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1 Paragraph

advisor советник

to address the interests учитывать нужды

consistent соответствующий

2 paragraph

to conquer завоевать

wholeвесь, целый



goldandivoryзолото и слоновая кость




commonобычный, распространенный. общий,


commemorativeпамятный, мемориальный

stampмарка, печать, штамп

and so on и так далее

3 paragraph

BC; AD before Christ, до н.э.; Anno Domini ; н.э.,( нашей эры)

to contribute вносить вклад

contemporary современный


todevelopразвивать, создавать

compelling неотразимый

to remain оставаться

influential влиятельный

4 paragraph

exploits подвиги

to convince убедить

stateсостояние, государство


accountотчет, описание

5 paragraph


todeliverвыступать (с речью), доставлять

closeблизкий, тесный

courtдвор(королевский), суд

in charge of ответственный за

6 paragraph


hardshipsтрудности, тяготы

Упражнение 1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Do you know anything about the beginning of PR activity?

  2. Is the history of public relations of interest to you? Why, or why not?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:


1. Ptah-hotep, the advisor to one of the ancient Egyptian pharoahs, wrote about 2,200 BC of the need forcommunicating truthfully, addressing audience interests, and acting in a manner consistent with what is being said.

2. Philip of Macedonia had conquered the whole of Greece. His son Alexander the Great extended his rule throughout Northern Africa, Asia Minor and India. Both rulers had gold and ivory statues of themselves placed in towns and temples throughout the conquered lands as constant reminders of their presence – a common technique associated with public relations, still practiced in examples such as commemorative stamps, monuments, stadiums, named buildings, and so on.

3 Aristotle of Athens contributed most to contemporary communication thought. Aristotle analyzed persuasive communication and taught others how to be effective speakers, specifically by developing compelling and ethical arguments. Aristotle's book Rhetoric remains influential to this day.

4 In 50 B.C. Julius Caesar wrote the first campaign biography1, Caesar’s Gallic Wars. He publicized his military exploits to convince the Roman people that he would make the best head of state. Candidates for political office continue to publicize themselves with campaign biographies and accounts of military exploits to this day.

5 In 394 A.D., St. Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in Milan, the capital of the Western Roman Empire. He delivered the regular eulogies2 to the emperor and was the closest thing to a minister of propaganda for the imperial court. Thus, St. Augustine was one of the first people in charge of public relations. The modern equivalent would be the President’s press secretary or communication director.

6. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote “The Crisis,” a pamphlet3, which convinced the soldiers of Washington’s army to stay and fight at a time when so many were prepared to desert so they could escape the hardships of a winter campaign. Paine was a master of political propaganda whose writing could get people to do things and believe things.



1. campaign biography - (биография кандидата, изданная с агитационными целями)

2. eulogies - (хвалебная речь)

3. pamphlet (брошюра; буклет)

Упражнение 2.Найдите синонимы:

to contribute conquer

  1. deliver (a speech)

  1. honest

  1. truthful

  1. give

  1. conquer

  1. deed

  1. exploit

  1. modern

  1. persuasive

  1. overcome

  1. contemporary

  1. convincing

Упражнение 3..Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Ptah-hotep, wrote about the necessity to act in a manner consistent withwhat is being said.

a. true to b. contrary to c. systematic with

2. Alexander the Great had his gold and ivory statues placed in towns and temples throughout the conquered lands as a constantreminderof his presence.

a. color b. symbol c. forgetfulness

3, Aristotle's book Rhetoric remains influential to this day.

a. outdated b. forgotten c. important

4. The soldiers of Washington’s army were prepared to desert.

a. to leave b. to stay c. to have dinner

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

  1. What did Ptah-hotep write about 2,200 BC?

  2. Why did Alexander the Great had his gold and ivory statues placed in towns and temples throughout the conquered lands?

  3. What examples of the modern constant reminding of the presence are given?

  4. Did ancient Greeks have any idea about public relations?

  5. What was the basis of persuasive communication according to Aristotle?

  6. Where was the first campaign biography written?.

  7. Who was one of the first people in charge of public relations?

  8. Why do we call Thomas Paine the master of political propaganda?

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

Case study

1. Tylenol is the name of the book.

2. Johnson & Johnson told the truth about the crisis.

3. They didn’t tell anybody about their efforts.

At the beginning of 1980s the two companies Bristol-Myers and Johnson & Johnson encountered the crises of cyanide-tainted1 capsules in their drugs called Extra-Strength Execedrin and Tylenol. They didn’t try to conceal the bad news when the poisoned capsules were discovered. The companies immediately removed the products from the store shelves and publicized both their efforts and their concern for the safety of the customers.



1. cyanide-tainted – загрязненный цианидом