allows them to enter their user name and password.

• Once they are logged in, we need to record the fact somehow for the rest of their session (or until they log out).

• We need to restrict access to the administrative parts of the applica-


tion, allowing only people who are logged in to administer the store.


We’ll need a login( ) action in the login controller, and it will need to record


something in session to say that an administrator is logged in. Let’s have it


store the id of their User object using the key :user_id. The login code looks


like this.

File 52

def login


if request.get?


session[:user_id] = nil


@user = User.new




@user = User.new(params[:user])


logged_in_user = @user.try_to_login

if logged_in_user

session[:user_id] = logged_in_user.id redirect_to(:action => "index")


flash[:notice] = "Invalid user/password combination" end

end end

This uses the same trick that we used with the add_user( ) method, handling both the initial request and the response in the same method. On the initial GET we allocate a new User object to provide default data to the form. We also clear out the user part of the session data; when you’ve reached the login action, you’re logged out until you successfully log in.

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If the login action receives POST data, it extracts it into a User object. It



invokes that object’s try_to_login( ) method. This returns a fresh User object



corresponding to the user’s row in the database, but only if the name and



hashed password match. The implementation, in the model file user.rb, is





File 54

def self.login(name, password)



hashed_password = hash_password(password || "")






:conditions => ["name = ? and hashed_password = ?",



name, hashed_password])






def try_to_login



User.login(self.name, self.password)






We also need a login view, login.rhtml. This is pretty much identical to



the add_user view, so let’s not clutter up the book by showing it here.



(Remember, a complete listing of the Depot application starts on page 486.)



Finally, it’s about time to add the index page, the first thing that admin-



istrators see when they log in. Let’s make it useful—we’ll have it display



the total number of orders in our store, along with the number pending



shipping. The view is in the file index.rhtml in the directory app/views/login.


File 56

<% @page_title = "Administer your Store" -%>



<h1>Depot Store Status</h1>






Total orders in system: <%= @total_orders %>









Orders pending shipping: <%= @pending_orders %>






The index( ) action sets up the statistics.


File 52

def index



@total_orders = Order.count



@pending_orders = Order.count_pending






And we need to add a class method to the Order model to return the count



of pending orders.


File 53

def self.count_pending



count("shipped_at is null")





Now we can experience the joy of logging in as an administrator.

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We show our customer where we are, but she points out that we still haven’t controlled access to the administrative pages (which was, after all, the point of this exercise).


11.3 Iteration F3: Limiting Access


We want to prevent people without an administrative login from accessing


our site’s admin pages. It turns out that it’s easy to implement using the


Rails filter facility.


Rails filters allow you to intercept calls to action methods, adding your own


processing before they are invoked, after they return, or both. In our case,


we’ll use a before filter to intercept all calls to the actions in our admin


controller. The interceptor can check session[:user_id]. If set, the application


knows an administrator is logged in and the call can proceed. If it’s not


set, the interceptor can issue a redirect, in this case to our login page.


Where should we put this method? It could sit directly in the admin


controller, but, for reasons that will become apparent shortly, let’s put


it instead in the ApplicationController, the parent class of all our controllers.


This is in the file application.rb in the directory app/controllers.

File 59

def authorize


unless session[:user_id]


flash[:notice] = "Please log in"


redirect_to(:controller => "login", :action => "login")






This authorization method can be invoked before any actions in the admin-


istration controller by adding just one line.

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File 58

class AdminController < ApplicationController

before_filter :authorize

# ...


We need to make a similar change to the login controller. Here, though, we


want to allow the login action to be invoked even if the user is not logged


in, so we exempt it from the check.

File 60

class LoginController < ApplicationController


before_filter :authorize, :except => :login


# . .


If you’re following along, delete your session file (because in it we’re already


logged in). Navigate to http://localhost:3000/admin/ship. The filter method


intercepts us on the way to the shipping screen and shows us the login


screen instead.

We show our customer and are rewarded with a big smile and a request. Could we add the user administration stuff to the menu on the sidebar and add the capability to list and delete administrative users? You betcha!

Adding a user list to the login controller is easy; in fact it’s so easy we won’t bother to show it here. Have a look at the source of the controller on page 490 and of the view on page 498. Note how we link the delete functionality to the list of users. Rather than have a delete screen that asks for a user name and then deletes that user, we simply add a delete link next to each name in the list of users.

Would the Last Admin to Leave...

The delete function does raise one interesting issue, though. We don’t want to delete all the administrative users from our system (because if we

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did we wouldn’t be able to get back in without hacking the database). To


prevent this, we use a hook method in the User model, arranging for the


method dont_destroy_dave( ) to be called before a user is destroyed. This


method raises an exception if an attempt is made to delete the user with


the name dave (Dave seems to be a good name for the all-powerful user,


no?). We’ll take the opportunity to show the second way of defining call-


backs, using a class-level declaration (before_destroy), which references the


instance method that does the work.

File 61

before_destroy :dont_destroy_dave


def dont_destroy_dave


raise "Can't destroy dave" if self.name == 'dave'




page 477

This exception is caught by the delete( ) action in the login controller, which reports an error back to the user.

File 60

def delete_user



= params[:id]



id && user = User.find(id)





flash[:notice] = "User #{user.name} deleted" rescue

flash[:notice] = "Can't delete that user" end


redirect_to(:action => :list_users) end


page 477


Updating the Sidebar


Adding the extra administration functions to the sidebar is straightfoward.


We edit the layout admin.rhtml and follow the pattern we used when adding


the functions in the admin controller. However, there’s a twist. We can use


the fact that the session information is available to the views to determine


if the current session has a logged-in user. If not, we suppress the display


of the sidebar menu altogether.

File 62



<title>ADMINISTER Pragprog Books Online Store</title>

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "scaffold", "depot", "admin", :media => "all" %>

</head> <body>

<div id="banner">

<%= @page_title || "Administer Bookshelf" %>


<div id="columns"> <div id="side">

<% if session[:user_id] -%>

<%= link_to("Products", :controller => "admin", :action => "list") %><br />

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<%= link_to("Shipping",

:controller => "admin",




:action => "ship") %><br />







<%= link_to("Add user",

:controller => "login",




:action => "add_user") %><br />



<%= link_to("List users", :controller => "login",




:action => "list_users") %><br />







<%= link_to("Log out",

:controller => "login",




:action => "logout") %>



<% end -%>








<div id="main">




<% if flash[:notice] -%>




<div id="notice"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>



<% end -%>




<%= @content_for_layout %>




















Logging Out




Our administration layout has a logout option in the sidebar menu. Its



implementation in the login controller is trivial.


File 60

def logout




session[:user_id] = nil




flash[:notice] = "Logged out"



redirect_to(:action => "login") end

We call our customer over one last time, and she plays with the store application. She tries our new administration functions and checks out the buyer experience. She tries to feed bad data in. The application holds up beautifully. She smiles, and we’re almost done.

We’ve finished adding functionality, but before we leave for the day we have one last look through the code. We notice a slightly ugly piece of duplication in the store controller. Every action apart from index has to find the user’s cart in the session data. The line

@cart = find_cart

appears five times in the controller. Now that we know about filters we can fix this. We’ll change the find_cart( ) method to store its result directly into the @cart instance variable.

def find_cart

@cart = (session[:cart] ||= Cart.new) end

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