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Figure 11.1: Our Application’s Internal Documentation

We’ll then use a before filter to call this method on every action apart from index.

before_filter :find_cart, :except => :index

This lets us remove the five assignments to @cart in the action methods. The final listing is shown starting on page 491.

11.4 Finishing Up

The coding is over, but we can still do a little more tidying before we deploy the application into production.

We might want to check out our application’s documentation. As we’ve been coding, we’ve been writing brief but elegant comments for all our classes and methods. (We haven’t shown them in the code extracts in this book because we wanted to save space.) Rails makes it easy to run Ruby’s RDoc utility on all the source files in an application to create good-looking


page 480

Prepared exclusively for Rida Al Barazi

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programmer documentation. But before we generate that documentation, we should probably create a nice introductory page so that future generations of developers will know what our application does. To do this, edit the file doc/README_FOR_APP and enter anything you think might be useful. This file will be processed using RDoc, so you have a fair amount of formatting flexibility.

You can generate the documentation in HTML format using the rake command.

depot> rake appdoc

This generates documentation into the directory doc/app. Figure 11.1, on the page before shows the initial page of the output generated.

11.5 More Icing on the Cake

Although it was fun writing our own login code, and we learned a lot about Rails along the way, in a real-life project we might well have taken a different route.

The Rails generator facility can be extended—folks can create new generators for others to use. If you look at the page that lists these add-ons,3 you’ll see at least two off-the-shelf login controllers, both with a lot more functionality than the one we just wrote. It might be prudent to experiment with these before creating your own user management system.

If you do decide to stick with a roll-your-own login controller, you might be interested in a simple trick suggested by Erik Hatcher. The authorize( ) method that we wrote is invoked before any incoming request. Should it decide that the user isn’t logged in, it redirects to the login action.

Erik suggests extending it to save the incoming request parameters in the session before redirecting to log the user in.

def authorize

unless session[:user_id] flash[:notice] = "Please log in"

#save the URL the user requested so we can hop back to it

#after login

session[:jumpto] = request.parameters

redirect_to(:controller => "login", :action => "login") end



Prepared exclusively for Rida Al Barazi

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Then, once the login is successful, use these saved parameters in a redirect to take the browser to the page the user originally intended to visit.

def login

if request.get? session[:user_id] = nil @user = User.new


@user = User.new(params[:user_id]) logged_in_user = @user.try_to_login

if logged_in_user

session[:user_id] = logged_in_user

jumpto = session[:jumpto] || { :action => "index" } session[:jumpto] = nil

redirect_to(jumpto) else

flash[:notice] = "Invalid user/password combination" end

end end

What We Just Did

By the end of this session we’ve done the following.

We used hook methods in the User model to map the password from plain text on the application side to a hashed form in the database. We also used a hook to remove the plain-text password from the user object once the hashed version had been saved.

We moved some application-wide controller helper methods into the

ApplicationController class in the file application.rb in app/controllers.

We used a new style of interaction between action methods and views, where a single action uses the request type to determine if it should display a new view or capture data from an existing one.

We controlled access to the administration functions using before filters to invoke an authorize( ) method.

We used a before_destroy( ) hook in the User model to prevent the last user row from being deleted from the database.

We made the menu in the sidebar dynamic, displaying only if an administrator is logged in.

We saw how to generate the documentation for our application.

Prepared exclusively for Rida Al Barazi

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